The ZONE Podcast: Nerdy News and Reviews

Science Fell in Love: So We Tried to Review It

JetBlackXtreme, Kokugatsu Season 17 Episode 8

Can love really be measured and analyzed scientifically? Join us as we tackle this intriguing question in our latest episode, where we explore the fascinating intersection of romance and science in the anime "Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It." Discover how the series balances heartfelt emotions with logical inquiry and meet the captivating characters who bring this unique narrative to life at Saitama University. With a diverse cast including the rational Ayame Himuro and Shinya Yukimura, and the contrasting personalities of Kanade, Ibra, and Unikai, we promise you’ll walk away with a newfound appreciation for how love and science can coexist.

Navigating matters of the heart can be a complex endeavor, especially when societal norms are questioned. We dive into the challenges of love and maturity, discussing scenarios like a student's crush on a teacher and the responsibilities of adults in such situations. Through the lens of anime, we explore how media shapes our perceptions of relationships, emphasizing the role of both logic and emotion in decision-making. Tune in to hear our thoughts on why communication and understanding are crucial in fostering mature relationships and how these themes are skillfully woven into anime storylines.

Lastly, join our lively discussion on anime sequels and the ever-evolving journey of character development. We share the anticipation fans feel for future seasons and critique series like "No Game No Life" and "Science Fell in Love." Plus, we bring some humor to the table with stories like using "Osmosis Jones" to teach hygiene and compare TV shows like "Abbott Elementary" to other mockumentaries. We even address the controversy surrounding "Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher?" and its surprising themes. Get ready for an insightful and entertaining episode that promises to make you laugh while pondering the intricacies of love and storytelling.

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Stay nerdy and stay faithful,
- J.B.

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Speaker 1:

Hey yo, coco guys. So you remember, when we were talking about science, fell in love. So I tried to prove it, where you were saying how much you liked the series and I was like, oh well, by the name of that title I can only imagine what the show is about. So I was guessing. Let me guess two scientists, their geniuses in their own right. They decide, hey yo, you know what, there's geniuses in their own right. They decide, hey yo, you know what? What if we fell in love with each other? Can you prove that you're in love with me? Or some shit like that. Well, you know what? I decided to go ahead and give the series a chance, like a fair chance, to see how good it is. And I am fairly impressed, like, I kind of like it, but I will admit there is one thing about it that rubbed me the wrong way. It kind of made me a little mad. But I'll get there when we get there.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about the premise. So the story is set in this science lab at Saitama University. So the story is set in this science lab at Saitama University when you have this chick, ayame Yukimura, and you have this other guy, shinya Yukimura. They're both information data scientists. They're data scientists. And the thing is, one day, ayame Well, I'm just going to call him by the last name, so it's easier for me uh, one day Himuro showed up and was like, hey, yo, himuro, I just might be in love with you. And he was like, uh, can you prove that? And then it just been like almost 24 episodes, yeah, almost 24 episodes. Yeah, almost 24 episodes, trying to do all that. I say almost because let's just say there's like some side changes, but once again, we'll get there.

Speaker 1:

When we get there, when we get there, we have humor who, honestly, I would say she makes me think that I like the character design, like, I like her characters, even though it's like not exactly like stick out in a way. But I don't know, it's like this comes up on like easy on the eyes in a sense, like especially the way they try to Like the way they Animated or colored her Leggings and whatnot. It's like, okay, you kind of draw the eyes a little bit. I kind of like that Yukimura dude looking like A villain in glasses. He kind of reminds me of Buddy from Steins, which, by the way, we need to review that.

Speaker 1:

Kanade, I mean. I know her last name is Kota Noah, but honestly her first name sounds easy for me to pronounce Kanade. She's the more grounded straight girl. She's the more grounded Like straight girl, like not like in a sexual way, but more like in a thematic way, where she's the one where Kimura and Yukimura are like the whack jobs Of the lab and she's the one that's like oh my god, what are these crazy people doing? This time she's like the voice of reason In a way. And we have Ibra, who's like this Lazy gamer type girl who kind of like, kind of tease Unikai, who also like a gaming enthusiast, but let's just say he's one of those otaku that you would probably expect to have like figurines and body pillows, figurines and body pillows.

