The ZONE Podcast: Nerdy News and Reviews
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The ZONE Podcast: Nerdy News and Reviews
Fairy Tail: The Xtreme Review (Part 1: Seasons 1 & 2)
Join us for an exhilarating ride through the enchanting world of Fairy Tail, where I, along with anime theorist Mira Jane, explore the depths of this beloved series. As we anticipate the animation of the Fairy Tail: 100 Year Quest arc, we celebrate the series' unique blend of humor and serious storytelling. Mira Jane opens up about her personal connection to Fairy Tail, revealing how its strong female characters, like Erza Scarlet, have inspired her and many others. Together, we dive into the vibrant guild dynamics that feel like lively family gatherings, reminiscing about memorable moments such as Lucy's humorous rescue by Natsu and Happy.
Our conversation takes a nostalgic turn as we unravel the complex backstories and evolving dynamics of characters, especially through arcs like Phantom Lord and Tower of Heaven. We reflect on Lucy's inspiring journey toward financial independence and the heartfelt themes of friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice that define the series. Mira Jane and I also draw intriguing parallels between Fairy Tail and other anime, pondering potential crossovers and exploring character dynamics that resonate across different stories.
Don't miss our in-depth discussions on thrilling battles and character growth, from Natsu's fiery showdowns to Lucy's celestial magic. We also tackle the emotional complexities of characters like Juvia and Gray, and the manipulative undertones of Ultear's actions. As we prepare to tackle future arcs, including the Edolas and Tenrou Island sagas, this episode promises a nostalgic tribute to Fairy Tail, filled with insights that will enrich both longtime fans and newcomers to the series.
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Stay nerdy and stay faithful,
- J.B.
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what's good, nerds. It's time for another extreme review on the zone podcast. It is time for us to review fairy tale because I got a good feeling that the hundred year quest arc is going to be animated sometime soon. I heard rumors that it's going to be animated in time for, like uh, later in 2024, but I'm not 100 sure. But in case it does, let's just go ahead and knock out an extreme review on fairy tale. And of course, we gotta have the anime theorist mira jane on uh. Considering this one of your favorite anime of all time, I had to have you on. So, without further ado, let's go ahead and zone in on it Now. Mj, why is Spirit Hill one of your favorites?
Speaker 2:So that's kind of an interesting story. I chose Mirror Jane as my moniker because they are siblings. There's Elfman and Lisana. I'm a sibling of three, well, sibling of six, but there's three of us that all have nicknames that rhyme, and that's Chip, dip and Skip and, oddly enough, two girls, one boy. My brother is definitely Elfman, no lie, annoying, irritating, and thinks he's the man. Um, my sister, even though she's the oldest, definitely would have been. Uh, lisana, um, extremely naive, and thinks everything is just gonna be all bubbles and sunshine. And then, here I am.
Speaker 1:Mirror Jane Ready to whoop some ass and not give a fuck about whose ass I'm whooping. I feel that I'm going to be honest with you. Fairytale is probably in my top 50. Because, let me be honest with you, there's some original stories I've been working on where it deals with like matching or whatnot.
Speaker 1:It's gonna play out completely different, of course, but I can't lie when I say that part of my inspiration for these stories was loosely based on fairy tales, where you have all these different gills and it's like there's a thing going on with them and with mine it's more like my stories are going to be more serious tone. But with fairy tale it's more like it can be serious from time to time but overall it maintains that air of comedy to where, like even in the series, arts like, uh, phantom lord or tower of heaven, and we don't get to those just a moment. It's like, yeah, they have their serious moments, but sometimes they have, like their jokes sprinkled in at those times too. So I like fairy tales where it stays lighthearted throughout most of it, even when it does get real serious. And I can't deny the fact that, yeah, there's a lot of fairy tale. That makes it a little easy on the eye too, like, uh, mira Jane too. Like Mira Jane and um Urza Scarlet. Uh, who else? Uh? Kana Lucy sometimes.
Speaker 2:I was gonna say you can't leave out Lucy you can't leave out Lucy.
Speaker 1:I mean, yeah, but I don't know she not waifu well, hmm, hmm, I don't know. Oh, she's not waifu. Well, I'm not saying she's not but Okay, okay. Here's the thing Out of all the girls, I'm more of a fan of Urza, because what can I say? I love a bitch that stands on business Yo.
Speaker 2:Urza is what can I say? I love a bitch that stands on business. Yo, Urza is. Let me tell you one thing that Fairytale does right. Fairytale does women right, Women empowerment right Women strength, right Women emotions.
Speaker 1:They just get it all right and I'm going to say between Urza Scarlet and Sasuke Kiriyun from Kill la Kill yeah, I love, oh and uh. Olivier Armstrong from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood yeah. I love bitches that stand some business. I'm like, yes, strong female characters. This is what. This is what we've been talking about, ladies and gentlemen but strong, feminine female.
Speaker 2:For me it was just the femininity aspect. Like you don't gotta sacrifice freaking femininity just to be strong. You can be both.
Speaker 1:I like how, when they tried to introduce Urza and Lucy was thinking, oh, she's probably one of those big, burly women. And then when you actually meet her, it's like, oh, she's probably like one of those big, burly women. And then when you actually meet her, it's like, oh, she's actually beautiful and she got a feminine figure and like she's wearing a skirt and everything like oh, I was expecting something completely different, but no, no erza erza is definitely like.
Speaker 2:She is the epitome of a bad bitch who can lift 300 men by herself like I love it there's. And then not only that, but her hair super freaking red, which I absolutely loved, and it matches her last name and the fact that she has the coolest power in all of anime, in my opinion, because she has an outfit for everything who wouldn't want, as a female an unlimited closet yeah, yeah, and also with the weapons, like I was, I'm feeling that with all the different weapons and shit, like see um with Urza, she has one of those versatile, uh, magic equip, uh, one of those versatile, um forms of magic that I really like.
Speaker 1:And I'm gonna talk about the magic too, because I like the way they use magic to where it's like it's not like oh, it's like uh, you just stick with the usual elements, you know earth, fire, water, wind, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, nah, like they get crazy with it yeah, like, um, so like in the first arc, right, first arc we get I love the way the first arc starts because we get introduced to all of the magic and fairy tale, right.
Speaker 2:So in those first like I think, 10, 15 episodes it's almost just like basic intro we get to see urza, we get to to see Gray, who's used ice maker magic, which I think is interesting that it's not like he didn't think that the ice maker magic was magic that could kill someone or could injure Let me not say kill, could injure someone over. Cause damage, right, yeah, but then we get to see that later. Damage, right, yeah, but then we get to see that later. And um, then we just have like not to drag neil. We get to learn about dragons, and then I thought lucy's power was the coolest introduction. A celestial wizard is crazy to me yeah, okay, let me pause on that.
Speaker 1:I do like lucy, especially with her keys to where she has like the silver keys, of course, but then she has the golden celestial keys to where it represents each of the star signs in the and whatnot you know.
Speaker 1:And even though with Lucy, even though she does have like keys or spells that can be used offensively, she kind of seems like more of a strong support type like, or like more like a strong utility user to where most her keys just seem like, okay, it'll help her out in a jam or like something to uh convenience her, but she doesn't really use those keys like slaves or tools, like fucking um, angel or karen, we're gonna, we're gonna talk about those characters when we get there. But uh, she's one of those characters where it's like, yeah, just because I have these keys, but they're my friends just as much as the humans are, and the celestial spirit see that and it's like, oh, we like this shit. And you're gonna see that a lot on as she keeps collecting these keys and that was another thing too it was like, as the show kept going, I was like I can't wait for it, get all the keys. So you're gonna be like um, I got the keys, keys like I think that's the.
Speaker 2:That's what I loved about, uh, the first season, fairy tale the most. Like some animes, they kind of rush the introduction of characters right, but fairy tale it was literally a journey of meeting people, getting their backstory and getting awesome fight scenes, learning about celestial wizards and like it never felt like anything was going to be left out uh, world building was slow cooked to perfection yes, exactly, and that was I.
Speaker 2:That was the biggest appeal to me about fairytale, because I always felt like I was part of the guild yeah, because that's how fair to roll too is like.
Speaker 1:When you uh into the on guild hall you just feel right at home, even though, yeah, there's a whole bunch of rough housing and shit. But you know, that's just how it is like. Once you like get comfortable with each other, like welcome to the family shit.
Speaker 2:I mean it was like a black barbecue, like for you, because you got your your drunk auntie that's connor, let's be honest and then you got your I'm not saying everyone's uncles is, but you know what they be sitting over there talking about. You know they talking about somebody who look good, one of those water cooler conversations.
Speaker 2:Yes having all the water cooler conversations Literally next to the water cooler because you got to go over there to get the soda Fairytale literally felt like a black barbecue when you first open the doors and you're just letting everyone's wilding out having a great time time and the fact that kana is the drunk auntie who play cards yeah, yeah like the fact that she's also a card user.
Speaker 2:That's her powers, and I just love the, the social dynamic of fairytale. I love how it was set up. Um, I think, uh, the thing I liked most, like in the first, well, let's get, let's get into, uh, dissecting that first season before I start going and going on all right, okay, okay, because I gotta talk about this first episode.
Speaker 1:All right, okay, okay, because I got to talk about this first episode. Now, okay, lucy goes into this town and she's trying to look for more keys. And she's trying to, like, put her feminine walls on the shopkeeper to get a discount. And then, oh, we can only do like a thousand jewel discount. It's like, oh, I'm worth more than a thousand dollar discount, I'm out of here. And then, next thing you know, she Rolled into this dude named Salamander, who is known to be this like uh S class Wizard, uh, hold on.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he's Supposed to be an S class wizard. He's supposed to.
Speaker 1:Hold on. I know Urza Mirror, jane and Gildars is S-Class, but I'm thinking like is Nuts? Either Nuts is like S-Class or like at least A-Class.
Speaker 2:Definitely he's A-Class. In the beginning, Like when you first meet Lucy, they considered him an S-Class, but he never took the S-Class test.
Speaker 1:Okay, they considered him an S-class, but he never took the S-class test. Okay, and that explains Tender Island Gotcha, gotcha. Okay. My whole point being is that you come across this fake Salamander. We know he's going to be the fake Salamander, but hear me out. And Lucy is feeling some type of way about it. So it's a random lazy crowd. Meanwhile, nasu and Happy is rolling in trying to figure out who the fuck is spreading these lies about being part of the Fairytale Guild. And come to find out. Bruh, did they really begin this franchise on sex trafficking?
Speaker 2:and using love spells. Yes, they did. That's exactly how they started this, because and I love, I love that it was the freaking not to knocking uh lucy out out of it literally and she's like wait a minute, what's going on? Why am I so attracted to this ugly dude? Come on man.
Speaker 1:Bora, wasn't that ugly?
Speaker 2:Oh bro, his Riz had zero. His Riz was at zero, bro. That's why he was whipping out love potions on all these girls.
Speaker 1:Oh, I see you overcompensate, like you gotta like drug them in order for them to abuse and stuff. Oh man.
Speaker 2:That's some down and bad shit. Dare I say Bill Cosby oh.
Speaker 1:I'm just hey, like.
Speaker 2:You're right. You're right, damn, I'm kind you're right, damn.
Speaker 1:I'm kind of mad that I was thinking it and I was going to say but you beat me to it. Holy shit, holy shit. Hey, man, now that I think about, it but now let's keep it moving. So episode 2 was more about Lucy finally rolls up to fairy tale meets the gang, and she was also inspired by Mira Jane because you know she saw the pin up magazine. She saw her in the bikinis and shit looking good and what not.
Speaker 1:So I'm like I don't blame her, you should not blame her you know, I'm glad I'm such an inspiration out here but um, as soon as not too happy and lucy get back to the fairy tale on, guildhall turns out um, little romeo I'm sorry, not the actual, not the rapper little Romeo, but um, romeo Uncombo, his father, macau, is missing and Natsu and Lucy ain't happening to go find him and they make a whole episode out of that.
Speaker 2:Um, you had anything to add on that one uh, no, but I do want to mention very quickly that in the first episode we get a nod to the silver key that Lucy ends up getting is oh, yes, ok, ok, yes, you're right, I almost forgot.
Speaker 1:Thank you for reminding me. Yes, blue, remember that is a reference to Rave Master. So what Hiro Mashima like to do is like make Plu this like universal mascot to where, like hey, don't forget, this is a Mashima this is a Mashima manga and I want you guys to know that.
Speaker 2:And then Plu ends up being the most comedic relief throughout this anime, just randomly popping in and out. And if you can kind of synchronize rave master with fairy tale, whenever ploo's missing he's in fairy tale well, hold on um keep in mind.
Speaker 1:There's also eden zero and there's a new anime coming, I think it's called dead rock yeah so we might see him in that too, but I need to actually watch Eden Zero first. We're going to review at some point.
Speaker 2:We're going to have to. I'm going to have to watch it too. I was skeptical of watching it, but now I have no excuses.
Speaker 1:I'm just going to watch for fun, to see if it even holds up, because you know, if it has two seasons by now I'm like, okay, he, uh, moshima, might be cooking with something.
Speaker 1:I hope he cooking, because fairytale was cooking yeah, uh, speaking of which um the next two episodes, the daybreak art, to where Nasu talks to Lucy forming a team. This is the first mission together and it has very high pay, but the risk is kind of high to do it. Basically, you just go to this creep um duke everloo he wants his blonde maid and not to was like, hey, you're a blonde chick, you want to come with this mission.
Speaker 2:I was like oh, what you.
Speaker 1:And then I like how Lucy was like oh, what you trying to say. I was like, hey, you're the only blonde I can think of, so don't flag yourself too much. And then she got kind of mad.
Speaker 1:And I was like, but hold on, basically, duke, the Duke didn't even want her because it was like eh, you're a diamond, I don't really want you. I was like what? And I was like. And then they had to do it the old-fashioned way, where they had to sneak in and get this book, daybreak for this dude, kabi, and eventually they fight the mage, and then Duke turns out to be a celestial spirit, um, mage, and I'm like ew, this guy oh, I'm sorry, but ew, and he had virgo at the time. And then I was thinking like, oh man, come on, that's my celestial sign. Like this has to be. Like this gorilla did. She has to be like this gorilla woman. But oh, when she gets repossessed, you know, like when Lucy gets Virgo, oh well, she's okay. Yeah, like she's.
Speaker 2:Virgo cute, yeah, like a little Virgo. I love a little me Virgo running around here yeah, that would be nice Sometimes.
Speaker 1:But uh, turns out that Daybreak was like this Secret code to Um Copy where it's like it read as dear copy and what not. So copy decided to keep the book and since technically they didn't complete the mission, not to lose, getting no pay yeah, so yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:What I love too is, um, this is a common thing in the first, uh, couple of missions yeah, like they're thinking like, oh, we're gonna get that big money, and then things shit happens like, oh well, we can't cash in on the reward yeah, uh, what I loved about that particular episode, too, was, um, the.
Speaker 2:I love the fact that the magic this time and this is where I'm like oh, lucy's not just no offense, paint on the wall, she's not just a pretty freaking girl thrown in who's just ditzy and doesn't know anything. She realizes it herself and she's like wait a minute, hold up this book. I know, I know the author, I know this oh okay, hold on two things.
Speaker 1:One I was going to mention how they have. They say that in fairy tales it's not as simple as one protagonist, there's multiple protagonists. This is more about nasu, lucy, urza, gray and then eventually wendy.
Speaker 1:So basically, team nasu, that's the protagonist, and with lucy, all right, she was like the she's more like a central female character, but also she's more like the expository character, to where we understand the world of fairy tale through her eyes, because she's the new girl in the grill, so she's gonna be the one that's gonna be asking questions like, hey, what's this, what's that? And then pretty much the guild members explain it, so that way the audience is now in on it too. It's like, oh, okay, that's how it works, okay and um, but no, even then lucy is not incompetent. Like the way she had those glasses ready to roll to read that book. I'm like, hey, man, I would love to have those glasses. Like I can read up all these books in like less than a day.
Speaker 2:Yes, like, and that was something I really loved because, kind of around this time when Fairytale was becoming popular, there wasn't a lot of that. There was a lot of fan service, not a lot of, uh, intellectual fan service, let me say it like that hey, hey, hey.
Speaker 1:To be fair, though, they gave a little fan service to the ladies too oh, I'm not saying that, that's not what was happening.
Speaker 2:All alright, I didn't say fairy tale for me. There's another reason I love it, but I try to keep that to myself personally. But at that particular time I'm just saying it was nice. It was a nice switch up, it was great to see because at this point we had Sakura oh, okay, and Sakura to see, because at this point we had Sakura, oh oh okay, and Sakura.
Speaker 2:And this was like around Shippuden, where I thought Sakura, where we thought Sakura was fixing to really boss up, right, yeah, no, that's not what she did, that's not. She completely bossed down. So it was, oh man, you know.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry but I have to mention this. But I have some friends like, like I was talking about sakura, like I was just joking around, like I really don't care which way about sakura, to be honest with you, but they were like insisting, like oh well, you know, she's a boss b, like she's the strongest in the league. I'm like whoa, whoa, whoa. Since when?