Speaker 1:

And even the series itself explains how it's. Hey man, look if that's how you, you roll, I'm like all right, well, okay, cool, cool, cool. But it's kind of weird, not gonna lie. But the thing is the series blend themes of romance, scientific inquiry, uh, creating a unique and entertaining narrative to where it's like it plays out like the typical rom-com, but because the way they use scientific law and theory, like the chaos theory and whatnot, it doesn't come off as boring to me, you actually learn a little bit, like even if you already knew that it's just refreshing to see an anime like go through the trouble of trying to explain it. So that's why I would say I would highly recommend science, fell in love for as far as like rom-coms. So there's that.

Speaker 1:

For the part, I did like the series, so I got to get into some more notes and then I will hand it off to you, kokuyasu. But what else I wanted to talk about? Oh yeah, I do appreciate that the series takes place at university level, unlike most anime where it takes like high school kids. So it would be easier to recommend this show to the young adult demographic. I do appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

Uh, I was surprised that a young yukimura explained to a young himuro about the halo effect, where you know your appearance. But in other words, it's like saying, if you look like shit, you might feel like shit and therefore you might be treated like shit. But, however, if you carry yourself with respect, you'll feel proud of yourself and people will be like okay, well, I got stuff correct to you. It kind of depends on how you carry yourself. How you carry yourself both inside and outward is going to have an effect on everyone else. I do like how they explain that. Oh yeah, I was mentioning Murphy's Law. They go into that too. They're just spitting facts and observations that I can relate to.

Speaker 1:

There's also the biolab scientists Suyu and Chris. Now they already have a relationship for like four years and I like how suyu's like this seductive, voluptuous um scientist. Meanwhile chris is like more the prudent small boy, like even uh suyu can't call him like a pomeranian or a chihuahua or whatever, and it's kind of cute. And it's like they kind of made the mc couple uh question their own dynamic. But personally I say that they shouldn't be concerned about another pairing. The grass is green where it's being watered with discipline.

Speaker 1:

Because love is not just a feeling, it's action, it's commitment, it's collaboration, it's compromise, it's synergy, it's so much more than that. So you, just now, because you're inexperienced with relationship, of course you're like brand new to it. So that's what I'm saying Like you can't just like science your way out of love. Like sometimes love can be irrational to a point to where you just got to like understand on a spiritual level. You know what I mean. But uh, later on in the series ollie enough inukai, I thought him fighting his feeling for ibarra uh, was cuter than the mc couple developing their relationship, because he was like no way I like this little demon, this little palm top tiger.

Speaker 1:

By the way, we also need to review Tordora. I do like that series, I will admit they kind of had me in the mid season Episode of season 2, the way they came off as a season finale One day like, oh well, now that we Pretty much proved that we're in love with each other, it's like, oh, the series is over, so what the last 6 episodes Is going to with each other? It's like, oh, the series is over, so what the last six episodes is going to be? Like, no, no, it's just step two. You thought we were finished. I like how they did that fourth wall break kind of uh thing right there.

Speaker 1:

Uh, I think the only thing that I don't like about the story is the way they handled the kind of day backstory like she wanted to date her old teacher, which which he was against, as he should be, but time today was determined to go on a quote-unquote date with him, like you know, like how he was like, oh well, I don't know about that boy if I just have to be out and about, you just have to be in the same space, I'm not going to just ignore you, you know what I mean. And he was like, okay, she was like all right, bet, bet, and I'm like, girl, let it go. But it happened anyways, where they were just out and about and then he was like, okay, hanging out. Well, I'm like okay, it's not a date, we're just hanging out, um, but then at some point he accidentally tripped on a rock and almost fell on her and kind of dates, martial arts training. By the way, did I mention that she was being trained by her grandfather to learn martial arts so she can learn to protect herself? That's gonna going to matter in just a bit. And she slammed him reflexively and since then she tried to be normal lay low with her and her mom, blaming her grandfather's training for the incident. I don't like it because, one, she was pursuing an inappropriate relationship with a grown man and two, her grandfather was training her for her own protection against predators, which, once again, I'm going to get to in just a moment. And three, the incident could have been swept under the rug with an explanation, while omitting that she was pursuing a romantic relationship with the teacher and the whole thing probably would have been blown over months after his discharge from the hospital. Or, better yet, stop trying to take your teacher. It's as if they made it worse by she made it worse by saying nothing and chose to let it be her hang-up, and it's one of those kind of scenarios that men in real life is afraid of, because of the incident could have ruined this man's reputation and his very livelihood. But for the sake of keeping the story focused, I'm glad that it didn't get that far.

Speaker 1:

But then again it went full circle at the finale, where you find out this dude that she was down dating, like shikijo, was the kind of guy her grandfather warned her about to where he was, like one of those creepy dudes that like didn't know how to take no for an answer. And then next thing you know he tried to attack her. She slammed him, but instead of like running away, uh, she just stood there like surprised that she did it. And then dude got up, hit her with a stun gun, took her to this shady place where him and his boys was gonna have their way with her. But luckily it didn't get that far. But she did try to take accountability for herself, uh, at the last minute.

Speaker 1:

But then, uh, the plot built her out of a dark situation where you keep more pulling up explaining how, like, oh yeah, it's not your fault what happened, um, and also the teacher, like. They got the teacher guy and everybody else at the lab on tape. Like you know, I made a recording saying like hey yo, like, let's just play. Like they straight up had like a whole presentation in this whole uh bar, like, and these guys like what the fuck is all this? But oh, full point being is that Yukimura scared them away with acid, quote unquote. But naturally it was just water. He wasn't dumb enough to actually bring acid, but he wanted to trick the guys into running away and that bought him enough time for the cops to show up.

Speaker 1:

By the way, himuro in a police uniform got me thinking if I was Yukimura, I would pull it up to her like hey yo, you heard that one song by Lil Wayne, miss Officer, because you got me thinking I could date a cop for real, like. But all this was because she wanted to be Normal, quote unquote. And Yukimura was trying to explain To her like hey yo, normal is only relative and subjective To the person I say the moral of the story Is, if you're a weirdo, be a confident one, and that's pretty much it. That's all my notes, kogayasu, what you got.

Speaker 2:

Good lord man, you have gone through the entire thing. Not necessarily, but Science, film and Love is an anime that, yes, I absolutely loved it back in 2020. I'm not going to say it aged poorly. It did not age poorly. However, it definitely ages very different, especially here in america with the situations that we are currently dealing with.

Speaker 2:

So the premise of it is, the first season focuses more on the relationship between our two main characters and that's where it kind of seems like we're just kind of sticking with every episode focus on a different part aspect of relationship. Um, how would you feel as far as about kissing someone, how did what happens when you're holding their hands, what happens when you're close to them, like every little aspect there's a whole episode dedicated to it to kind of break down the science and your heart and everything about it, like your heart beating, racing, your neuron activations and all that type of stuff. So it's like we get an opportunity of dedicating more to it. But once we get to season two is where things really start to change. Like you had mentioned, on a lot of those things and just this general breakdown in it, we start understanding all different kinds of quote, unquote, love.

Speaker 2:

You mentioned with some of these other characters. We're now focusing more on how does love differ between, on situations and, like you mentioned, as far as about normalcy on society, Normalcy for society man, woman falls in love, marries, has a baby type of thing. Season one got a chance to really break down just love in itself, but now we're starting to branch into. Okay, what are these different types of love that society may not agree upon? For example, of a young girl who has a crush on her teacher. In her mind she thinks she's in love.

Speaker 1:

Now, yes, that was kind of weird, but just imagine this In real life. There are situations where, with the gender being reversed, there are some fine-ass teachers nowadays and just imagine if a little boy was like trying to shoot a shot with her and like you know how there were like some stories where, like some teachers actually like play ball with that and then sometimes, like any normal person will find that horrendous, but then, depending on how fine the teacher is, some people will be like behind the scene, like daffing that boy, like bro whoa whoa, but no, still though.

Speaker 2:

Like yeah like I personally feel we should not be encouraging that type of behavior. Yeah, it's like what Chris Rock said. Yeah, like I personally feel we should not be encouraging that type of behavior. It's too much. It still keeps happening. I mean there was just a report of it last month about the situation of a teacher and their student.

Speaker 2:

Um, it happens on both roles and it's insane. I will say I do. I mean I guess it's part of my explanation I have had a chance of knowing people on each side into it. So when I say into that, I mean that I actually know a male teacher, female student who had a situation that should not have happened and I had an opportunity of hearing it on both sides and regardless of anything and same, for where I had it was a male student and a female teacher. I have heard it from all four points of views. In those aspects and I say four points because I understand there's also the difference in homosexuality as well as also, um, asexuality and things like that, all that still kind of groups in the same scenario. Every single time it's the same thing.