Speaker 2:since when? Don't get me started, don't don't know, because soccer gets on my 11 nerves. I hate soccer with a burning, boiling passion I'm not gonna lie.
Speaker 1:The only way you can even claim that is that she is like captain america, but cap except captain america is not holding back, because, keep in mind, when captain america is wielding that fucking shield, he always holding back.
Speaker 2:She's literally giving her all and that's my problem, because if that's all, if you learn from a legendary sani and your sani is still alive, because everyone else is is either a criminal or dead, what, what are you doing? Yeah what are you doing, sakura? But I digress because if I get on that Sakura train, this is no.
Speaker 1:I could give you all the reasons why we have a whole Naruto review to get on Sakura's case, so we'll get there.
Speaker 2:I'll save the heat, but let's talk about this Eisenwald arts where Urza on Sakura's case.
Speaker 1:So we'll get there, I'll save the heat. But let's talk about this Eisenwald arc where Urza returns to Parietel, recruits Natsune and Grey and to help investigate Eisenwald, this dark guild that got banned by the Magic Council up to no good, blah, blah, blah. Losing Happy also joining on the chaos and whatnot. So, with that being said, they fight up against guys like Kageyama, who's like a ripoff of Shikamaru, and Erigor, this wind grim reaper type dude, and you know, Team Nasu gotta handle him. Anything to add on to that part. Only thing I would say is that it was a great introduction to Urza.
Speaker 2:Nasu gotta handle him Anything to add on to that part. Only thing I would say is that it was a great introduction to Urza. Urza comes in. She sees Nasu and Bray going at it and beating at each other's throats.
Speaker 1:Oh, I love it. It's like oh, who was it? Loki, and I'm gonna talk about Loki too, especially with Ark later. But Loki rolled up and like hey, guys, guys, hold up. Urza's coming back and I was like oh shit, oh shit. And then everyone was like oh god, even Knuckles and Grey was like oh shit. And then Urza was showing like how you boys doing?
Speaker 2:I was like we good they knew for certain they was about to get their ass handed to them. They were terrified. Not to mention urza is the only woman loki won't hit on anymore won't touch.
Speaker 1:I believe it. I'll be one of those dudes that be like I'm good, like I'm just my main business, like even she get like really close and I was like I'm trying to like not even give implications, like I'm like I feel like this is gonna be a trap right here, because I can't be like you with the breastplate close to my face. You know how she does, like when she wants to, wants to like hug somebody, and then she like grabs somebody's head and then, like shoves their head against the breastplate. I'm like ow that hurt.
Speaker 1:I'm like. You need to stop.
Speaker 2:Like oh, quick thing, did you know? Urza's appearance wasn't supposed to be what we got? We were supposed to get Amazonist Urza Shout out to my UGO players. She was supposed to come in in a little shawl, little cheetah print bra and a spear. She was supposed to look more wild and crazy than she already does.
Speaker 1:So basically one of her requipped armors, but that's her usual attire.
Speaker 2:Yup, that was the Erza we were supposed to see and more, even more wild and more serious and more fearful than she already is. And that's the craziest part to me. I'm like how much more fearful could she have?
Speaker 1:been. I like that. I like the evolution to her character before she actually got her air time, because basically they took a step back and be like hold on, hold on. Let's dial it back a little bit, let's make it so that she can be strong, but she's surprisingly feminine. It's almost like she's still a woman.
Speaker 2:But don't fuck with her yes, yeah, you know, that's a good point, that's a good observation, because they did take definitely um.
Speaker 2:He definitely took a step back when creating her um and even though, even though her character design, like her hair was like all over the place and wild and I'm like I could- not be a memory color hair like that would have been so crazy, and they did a good job introducing her and setting that precedent of who she is and how much of a boss bitch she really is, to the point where the whole guild is starting to click how the whole guild cleans up, except mirror jane, because mirror jane and urza have have had like a beef between each other and a competition between each other.
Speaker 1:Mirror jane's the only one who's not terrified of her I mean also, to be fair, mirror jane is one the only other s class major. So it's like, to be honest, like the two of them, I'm not surprised that they're so strong to where Mirror Jane and Urza's not scared of each other. In fact, they just have like a healthy rivalry to an extent. My memory is kind of hazy on whether it's like real beef or just more like. Eh well, you know, like you know, two girls that's like real beef or just more like. And well, you know, like you know, two girls that's like really strong. And ah, man, I want to talk about Mirror Jane, but I really want to wait until we get to the fucking uh.
Speaker 2:It's not Tower of Heaven, it's not Phantom Lord, it's the uh you mean the arc right after that, uh yeah, um the one with uh when they're fighting Luxus, you mean the arc, right after that, yeah, the one with when they're fighting Luxus.
Speaker 1:Yeah, is that the one where she used Satan's soul in?
Speaker 2:that she's fighting not Luxus, but one of his free.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, we'll get to that later, but yes we're almost there. We're almost there actually I'm like bro, like when you get to that part, ladies and gentlemen, listen to this.
Speaker 1:when you get these things, so you're just like I, I'm not fucking with Mira Jane anymore. She comes off real sweet and shit, it's all good, hold on. You're pretty much running around like the waitress or around here. So I'm like how are you S-class? And then you see Satan's soul, like okay, I get it now. You S class. And then you see Satan Soul, like okay, I get it now it made you fear Satan for real.
Speaker 1:I'm just saying she'll put that double snatch. She'll make you find God. But just kind of continuing on, she'll make you find God.
Speaker 2:But just kind of continuing on, virgo is finally used in Eisenwald, so that was really cool to see Lucy finally use her, and that arc was just a really good introduction to everyone's powers and that's what I loved.
Speaker 1:I want to say even everyone's powers and and that's what I loved I want to say, even though it's short and that's the funny thing about, uh, some of these arcs in fairy tale they're short, but I'm not even mad about it. Uh, it's just, you know, they're short and for the most part, not a whole lot to say on some of these arcs. But some arts, like the eisenwald arts, where I'm like, okay, to be fair, they're introducing more characters, they're starting to establish more of a dynamic, they're starting to do a little bit more world building.
Speaker 2:So in this case the eisenwald art is worth at least a little conversation also yeah, because we also get to meet um some of the other guild leaders yeah we get to, we get introduced to them and, um, that's when you are starting to kind of see that this isn't like a one or two, three, maybe three guild, like no, there there's a bunch of other different guilds, there's a lot of different magic wielders and users and types, and so, yeah, I thought this arc was pretty a good introduction arc right.
Speaker 1:And now for the next arc another major arc in my opinion the sub-zero emperor Leon arc. So, not too unhappy, they decide to take on this S-class job to Galuna Island. You know, the island cursed with demons, and they take this job without permission by Makarov and drag Lucy and Grey along with them there. They end up meeting one of Grey's old, quote-unquote friends, I don't know. You know who's trying to release this powerful seal demon within, uh, the island with the help of his team uh, you know you have leon uh trying to um revive this one, deliora, and he had this team Sherry, and who else I'm trying to remember.
Speaker 2:I always want to call him CrossFit.
Speaker 1:It was Leon, that's not his name. Hold on, it was Leon Sherry, it was Sherry. Uh, it was leon sherry, it was sherry. Um and toby, what was that dog face?
Speaker 2:yeah, that was yeah, that's why I said I want to call him cultural puppy.
Speaker 1:But that is not uh, there was also um jura and uh zolte, but they were from Lamina scale but Jura and Zolte I think Zolte comes in later and Jura shows up later but temporary members they were temporary, so Sherry's the only one that left apparently. I need to look into that because I did not know she left.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she left.
Speaker 1:I'm not going to lie, as I was preparing the first time I tried to watch the fairy tale. It was like I got up to the Edela's Ark and then I kind of fell off it and then I got back into it and then I got up to the Grand Magic Games Ark and then I fell off again and then I got up to the grand magic games art and then I fell again. So that's why I'm kind of glad I'm doing this review, so I can properly finish through um anime and then see that, oh, so that's where she left yeah, yeah, she, uh, sherry left here and then basically their whole little kind of guild ends up breaking off and going into other guilds for a little while.
Speaker 2:So it gets, I'll be honest with you, their little crew it kind of gets. The storytelling of their little crew gets a little, a little confusing because Leon ends up going off later along with and Sherry comes back and I think she ends up following Leon. But I mostly just want an OT.
Speaker 2:Gets on my nerves until she's what's his name later on, but at this current moment, oti, just I don't even understand why she upset. I'll be honest with you, this was the only person I was like. I don't understand why. I don't see your purpose here At all. I didn't really get it. I understood that they were trying to bring back delioria, but delioria, not delioria but delioria. But what did ot have to do? Like what was? I just didn't get it. Um, and then I'll say uh, it's like ulti. I think she ends up meeting with Sigrun later. I think Ulti ends up with Sigrun later, and then Leon and Sherry. They end up later on teaming back up and finding a guild, but that ends up happening later. I don't want to move too far ahead before we start talking about it, but at this current moment, gray and leon are not friends.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's like the best way to say is that they're rivals because they were trained by or uh, I'm sorry, um, I don't know how to pronounce her name I, I think it's.
Speaker 2:Ur.
Speaker 1:Let's just say Ur, that sounds better. They were training on the Ur but she died. I think she tried to use the Ice Mix spell on Deliora and she gave her life trying to seal the demon and then Leon trying to unseal the demon. I forgot what that whole thing was. I'll probably remember.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like Leon was trying to unseal the demon. Okay, so Leon didn't know they were trying to unseal the demon To use the demon. They thought he thought they were trying to unseal the demon to use the demon. They thought he thought they were trying to unseal it so they could kill it forever. So Leon was kind of being manipulated in all of this as well, but it was his own anger that kind of blocked his vision, right? So this arc is basically Grey's introduction arc.
Speaker 2:Um, we get his backstory. We find out his parents were killed by Deliora and he basically abandoned as a child. Ur comes along, rescues him and takes him in and then, next thing, you know, grey's like I have to get revenge for my parents. I can't just sit here and not get revenge, right, right, gray does something stupid and Er's like crap, I gotta go after this stupid kid. Which leads Er to Now, this is this part. I kind of agree with Leon, because why did you have to? You didn't have to sacrifice yourself to stop this demon. But she did it because Gray would have never moved on and he would have stayed angry. But did you have to die? And she basically ends up freezing, sacrificing herself, freezing herself to seal Deliora and that's basically Grey's backstory. There's more to Grey's backstory we find out way later, but that is way later so man, when we get to like the alvarez art, like it gets ridiculous I'll be honest with you.
Speaker 2:That's why I was like listen, can we just break this up?
Speaker 1:yeah, that's what we're gonna play on doing. We're gonna be breaking this up in the seconds because I'm like man, some of these arts get fucking ridiculous.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna have to take like 30 000 notes because there's so many connections that end up happening. Um fun fact, gray was supposed to be a rave master I am not surprised I. I should have known by the little uh necklace that's around his neck uh cross yeah, I should have known because like rosary, whatever you want cross road.
Speaker 2:It may be a rosary, maybe it's a cross, but, um, maybe it's a rosary. But, like in rave master, you know the main character he's. He has a lot of jewelry on and a lot of the Rave characters have jewelry that's their equipment. So I should have known that Grey was supposed to be a Ravemaster and technically that was going to be the connection to Plu, like Grey, and Plu, like Lucy was supposed to summon Plu and Grey was supposed to be like oh, I know you, that would have been the connecting both of the worlds to make them simultaneous. But Mothimotha decided instant. He decided not to do it. He changed his mind at the last minute and so then we got Ice Maker magic, which I'm glad of. I'll be mother decided instant. He decided not to do it. He changed his mind at the last minute and so then we got ice maker magic, which I'm glad of, I'll be honest with you. I'm glad because it kind of made gray his own person, hold on Pause you I like how you said your own person.
Speaker 1:And then I was thinking you know, the ice makes show and he tried to sacrifice himself to stop the Dental Uro from being revived and what not? Yeah, how many times has he done that exactly in this series? No, no, no, answer my question. How many times has he done something like that again? Great, you know what?
Speaker 2:Answer my question how many times does someone do that again? Great, you know what? Maybe he's suicidal, I'm not saying that Hold on.
Speaker 1:You're saying this guy is pretty much like fucking. What's his face from? I won't say Megumi, I think it was Megumi from Jujutsu Kaisen. It was like either him or Aki from Chainsaw man to where it's just him, like every time he's about to lose, like well time to sacrifice myself yeah, but okay, to be fair.
Speaker 2:A lot of characters in fairy tale feel like they have to sacrifice themselves to be fair yeah, okay even Urza does it, and we in Urza, and it's always Natsu who's bringing someone back from the brink of this, which is what I think it's hilarious. The most outlandish character is the one who's bringing someone back from sacrificing themselves, but the most outlandish character is the one who's bringing someone back from sacrificing themselves. But, to be fair, give Gray a break. Okay, give him, he had a hard break.
Speaker 1:No, I'm sorry, but I'm just saying, like, between the character design and that habit of his, I'm just thinking like, is he going to be one of those characters where, like, he kind of fits the Sasuke vibe all the time, the fact that he's an orphan, yeah, and he has this revenge mission to kill this certain individual and come to find out? Well, we'll get there when we get there, but that's what I'm saying. These later arcs get ridiculous.
Speaker 2:And it's crazy because, like Grey is not the character that I didn't even see him as the Sasuke character until you said it, and I'm kind of mad now I didn't even.
Speaker 1:He really is the better Sasuke yeah, I'm not saying it's in a bad way, but it's more like you know how they kind of have this whole team Naruto trope going on. Not to say that they're all copying off the whole Naruto formula, but it just kind of feels that way to where there's always like these three people as the main characters, where you have the rambunctious protagonist, you have the cool laid-back, um smooth operator type dude that's like the rival to the main character, and then you have the girl character and, depending on whether she's gonna be the girl, that's like gonna be kind of useless or she's gonna be, um, the voice of reason and be more useful than the guys to some degree. It goes either way sometimes. That's why I say it's not always the same, because in Jujutsu Kaisen fucking Nobara, when she was fucking doing her thing she wasn't useless.
Speaker 1:No, absolutely You're right, yeah, and even fucking do her thing like she wasn't useless. No, absolutely right, yeah. And uh, even though not sue, he does like a good fight every now and then like not. Who's not that dumb, though?
Speaker 2:no no, not, who's not? Man. You're giving me more reasons on why I love fairy tale. Um, man, you're giving me more reasons on why I love fairy tale. Natsu's not that dumb. He's just not a tactician. Yeah, but he knows he's not a tactician and he relies on his friends to be the tactician, like when they're giving ideas or they're telling him no, natsu, do it like this, he actually will listen.
Speaker 1:It's more like he's. He's like Broly, to where he's a natural In combat, but Not in a tactical sense. That's why with people like Grey or Lucy, where, with their magic, the way their magic works is that they have to be tactful With their magic, because you can't just Use all those keys or use all these different ice spells Like that, but with all not sooth his fire dragon slayer magic to where, yeah, he can use like magic similar to fire magic, but his bonus is that he can eat fire to gain more power and then get right back into the fight.
Speaker 2:I absolutely love that because you know, if they ever did a crossover with Fire Force and Fairytale Natsu is the perfect person to be there. Listen. I know they combustion, he will just have endless music. They just, I mean, I feel like we need a crossover. I I feel like this is I need to work on this theory, because I need to figure out a way to connect these two worlds, because can you imagine just not to waking up in fire force and being like dang actually?
Speaker 1:I think we should work on like fan made um works to where it's like we just shit. Like why wait when we just make um produce the shit ourselves?
Speaker 2:oh, that's a good idea, because why not, right?
Speaker 1:yeah, like I would love a natu in a fire force, I would absolutely love a gray in a fire force, because I know he'd be royally annoyed I mean the way I see if death battle does all damn time like with compare, like putting these characters up against each other, then I'm like anybody can do it. Honestly, I mean not saying that it's easy, but I'm just saying's like the fact that it can be done and whatnot. I'm like saying like shit, like why wait for some other asshole to do it when we can do it?
Speaker 2:ourselves. Yo, that would be a killer fight. Yeah, what's the main character? Shinra, Shinra.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you got Shinra.
Speaker 2:Shinra versus freaking. Yeah, you got a uh Shinra. Uh Shinra versus freaking uh Natsu. Oh, that would be one of the greatest firefights I've ever seen. Oh, I would love that, hell yeah, but um, also, another thing with this arc is, uh's, this overcast moon that's causing the reason they got hired is because the villagers aren't aware, right, or why that their appearance, or why they change their appearance at night they lost the.
Speaker 1:Here's what I like about this, this arc. It turns out that it's not that they're trying to lift the curse to become human again.