Speaker 2:

It usually winds up being that the young kid, young student, whether it was a dare or whatever the case may be, find some form of infatuation with this other teacher, whether it be it reminds them of the parent or reminds them of something that their parents lack. It's something that they see that they would particularly want, which isn't bad, because that's a sign of growing up, that's a sign of maturity. You start recognizing what you want in other people. However, kids cannot control their emotions. Their emotions control everything. Watching Inside Out, inside Out 2. My kids actually up watching Inside Out 2 right now, and so right now, literally, it's a thing for them to understand. You're going to have emotions about something, but it's important to not act upon those emotions, which is why it is that I really like this anime series, because they didn't just go straight on to that.

Speaker 2:

Like most typical anime, I'm in love, and then they immediately jump into it and it becomes a whole thing. You know we have characters like Sanji master roshi who immediately they let their dicks talk. That's just what it is. They let their emotions speak for them, and this was one that's like hold on before I even attempt to jump into that. Prove it to me, explain to me what it is that you mean, and that's important even for relationships, and it doesn't have to be as scientific as it's anime, but just in that point of explain to me what it is that you like about me, why do you say that you're in love with me, what is it that's sticking out from me to you, type of thing, and that's important. You have to understand that in growing up that never stops. That officially changes. There was things that I particularly wanted back, even when I was in high school, and I was like, oh, this is what I want, girl, this is kind of what I want to do, this is what I want to date.

Speaker 2:

And then I got some of that and realized it was not what I thought it was you know, like TV shows, anime and stuff that really puts you into a whole different mindset into it, and so I changed my thought process after dating and found someone different and it allowed me to be able to change that. So it's important to date, it's important to get those understandings. It's important to understand that. But again, kids use their emotions to think. When you're an adult, you use your brain to think. You should not be letting your emotions take rampant, because the issue is on both cases cases when I spoke to both adults it was the same thing they felt unappreciated in their relationship, whether it be that they were not getting everything that they wanted from it. Maybe there was a lot of big pushback. Whatever the case may be, that is what therapy is for. That is not going after a young person. Don't take advantage of somebody who's thinking with their emotions. When you have a brain, to really think with your brain is more mature. Yeah, you've been through those emotions.

Speaker 1:

You know how to control yourself can I add in that when I was explaining connor day's backstory, how immediately, like immediately after the teachers um rejected that kind of relationship with her, she was like, oh okay, well, we can go out on a date one day maybe. And I'm like, bro, like I don't think you're thinking straight, like did you not hear him say that this kind of relationship is inappropriate? But they're like, yeah, like emotions, yeah an emotion, emotions don't use brain.

Speaker 2:

That's the reason why, when we think there's three aspects that we wind up thinking Scientifically. There's two aspects we think with. Spiritually, if you're like in religion, there's three. You think with your brain, you think with your heart and by heart, not your actual blood pumping heart but the heart of soul. And then you think with the spirit. And the reason I say into that one is scientifically, every religion is mythology. Every religion to science is mythology. Big Bang Theory is the only thing realistic. This is the only thing they say.

Speaker 2:

So there's brain and heart, which is your brain is logic, your heart is emotional. When you think of religion, you add in spirit. Spirit is where it's like that third voice that's speaking to you, that person. That kind of helps break the silence, that kind of helps break that in between, one side pulls to the left, one side pulls to the right. This third thing helps you decide which is better. So that's where it kind of comes into play at. But the thing about it is is that it's the expectation that the mind should overtake the heart, logic should overtake emotion.

Speaker 2:

Don't think with emotion. You're supposed to think as your actual brain activity itself. And for her that's not a thing. Young kids, their emotions are extremely high and going through hormonal changes is still fresh. You don't finish really going through hormonal changes until roughly about the age of 22, and I've done the science on that, so I looked it up because I'm talking about science and love in this anime, but it's usually about 22. That's the time when it's estimated for as far as around about for male and female, because it's a female is technically younger, but um, that's estimation to where you can start thinking with your logical brain. That's when you start to say emotionally I'm feeling this way, but that doesn't make sense. That's not a good idea. Let me sit back and reassess this from a different point of view. That's about 22. She's younger, she's absolutely not thinking or hit, she can't handle rejection.

Speaker 1:

This is why I have a rule I'm pretty sure I said this before, but this is why I now have a rule where I'm like the opposite of DiCaprio, to where you have to be at least 25 because I I'm just not in the mood for all that irrationality. I just want peace in my life to a point to where, like, look, if we have our arguments and our disputes, let it be so, but like, let's just not get into some bullshit over some bullshit. You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 2:

I absolutely feel you on that and that's one of the things. It's too much. I will say so you have the Keanu Reeves thinking there's a lot of things about.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Reeves he likes the older he's like. I need maturity.

Speaker 1:

I mean, don't make it sound like. Oh well, let me just find me a hag. I mean, don't make it sound like oh well, let me just find me a hag. But, um, yeah, like maturity, yeah, somewhere I'm like okay, well, at least if I can tell that you can take accountability for your actions, I'll entertain you yeah, so I completely understand entertaining.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I completely understand that. But most definitely it's one of those ones I understand. At that particular point I personally there's no way for me to see it possible. I cannot agree with it in any form or fashion. But I understand having a chance of talking to people. But now the other thing about it is how do things factor in as far as your crushes? How do you feel about your significant other or someone you love that gets attention from other people?

Speaker 2:

That was my favorite episode. It went on a date and she was unsure because he still kept backing things down, because it was like oh, it's not so, there's not enough logically proven into it. I'm unsure. He still wanted to think with his brain Understandably. She's like I just know she's at the point that I know there's not a whole lot to prove scientifically. We've already gone through that. Some stuff is irrational. We still have to make it work. In mathematics we accept invisible numbers. We accept irrational numbers. For some reason you can't accept the irrational in this. So she got upset and another dude found interest and dude had to show up like hold on a sec. And our main character finally had to really prove himself of like forget this, forget the logical, I'm gonna handle this irrationally, I'm gonna go ahead and say, no, you're like, oh hell, no, I'm gonna go get that bro so it's like there's some points that, yes, you are gonna let your emotions take over.

Speaker 2:

There are gonna be moments into that, but for most cases, logic is going to be your biggest thing and just focus on what logic is available. Not everything is scientifically proven. Science admits that. Okay, science admits that in every which way, science has actually started to begun to accept magic because of the fact that they know not everything is fully explained bro it's just what it is.

Speaker 1:

I don't know why, but it just reminds me of that one episode of Mystery, incorporated with Scooby and the gang, where essentially like I think it had something to do with the Aztecs and supernatural stuff was happening and Bellman was having like a mental Breakdown and I was like it doesn't make sense. I need it to make sense. That's how I imagine scientists nowadays, where like well, shit, magic exists, aliens are real, what's next? Anything's possible. They just threw their hands out. I'm like you know what. I just give in to the absurdity of it all now.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy in itself, it is absolutely crazy. I can imagine I'd be kind of lost too. I mean think about it this way. So Tuck and I Professor Tuck and I we did a whole video on aliens on our Zone. Nerd Talk about aliens being real and understand. I'll be honest with you as much as me and Tuck like to try to be rational on different things or we try to make some type of rational point, that entire video was just absolute nonsense of us just being goofy, but there's no logical explanation to things. So you just went along with it. It was just like oh, this is what it is. Aliens exist, this is where we're at, this is how things are, and it's like we just have to accept that. No-transcript. There is supposed to be a season 3. I have not read the manga for this.

Speaker 1:

It felt like it was going to be season 3, but yeah, I just don't know when that's going to be.

Speaker 2:

It's still a long time. If it happens, I don't know. As long as it doesn't, it's still a long time. It's a long time, man. If it happens, I don't know. As long as it doesn't get to Bleach treatment, then we have to wait like 10 years. That's what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

Bro, like if you're waiting 10 years for it, just give it up, bro. I'm kind of to the point with no Game, no Life where I still kind of want there to be a season two, but I'm already to a point where, hey bro, even the, even the manga creator, was like I don't even understand either. I'm like I'm just not gonna hold my breath.

Speaker 2:

That's all I'm saying so yeah, but otherwise, I mean we're supposed to get some character development for some of these other characters, but I say supposed to. We may or may not, so I don't know. That's, honestly, my biggest gripe in this series Isn't just like some of the backstory I could definitely see that. For me, it's the fact that we have these characters that are not as fleshed out as they should be. Yeah, we get a kind of like general things. It's like okay, are these characters going to stay dynamic? Are they stable? Like are they going to change? Are they going to stay the same? Like what's going to happen, like what is going on with these other characters?