Speaker 2:It's more like the curse was they had an amnesia causing barrier around the island that formed thanks to the moon drip and then, with the barrier gone, they remembered oh yeah, we've been demons the whole time yeah, and we've been looking like and it was the worst they had changed their appearance to fit in, but then they realized they didn't need to and I'm like, oh, that's cute, you don't have to change who you are to fit in oh, I like how they kind of snuck that into it.
Speaker 1:Oh, you were fine just the way you are. You just have to remember who you are.
Speaker 2:I'm like get the fuck out of here, yes, so, oh, one thing too Is like during this I think it's during this arc, if I'm remembering there was one particular Sentence that was Said that, like me rewatching it, I'm like I'm paying attention more and I'm seeing like all of the little drops of information, and they mentioned that there are western wizards that may or may not be stronger than people in the east and I'm like who's in the west?
Speaker 2:So I love that little, because I did not catch that the three thousand times that I watched it. I don't know why I never caught that part, but I caught it this time. I was like, oh, I see where they're headed with this. And then it kind of goes back in time into like a japanese culture of the obsession with the story of uh, east meets west, and I kind of love that homage that they always try to tie that in and how deep-rooted it is into anime and into their culture okay, I know this is different from anime, but you kind of remind me of that one episode of south park to where, essentially, um, I think it was like stan randy, a whole bunch of people.
Speaker 1:They had this worthless machine like margarita bill and they were trying to return it to, um, these asian people I don't know if it was like Chinese or Japanese or whatnot, I forgot, but point being they were trying to return it and then, like, these Asians were like putting some sort of weird reverse psychology genjutsu on them and I was like, oh yeah, yes, you're very smart, very smart American with big penis like whoa, like whoa, thank you. But um, it's like one of those things where, yeah, it's like sometimes with anime they'll have the things where, oh well, we should get like link up with some people from the us, and you know, yeah, and I and I really, um, I love that and, as we'll find out way later, there are wizards in the west.
Speaker 2:We'll find that out way later and they confirm that and it's like you realize now. So this whole thing, like this whole guild thing, is not just centrally located. This is a bigger and badster world and I can, you just you're just like I'm excited to explore all of it. I can't wait to uh see who's coming up next or where they're going next or what are their powers gonna look like that was I got a feeling that the westerners are gonna be kind of like the wizards from edilis, if you know what I mean.
Speaker 1:And I don't mean fucking like magic staffs or whatnot. I'm talking about actual, you know boom sticks. You know what I mean.
Speaker 2:Oh, my God.
Speaker 1:Lock and load Bell slots.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Magic bullets. You're going to be like oh, old buddy in the fairytale guild with the guns. It was like, oh, you thought you were the only one that was packing heat.
Speaker 2:Yo, I ain't going to lie Biska. Biska was bae Like Biska with that freaking sniper rifle. I was like, yeah, yeah, I think If I could be a lesbian, that's the kind of girl I want, I need to know she got my back. You know what I mean.
Speaker 1:Nah, I feel that.
Speaker 2:But that's all I really have to say about that arc.
Speaker 1:Alright, good, because let's get to the real meat and potatoes the Phantom Lord arc. To where, not to? Lucy, happy gray and urza return from galuna ida just to find out that their headquarters are in ruins thanks to gajio red fox, who's been sent by rival guild known as phantom lord, and a few more vile actions committed by phantom lord's members lead to a full-blown war between the two guilds, where, uh, it got to a point where, funny enough, gadiel was trying to attack uh levy with her friends, um, jet and joy. And then, like you know, here's another thing what I love about this anime, this anime manga the ships, the fucking ships. Everybody had to be shipped together. And then you kind of find out later on that, hey, fateful encounter, the man you're going to end up being in a relationship. You remember when we first met?
Speaker 2:and I tried to attack you. Now that's the story they want to tell the kids. Yeah, your dad was a bully. Now that's the story they want to tell their kids. Yeah, your dad was a bully.
Speaker 1:And then makarov when you heard that shit he got so heated like you saw that where, like, the aura and the eyes are like, oh, so you want war, fucking jose you know what?
Speaker 2:now this ready for war, this, this arc set up and and I'm not approving of any of this kind of behavior or condoning any gang violence, but this was gang violence nah, literally their gang rolled up to their um base and I was like just started some shit.
Speaker 1:And I was like yeah, we did it like graffiti in their own way. And then like oh, so that's how y'all feel, all right.
Speaker 2:Like literally set up shop, said we, taking over all y'all blocks, did not give a fuck. And then when mack roth went beast mode, I knew I was like, oh, they about to get fucked up, oh hell yeah like, first of all, um. I feel as though Macroff Is A better the Grandpa in Dragon Ball. He's a better Master.
Speaker 1:Roshi yeah. He's a better old geezer yes he's the better old geezer.
Speaker 2:Yes, he's the. He's definitely the better old geezer. He's now. He's just as flirtatious. You know we be seeing them little googly eyes, the little hard eyes. Okay, but when he decided to defend his children, when he said you hurt my kids, I was like never mind. Never mind, I'm not fucking with macro, I'm not because they was cool until you keep cool, until you fuck with his kids yeah like in this arc.
Speaker 2:We get some of the best fights Like hands down and we get introduced to two of the main characters Not main characters, but they become pretty relevant to the story. We get Juvia yeah, we also get Juvia doing this arc.
Speaker 1:Now I like the whole thing with Juvia to where it was like, um, on sight she had a crush on Grey, or better yet, it's more like with Grey. She had a crush on Grey, or better yet it's more like with Grey. He saw her as a woman and whatnot, so he was kind of confused. Hold on, why are you treating me so good? What's the feelings I'm experiencing right now?
Speaker 2:I literally said Juvia is the outward expression of every female.
Speaker 1:Oh, and I like how she pretty much went through the whole motions of being in love with a guy, between first meeting him and being like, oh I hurt you, hold on, let me fix that for you. And I was like, hold on, you started a fight with dude, now you want to heal him. And being like, oh I hurt you, hold on, let me fix that for you. And I was like, hold on, you started a fight with dude, now you want to heal him.
Speaker 1:And shit, and then also I think it was like Lucy. Lucy showed up and then I was like who is this bitch?
Speaker 2:and why did you want to talk to her like I love and it's so, and it's such a good. I thought it was such a good. I thought it was such a good way to express emotions. And then the fact that she's she calls herself the gloomy woman.
Speaker 1:Right, like she's, like, oh, all I ever bring, but really she's just the moody woman bro, like there was just some moments where I thought that Juvia was gonna be the yonder A character, to where it's like she just has like this damn near lethal amount of love for Grey, to a point to where she will literally kill somebody for this dude. Like you know how, um, okay, here's the funny thing. Uh, you remember I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen with, uh, naruto references. That's how much we love naruto. Like we're gonna do a review eventually.
Speaker 1:But that part when, uh, it was like early in naruto's where, uh, so you thought s thought Sasuke had a whole bunch of kunais in his back and he was dying and Sakura saw that and she was like so horrified that she just fainted and shit, okay, that was her reaction. If that was Juvia with Grey, if Grey was down and you saw that scene when Grey seemed like he died, and then she had that Crazy ass look on her face and she was like ready to kill a motherfucker For that dude. That's the difference. That's the difference.
Speaker 2:Listen, I honestly I agree with you Because I thought she was going to be like you know, from Future Diary.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:I thought she was going to go ape shit over gray and when she, when she's like, she's just cute and gentle like a butterfly.
Speaker 1:I was so confused when she's like like uh, how well, I don't know. To be honest with you, I was kind of rocking the old look, but the new looks all right too.
Speaker 2:Ah, really I like the new one.
Speaker 1:I mean, I like the new one, but I don't know Like the old one was like, at least it felt like I don't know. At least it felt like she was kind of standing out With um the whole thing with the curls and what not. I'm not saying I'm against the new look, but it's more like I don't know, it just felt like it just felt like her signature look, but now she just kind of looks like everyone else and it's not bad.
Speaker 1:But Eh, the old look just made you stand out a little bit better as a character, in my opinion. I don't know.
Speaker 2:No, I get what you mean, I do, I get it. Um yeah, I get it Cause her curls were definitely Kind of an iconic thing.
Speaker 1:When you think of Juvia, you think of that hair, you think of those curls swooped perfectly upwards and yeah, like I would still love it if it was like she still kept that whole look on her face, like she would be like serious for the most part, but whenever gray shows up she goes right back into that.
Speaker 2:Um, school girl made an energy oh, my god, you're not wrong, it was definitely school girl made an energy. I just wish you know what you're. One thing fairy tale does right, else another thing. Let me not say one thing. Another thing they do relationships right yeah they hit those nails on the head. So perfect, because I can't wait till we can really talk about the gray and she honestly though, it's like with her, with their relationship.