Speaker 1:

Otherwise, are they just there just to say that there's other?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because I got a lot of lines that uses that. That's why I'm saying that with science, fell in love. It's the kind of show to where the premise alone saves it from being boring, but, however, it still plays out like a cliche rom-com. But they just do it in a way that's like refreshing to where, like, okay, well, at least you feel like you're learning something from this anime. So it gets passed exactly.

Speaker 2:

I would not put this on the same scale of cells at work. Cells at work, though yeah, like that one right there.

Speaker 1:

Really good scientific explanation nah, listen, cells at work had me flashing back like dude from ratatouille where.

Speaker 2:

Remember when we were watching Ozzy and Drix and I'm like, oh shit, okay, like you kind of learned the human body in a fun way it's funny to say that my kids we just watched Oz Moses Jones, uh, I think, like two weeks ago, because I wanted to teach them the importance of them getting sick and I'm like, hey, I need y'all to understand how viruses work in the body and how they can actually hurt you. The kids were scared, but it made it helped. It helped. They started washing their hands more and longer. Now grand is more of a mess because they're still not always doing it properly, but the little kids were getting there. I'm just happy the fact that now I can say go wash your hands and there's no longer an argument with it. They're like, yeah, I'm gonna go.

Speaker 1:

Oh shit, we didn't review some of that work yet, did we? We about it? But we didn't actually do that yet, did we? We'll get to it. We'll get to it.

Speaker 2:

But otherwise I mean it's only season one to season two right now. So, like I said, roughly about 24 episodes Season one season two and Sells at Work, Black. Yeah, oh no, my bad, I'm talking about Science Film Love.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my bad, we my bad I'm talking about science film.

Speaker 2:

Oh my bad, we'll get the, we'll get the sales away, but no science film love. There's only two seasons. We still don't know what's going to happen, if there's ever going to be a third season. So things are still not fully wrapped up. Hopefully we get a chance to wrap it up. If not, I mean it was a good run, it is not bad. Those ones that when I say I love the enemy, I love the premise into it, like I love that we get a chance to really dive into stuff and it's, it's not creepy. It's not one of those ones of oh my god, was it? Um, like this one anime that I just cannot watch, where it's like the student is harassing the teacher constantly all the time and it's like oh yeah, you're definitely into me. He's like I'm not, leave me alone and like the whole premise is her just harassing her teacher. Why are we entertaining this? I just don't understand.

Speaker 2:

Wait, there's a whole anime with that premise. Yes, there's a whole thing about it was the fact that, oh about this girl was bullying her teacher, but it was really just when you see some of like, even the first episode is literally just her harassing him because she's like oh yeah, you're into me.

Speaker 1:

I'm like no bro no, no, listen, listen, like I'm only saying this because I don't know if we're gonna actually review it, but I gave abbott elementary a chance, right and that's good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean I want to like it, like it's all right and like they did some references and like some nerdy references and like some jokes and whatnot, where I'm like I kind of like I like some of the characters, like gregory and melissa, I like them especially. But here's the thing, uh, with greg and ava was like kind of hitting on Gregory and you know how, like Abba Elementary had that interview-style thing going on, kind of like the Office and Bonner Family, and he was like are y'all getting this? And like that's how it feels like if I was that teacher and I'm like, hey, y'all getting this? Like this dude is hitting on me and I'm trying to tell them to leave the fuck alone. I'm like hey yo, hey yo, yeah, yeah, yeah, ab elementary pretty good.

Speaker 1:

I really don't know. It really feels like they do something Really crazy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, uh, ab elementary pretty good. I, I really don't know. We're gonna review. I I it really feels like they do something really crazy. But like I mean, yeah, the always sunny uh crossover, I did like that. But I'm like, yeah, I went to it, do something like really crazy, and then I'm gonna talk about it.

Speaker 2:

Really, I'm gonna talk about it something really crazy. You guys want you guys to check out my full metal alchemist live action review because man talk about crazy, crazy. I want you guys to check out my Fullmetal Alchemist live action review Because man talk about crazy. They had me in the first half. They had me in the first half. They just let me down from there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can check that out on Patreon, get that upload and all that. Just gotta do some work on that subscribe to our patreon?

Speaker 2:

yeah, get early access to our stuff.

Speaker 1:

But um, you had anything else you want to add on to the whole series?

Speaker 2:

no, no, not really, because I mean you covered the whole the general basis into it. But the biggest thing for me was just understanding those points and I liked how we got a chance to kind of explain different stuff into it. You know, get a chance to kind of see things from different points of view and it's like okay and it's funny. The anime is funny because they make it too logical.

Speaker 1:

They obviously go way deeper than anybody would really yeah, like halfway through it was trying to piss me off. Like, hey, yo like listen, I kind of get it, because I was like that too when I was like in my early 20s. But now that I'm older and like I understand more, it's like, hey, yo, y'all are thinking about it way too logically, which is ironic. I was like, yeah, I know. Oh, no, crazy, crazy, like, follow me, stay with me. Now Y'all are thinking about it way too hard.

Speaker 1:

It's like sometimes you just gotta feel it like. It's like you know the mood is right, you got that chemistry and going on. It's just like. It's like what I said before. It's like love is not logical and logic's not loving and that kind of explains how, like, once again, these two have Estranged relationships. Well, I'm going to say restrained. It's more like they were like detached From other people. Like See um Himuro Was bullied for being a nerd, meanwhile Yukimura Was so proud of being a nerd. Uh, he was practically Flexing about not having Much experience with women. I'm like, uh, he, he was practically flexing about not having much experience with women. I'm like, bro, that is not the flex that you think it is.

Speaker 1:

I'm like oh, you sound like a proud insult. I'm like, hey, hey, hey, you know what. That's how you roll. I'm not going to tell too much, but I'm like, uh, that's how it works that's just.

Speaker 2:

That's just how it works. It's just the there's some people you gotta just back off a little bit. You know, I'm just let you do your thing. I can't do much to do, but yeah, otherwise, no, that's it. I do still recommend the anime. It's definitely still something to watch in your free time. I'm not gonna be like, oh, you have to go out your way to watch it. I highly, I do recommend it. It's just, you know, watch it when you get the chance, watch your free time. Um, there clearly are tons of other anime that's much better out. There's tons of other tv shows is much better, but this is one still, when you get an opportunity to watch, you know you'd be surprised how much Accuracy in science that is existed and a nice little fun show.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't feel like mumbo jumbo For the most part, but, um, yeah, okay, if that is everything, then yeah, that's pretty much it. If I were to rate science, spelling, love, it's feeling like a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Speaker 2:

I want to say uh I was gonna say 7.5 out of 10, so it's roughly about the same.

Speaker 1:

Right there, there you go yeah, because like premise-wise, the way they tried to explain in a scientific way, I did like that part, but first of all it it's almost like without the premise it did come off a little cliche and second of all, the way you handled candidate's backstory, that was. That was a real rub for me. I'm like I just don't like the way y'all handle it, because y'all just made it sound like oh well, my bag, like grandpa's, like oh well, my bad, I just didn't want my granddaughter to get into any trouble with some men that might take advantage of her. Like sorry, that was the real thing. That pissed me off as a dude that, as we like, have interest in martial arts and shit, to where I'm like wow, like imagine it's your fault for teaching her how to protect herself. Like that's oh shit.

Speaker 1:

But um, like you said, kukigatsu, the characters were kind of undercut to a sense where like yeah, they really only had this whole thing about. Can you prove that you're in love, going on. But outside of that, it's kind of like their personality. It's almost like they come off a little too stoic. That's the problem. It's like a little too stoic. That's the problem. It's like a little too stoic, even though stoicism is good to an extent, but it's like not to a point, to where I just feel you're just like this cold calculating machine, like I don't know, I don't know how some people do it. But then again we live in a society where everybody want to do their own thing. They all have their own idea of how the world can be better. They just disagree on how truth is stranger than fiction. Common sense is not that common. Once again, I'm like one of those signs where I just throw my hands and like you know what I just give into the absurdity. Let's just get the fuck out of here, koki. Koki, thank you for being on the show.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I just wanted to mention. I found an anime that like reverse of what I was talking about. Apparently there's literally an anime called why the hell are you here, teacher, and it's about female teachers who keep falling and have interest in their male students, and this is is legit. This actually exists. I'm like why are we doing this? Why are we doing this? But that's all I got. I will talk to y'all another time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, have a good morning, have a good afternoon, have a good evening. Always take it easy. And, oh yeah, remember Wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee wee, wee, wee, wee, wee.

Speaker 2:

See you guys.

Speaker 1:

Not right after I just mentioned this anime.

Speaker 2:

You just so asked.

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