Speaker 1:I'm like I want this to happen. It's like this show makes me want this to happen to her. I'm like, gray, she's right there. Dude, why are you doing her like this?
Speaker 2:like gray just didn't get it and that doesn't make any sense to me on how he didn't get it, but I just can't wait to talk about it more.
Speaker 1:I don't want to spoil anything, because it makes me like they were really trying to do the whole twilight, oh, dynamics, where lucy might hook up withus, he might hook up with Gray. They kind of did this with Hunger Games too, with their name, with PETA and what else. What was the other guy? Yeah, I forgot the other dude's name.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was Hunger Games.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like I don't remember, I don't remember.
Speaker 2:It was like two dudes.
Speaker 1:I know one of them was Peter.
Speaker 2:It wasn't Finnick, was it? I know it was Peter and it wasn't the guy, was it Gale?
Speaker 1:Yes, I think it was Gale. Hold on, let me check one more. I'm sorry, I can't believe. I think it was Gale. Hold on, hold on, let me check one more, just to make sure. I'm sorry, I can't believe. I'm curious now, hold on.
Speaker 2:Gale was Liam Hemsworth's character.
Speaker 1:Yeah, gale, it was Gale, You're right, because Peeta was Joc's Hutcherson.
Speaker 2:Ah okay, I'm not a huge fan of the Hunger Games, but I get your point. I've only seen it like once or twice.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the whole point was like it seemed like oh see, michael Cope with him, see, michael Cope with him. We don't know yet. We're just going to have to see how all this shit plays out.
Speaker 2:But honestly, let's be real, lucy and Nasu just have more chemistry with each other yeah, oh, and I love that relationship too and I can't wait to oh, oh, wait, we can, we can, we can talk about a little bit. So this arc, during this arc too, we end up getting introduced to so many characters, backstories. We get hints and pieces of everyone's backstory that ends up becoming like kind of a main character. We get Lucy's backstory, which is more becoming like kind of a main character. We get Lucy's backstory, which is more towards the end of the arc, but we get to see my brother Elfman.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he finally get to use the Beast Takeover and fucking. He went Hulk smash on fucking Saltz where it's like he beat the shit out of him.
Speaker 2:He beat the dong shit out of him and what's crazy is like he was teasing Elfman the whole time. He was like, oh, you don't want to go do it. Oh, no, you don't. You know, you're too weak. Oh, you're too weak, huh.
Speaker 1:Nah, it's not that he was weak, it's just that he was holding back because he didn't have control over Beast's takeover back then. But now that he knows what he's fighting for and that he's not going to let what happened to Lusana happen to Mira Jane, he's like oh hell, nah.
Speaker 2:Yes, and we get the backstory of what happened to Lusana and we actually find out that Elfman murdered Lusana.
Speaker 1:I didn't mean to.
Speaker 2:Wait, what'd you say?
Speaker 1:I didn't mean to Listen he didn't mean to.
Speaker 2:And what's crazy too is we also get to see Mirror Jane. Right, we get to see how her character changed because of lisana's death, because during this whole arc she doesn't change, she doesn't fight, she doesn't pull out any of her uh takeovers or transformations, or beach transformations.
Speaker 1:We find out she was traumatized by lisana's death to the point where she actually started taking on lusana's personality traits yeah see, that's what I was gonna mention to where it seems like um, yeah, like to be honest, uh, mirajane, like in the earlier days, that's why she's like had like the black on and she really was beefing with urza for real back in the day, but then she was like after lisana is like uh, it was more like one of those things where you gotta laugh to keep from crying. So she kind of I thought that more cheerful and docile personality to kind of remind herself of um that she needs to stay strong, um for her lost sister. So I kind of like that to where it's like she had to like um, be strong for her sister, um by um wearing a smile yeah, it's a great and that's the other thing about fairytale it teaches you many lessons within the overall story.
Speaker 2:So, like it's a great lesson on how to deal and cope with grief, because it's okay to change because of grief, but it's not okay to be hindered by grief.
Speaker 1:And Go ahead and finish. I just remembered something, but go ahead and finish.
Speaker 2:And we see Elfman and he's being hindered by the grief, which is why he didn't want to transform, but now he has to, and seeing him go beast mode was absolutely crazy, oh yeah, but um, can we talk about speaking of grief?
Speaker 1:let's talk about lucy's backstory and how it turns out excuse me, turns out that Phantom Lord's master, jose, had the element for and all of them pretty much trying to kidnap Lucy. And it turns out that Phantom Lord they were hired because keep in mind that Phantom Lord is like one of those well-established guilds to where they were like well-known, so guys like Jude Hartfielder would hear about them and be like, ok, I'm going to need you to get my daughter away from that guild and make her come home, and I'll give you my whole family estate if you give me my daughter back. And I'm like, okay, dude, what the fuck is your problem? Like I'll get to you later. I'll get to you later, motherfucker. But I mean even though, yeah, I know he passed away, blah, blah, blah, but still, nah, I got some shit to say about you, but I'll wait.
Speaker 2:But the whole point is that you find out that Lucy was also dealing with some bullshit and you're thinking like, oh, lucy's gonna be the only normal one, like nope, even she got bullshit, even she got baggage yes, and that baggage was a lot for her and the fact that she was willing to run away from wealth and that, and also the perception of um old dude I refer to him as old dude because he gets my nerves. Old dude was that, oh, y'all only wanted her because she got money. And god jill's like all their pieces, like god jill's perception too. Oh, fairy tales, pieces of shit. They only want lucy because she's got money.
Speaker 1:She must be funding their guilt, like what okay, that clearly showed that you didn't get your facts straight. Because she wanted to join fairy tale, because she wanted to be close to her idol, uh, mirror, jane and whatnot. Like she heard good shit about fairy tale so she thought it was a good deal to join, like that had nothing to do with daddy and his money listen, she didn't even want daddy's money.
Speaker 2:When urza sitting up there telling uh, telling them, and they're like wait, what urza's like bro? We didn't even know who she was until y'all said no, that's a funny thing.
Speaker 1:It's like I don't even think that she I think that was like the first time she even mentioned her last name to people, like she was just going by lucy. For the most part we didn't know. Wait, hold on, you're a heart failure, bro, you rich. Yeah, whoa, hold on, you're from. You come from old money no money.
Speaker 2:You got that old people money, oh my god, oh my god. And they didn't. And it's crazy because she's never, even after this, right, just like briefly mentioning, even after this. It's not like fairy tales like, oh well, can you help us give us money? Can you reach out to your daddy because we need help? No, it was never about that. And you then you realize. So wait a minute, all of this started over a misunderstanding but also when you think about that, it's like it's a.
Speaker 1:When you really hear that it's like, okay, if you come from money, why are you joining a guild and acting like you're so oppressed over um not getting any money from all these missions, like, uh, if she, if she was really um well off, she wouldn't even care that, um, she lost a lot of money on those missions. But like when she's like, oh no, we didn't get paid, I'm like, uh, that's a sign that she's not, uh, she's not getting allowance from daddy you know, urza broke down that girl finances.
Speaker 2:She was like she stay in a six hundred dollar a month apartment. Okay, she's struggling. I was like that if I was lucy I would have been like you ain't gotta tell them all that man. Nah, nah, I know, I know you like you know defending me, but dang, you got to tell them I'm damn broke.
Speaker 1:Wow, I'm not out here selling my goat man, I'm like that hurt my feeling when you realized that I used to own a like I mean not own, but I used to rent like apartment that was like $600.
Speaker 2:Oh, oh well, excuse the hell out of me.
Speaker 1:I thought I was living ghetto. Fabulous.
Speaker 2:Nothing, you know nothing wrong with it. I did too Well, Lucy, Lucy, and that's the thing. They thought she was out here like really living off of daddy's money, and she really truly wasn't. And then we also get. We get. So this is kind of the bigger overall picture.
Speaker 2:Right, we find out that god jill is a dragon slayer yeah and we also find out that his dragon disappeared seven years ago, on the exact same date that natu's dragon disappeared. Now what I love about natu is that he will fight your ass and then ask you questions afterwards, as if y'all didn't just get through fight that's just how much he loves his good fight.
Speaker 1:He's kind of like goku, but like, not that reckless like you know, like sometimes he'll be in his feelings and whatnot. Like I forgot when exactly it was, but I'm trying to remember. Oh, I know this later, I know this much later, but essentially it was when they got back from Tenryu Island and Twilight Ogre was bullying the remaining members of Fairytale. They were bullying them out of like protection money and blah, blah, blah. And then the S-Class mage just came back, whooped Twilight Ogre's asses. But I mean, fuckin' Natsu wasn't in the mood to join in, even though he was walking past, saw the ruckus and like, nah, I'm not in the mood, mainly because it was like he was so concerned for lucy who just found out that, um, daddy harfield died. So she's like, eh, I'm kind of feeling some type of way about it. And then that guy's not feeling some type of way about it. So I'm like, nah, I'm not in the mood to fight. So he's not, like you know, he's not that one-dimensional. But yeah, for the most part you're right.
Speaker 2:He'll eat your face and then ask you the right questions he won't either, or he'll be like hey bro, so we cool now right like he I'm sorry, bro, I'm gonna need like a week or two to heal right, no, he, he don't even give you the week, he's just like. So him and don jill spike ended, and literally as soon as it ended man, you still acting some type of way about that fight last week and then, um, so this arc was really and it felt long.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna say that I'll be honest with you. This arc felt really long, but we got so much in it and the crazy thing is we still haven't even gotten the full backstories. This is only bits and pieces of these people's lives, like we only know. We, we only learned a little bit about lucy right, we learned. You know who she was, where she comes from, and towards the end of the arc she goes back home and she's like hey, dad, I'm still gonna let you know I ain't coming home. I don't give a fuck about that money. Um, I'm gonna go back and be broke with my friends, First of all, I don't need your money.
Speaker 1:Second of all, I don't appreciate you hiring this questionable shady guild to kidnap me. You could have just said hey, can you come home so we can talk.
Speaker 2:Bruh, that's all you had to do was just say I need to talk. He didn't do that's. All you had to do was just say I need to talk. He didn't do that at all and you were really.
Speaker 1:And the third thing is you were willing to throw away everything just for me to come home.
Speaker 2:I don't know, that's kind of sweet. You know, my little heart was like you know, he willing to give it all up. You know, isn't that what you know? Girls say they want for me. You know, you know.
Speaker 1:I guess I can't be mad at what he was going for. I just didn't like the means that he went through to do it.
Speaker 2:No, his means were terrible. Kidnapping is illegal.
Speaker 1:I'm like you're saving the kidnapping of your own daughter, Only due to her filial, I guess.
Speaker 2:I mean, you know, that's how you know it's old money they gotta resort to that.
Speaker 1:And then I hate to say it, but it just gets worse and worse until you know he passes away. So we'll get there, though, but yes, you were talking about a whole bunch of backstory. You want to talk about backstory? Let's talk about backstory. Whole bunch of backstory. You want to talk about backstory? Let's talk about backstory. The loki art, it's where, after the whole thing with phantom lord, unless you have something else to know.
Speaker 2:I'm excited for the loki art all right.
Speaker 1:So essentially we're coming to find out that loki is actually leo of the leader of the celestial spirits, but let's just say karen was dare I say being a karen.
Speaker 1:You're right, she really was a karen, but continue but she was just bitching and moaning and using these celestial spirits like tools. It was like fucking. It was like the opposite of you know, like the power of friendship. When you have like those people, that's like, nah, friends are only a means to an end, like as soon as their usefulness is over, I'm just gonna get rid of them. Like, and, believe me, I know I knew people like that and that's why I don't fuck with them anymore. So it be like that sometimes. But, um, essentially, loki was trying to talk to Karen about him, about her, like Mistreating Ares, as far as like, so there's some creepy men that's lusting after me, you might take some of their attention for me, you know.
Speaker 2:I said she was like you mind dealing with them for me. Thank you, bruh.
Speaker 1:Bruh, bruh. And then Bob, the guild master of Blue Pegs, was like I don't like the way you treating these celestial spirits. And then she was like man, who the fuck cares what you think, and then just hoss off. I was like this bitch here. And then, um, after all this said and done, and Loki was um, doing his best to where, I'm like you know what? You're going too far, so I'm gonna fucking use my own gate to you know, I'm gonna fucking enter the human world on my own and I'm just gonna sit here. And she was like nah, you're not gonna sit here, I'm gonna put you back in your pokeball. Oh no, excuse me back in your pokeball.
Speaker 1:Use the key the fucking wrong anime JB and then I'm gonna use the key to send you back.
Speaker 1:And then I was like, nah, that's not gonna work so she was like please, would you, please go back to the celestial world? And I was like nah, that's not gonna work. So she was like please, would you, please go back to the celestial world? And I was like nah, she didn't actually say that, but that was the vibe and I was like yeah, I'm not really feeling that, apology there. And then she just got mad like well, fuck you too, trying to beat the shit out of him.
Speaker 2:I was like I knew that.
Speaker 1:Apology was fake, trying to beat the shit out of him.
Speaker 2:I knew that apology was fake. Listen, okay, when she was trying to close his gate, bro, that girl was like gate closed, she thought she had power. When Loki was still standing there. I was like damn Loki, is that nigga? He said you're not going to hit my woman. What you're not going to do is you're not going to beat up on my woman, you're not going to use her like that. And the subtle hit that she was using Ares as like a sexual tool was terrible, like that. And then not only that, but she used her to block kids, Mira, James, watch this.
Speaker 1:Keep in mind as low-key. You know he was hanging around a whole bunch of girls, right?
Speaker 2:Check this out.
Speaker 1:With low-key. He hit it to her like this I may be a womanizer, but even I don't condone treating women like that Bruh, and that's be a womanizer but even I don't condone treating women like that, bruh, and that's crazy.
Speaker 2:Karen was karen literally was so stubborn and so hateful in her own self was that she was willing to die for her own stubbornness.
Speaker 1:Oh, and also, basically, she's one of those chicks to where her fame got, to her head, To where it's like, oh, she became such a big name apparently. To where it's like she was literally a gas amid.
Speaker 2:She really, and that's the crazy part. So, and Bob did scold her to the point where that's why she ended up bringing out aries and beating her, because she was like why are you talking to my guild leader? Why she didn't even say how can she talk to the?
Speaker 1:guild leader. She came after aries like a mad pimp. I was like oh, you got um bob fighting for you now.
Speaker 2:I'm like no, You're not wrong.
Speaker 1:And Aries, look, here you're on my property. You do not stand up to me ever again.
Speaker 2:She did say that she did. She was like you're my property and I'm like, oh my God, she really was out here thinking she was a pimp.
Speaker 1:She thought they didn't help that did she have like a whip and some shit like it did not help that she?
Speaker 2:she had a whip like it, just it just. Karen was giving me karen vibe. She was exuding all of the elements of a karen when you were just napping for no fucking reason bro. And then the fact that loki stayed in the realm for like three years was crazier, like he was banished to the human world, like he couldn't return because. So we find out later you know that she's dead. Right, we find out Karen dies, and then we're going to talk about the killer later then we find out she's dead.
Speaker 2:And once we find out she's dead, it's like the celestial king basically has these laws and rules that you can't go against your Celestial Wizard, right? You made a contract, it's in your contract. Can't do that. If you kill your Celestial Wizard, you're banished, right? Even though Terran chose to go on this mission knowing she couldn't open no gate. Bitch why you know you can't open no gate. Bitch why you know you can't open no other gate. You knew that. But you was like, ooh, I'm broke.
Speaker 1:Mary Jane, you know what this is. What this is? The Thanksgiving episode of Always Sunny, all Over Again to where the guys were acting too proud to apologize to McFoyles for what happened with one of the McFoyles brother's eyes, the blonde one, to where they would rather go find him a new eye, than to just apologize.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:He was being way too proud to not apologize, like I'm not wrong, you're wrong. You're not doing what I'm telling you to do.
Speaker 2:Yo. And then all loki acts was like break our contracts, just let us go, because their keys just would have been out there in the wilderness, it wouldn't have mattered, but just let us go please, all right.
Speaker 1:No, I need you. No, no, wait. No, I can't say that that would imply that you have power over me. I can't give up.
Speaker 2:I can't give up my carrot powers. How dare you?
Speaker 1:Can't let them assume that they have value. What?
Speaker 2:Never, they can never have value. Not in my name, you only have value because I give you value. It's like a mom giving cookies. You only have cookies when I give you cookies. But Loki's art.
Speaker 1:Thank God that celestial spirits don't have to eat because she was starving. Oh my God, they were starving to death. Oh my.
Speaker 2:God, oh my God. That reminds me of that newest episode of Demon Slayer. That reminds me of that new episode where Conjurer was being starved because he couldn't fight. He was like, yeah, until you get a hit, you're not getting no food. What, what? Two weeks?
Speaker 1:later he's like yeah, until you get a hit, you're not getting no food, what? But um but um, just to try not save up on time. Essentially, what happened with loki, is that okay, even though, after you know, karen died and loki was fading away, the celestial spirit king heard the cries of Lucy and Lucy demanded the celestial spirit king to make to fix this and all that shit, and he was like nah, nah, rules are rules. And Lucy was like man, fuck those rules, just bring them back. It's not fair. And I was like nah, nah, rules are rules. And then she was like oh yeah, summons, all the celestial spirits Like hold the fuck on.
Speaker 2:Wait a minute, no one ever did that before.
Speaker 1:You know what I like the size. I like the size.
Speaker 2:But Lucy called him stache face and that man felt so proud to be called stache face.
Speaker 1:I like the size of your lady balls. You know what?
Speaker 2:go ahead, fam, you can keep Loki not only keep Loki, but Loki your new contract. You gotta protect her forever. Stay with her forever. She's a rare one. I like this one, so that's kind of. Yeah, that's basically the gist of Loki's backstory, and the thing I liked about it the most, too, was just Lucy's dedication to her celestial spirits. We understand how important it is now, and it made Celestial Wizards really cool, and the Celestial Spirit King is absolutely terrified because he also looks like the front of a choo-choo train.
Speaker 2:I don't know why he looks like a choo-choo train to me, but that's.
Speaker 1:Oh, like that one football player from Waterboy Meany, and I was like wow. And then Bobby was like you sound like a big Choo choo.
Speaker 2:Yes, actually, but uh, I think we're on to the next arc.
Speaker 1:Alright, we got Three more arcs technically four, but honestly I'm going to be real with y'all right now I don't give a fuck about that. Daphne, ari Len, you can do it.
Speaker 2:It's not even Okay. First of all, it's not even relevant to the. It was only in the anime, not relevant to the manga.
Speaker 1:Gotcha so.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so we can see it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but I've really got like three arcs and then we're just going to wrap it up. I'll go into intermission from here. Tower of Heaven, oh, oh okay, here we go.
Speaker 1:So Urza's former friends join up, making their appearance, causing chaos for the Fairytale's strongest team, taking Urza with them to the Tower of Heaven. There, urza and her friends confront Jalal Fernandez, one of Urza's longtime friends, gone insane. And Urza's past also comes to interview. So this is now Urza's backstory showing up and Urza has one of the more tragic backstories, like I know some um people backstories where it's like, okay, that's kind of sad. Nah, this is kind of tragic to a point where it got to a point where, honestly, mirror jane is funny because we did the review on it not too long ago and we also did a nerdy core review, but uh, you know whatalal? He was giving me Aaron Yeager vibes to a degree. Why? Because this dude is basically saying that I am willing to kill everybody to make sure that me and my people are free.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, but I didn't agree with Jalal. Well, I agree with Aaron. I didn't agree with Jalal. I agree with Aaron, I don't agree with Jalal.
Speaker 1:Well, hold on. How does it work with Aaron but not Jalal?
Speaker 2:Jalal doesn't. Jalal's reasoning doesn't make any sense. No one is Okay. So in the past, yes, like when they were being held captive in the tower of heaven, right, that made sense. Now, once they were all able to escape, and then the tower of heaven ends up getting destroyed later, right for jelal. And jelal ends up taking over and he's like oh well, I still need to free my people. Your people are. Technically, you can free them now, you don't even have to do, you don't have to start the S system. Like they realize the R system still exists. Right, realizing that and that they're still having. Why, jalal, you're supposed to be done, took over, right, right, what you're saying I don't. I don't see. Jelal's point doesn't make any sense to me. Okay, aaron's point makes perfect sense. Why? Because there was an intent to kill his people.
Speaker 1:Right, fair enough, fair enough. And the whole thing with Tower of Heaven, so essentially Huge battle begins in the darkness of Tower of Heaven. Urza's path begins to unfold, the mysterious art system is revealed, like you were just saying, urza and Jalal's paths connected and it turns out that Jalal was giving, jalal was, um, giving out these names. Like he still like, okay, we're gonna name you Urza Scarlet, because you have scarlet red hair. And I was like, okay, well, that's a little on the nose, but, um, that's pretty much where, how she gained her skills as a wizard and everything, how, like I still keep forgetting that she has a fake eye me too like she got tortured and all sorts of shit, like they were practically slaves at the tower of heaven.
Speaker 1:So yeah, that's why I said that Urza's backstory was kind of tragic, which also makes her overall character even more beautiful, because she went through a whole lot of bullshit and to this day it's like she's now this strong boss, lady, woman, you know fucking titania, um, and he's like you just hear more about her story and, oh man, I just feel for it's like she just feels like a full character.
Speaker 1:It's like she's not like just strong, just what hell of it. It's more like she has emotional strength and like, yeah, she cries sometimes. Yes, you have a laugh or two. Sometimes she'll be in on a joke and do something funny. But that's why I'm saying like, with urza, she feels like a well-rounded character, like she has a range of emotions, she has baggage too. She has friends that she cares deeply for, not just from fairytale but outside the guild, like hell. Even this whole thing where the whole shit between Urza and Jalal Like I know Jalal was on some fuck shit, you know being who he was, but also being on the magic council at Seagrain, so it was like he was like a master planner or what not, trying to fire up the ethereum and what not?
Speaker 2:and yeah, like he even used magical projection to project himself as seagren, which I thought I was like god dang, like. This is a really detailed and well thought out plan. Jalal is definitely so. Jalal is also, uh, trying to resurrect. We find out they're trying to resurrect Zareph, right Zareph is. We find out about old magic, and we find out that magic has been around, obviously, for centuries at this point, and they want to resurrect the wizard Zareph, because Zareph will free his people.
Speaker 2:I don't know why they believe that, though, but, um, the tower essentially itself for urza's backstory is, like you said. It's very tragic, and we end up later on in uh, we'll find out later in like the oration on say's arc, is this arc and erasure on say's arc are very much intertwined and interconnected, so I I recommend watching this arc, then watching a ratio on say, because it just it flows a lot better, in my personal opinion. Um, because jalal is being controlled. We find that out, right, jalal? He thinks it's him doing it, but he's actually being controlled by the R system and being manipulated into thinking that resurrecting Zaref is going to be the right thing to do, and he's angry at Urza, and he's also told her friend lies that Urza left them, she betrayed them, she abandoned them, forgot all about them, and that was never true, even in the beginning of this arc.
Speaker 2:Urza's the first time she decides to quote unquote have fun, right, she actually puts on. We get to see her re-quip into a very sexy evening gown and she's like, okay, I guess I could kind of, I guess I can finally let down the guard that I've built up. And she's never forgotten about what her friend she's never forgotten, and this is her first time actually trying to have a good time. So that's um. This arc was very um in my personal opinion, oddly enough, not one of my favorites. I love the backstory, I love urza's backstory, but I just felt like it tied in so much better together with your, I wish we would have just gotten those back to back, if that makes any sense no, that's okay, it's kind of hard to talk about the tower of heaven without talking about a Rishianthes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's like I know, yeah, because it's almost like okay, we need a little break from something. It's weird how, like, even though the Bad Eye Fairytale was a serious moment to where and we'll get to it, but you're right, it's like it kind of felt like it would have hit more to where we just expanded more and kind of focused on this um storyline a little bit more.
Speaker 2:But it's almost like okay, um, this is more like round one, we'll have a different scenario and then we'll have round two after that yeah, that's kind of what it felt like to me and like, even though I will say this arc had some of the better battles, some of the better matches, um, the some of the best urza requips right but also, at the same time, like it felt really kind of jumbled, especially with a lot of the flashbacks there was.
Speaker 1:I wish we would have just gotten all the flashbacks Right and then, instead of them happening in the midst of battles and fights, because you kind of get lost in the story, and, oh, I like how, in this fight where, okay, jalal is losing his mind, he's using, like this, heavenly magic and whatnot against Nasu, and as soon as Simon dies and Urza's crying over Simon Nasu's like you know what, fuck this guy, I'm gonna try to do whatever I can to beat him so he eats this chug of lacrimal uh containing ethereum, and then it create um, increases power to a point where he was able to learn dragon force for the first time, and then uh kicked his ass.
Speaker 2:Yo and ass yo and then that fight was absolutely amazing and we also get to see uh, uh urza's farewell.
Speaker 1:Armor right, yes we get to see that and, honestly, in my opinion, one of my favorite armors uh, she looks super badass in it, even though and also Urza, you talked about this earlier right, urza tries to sacrifice herself, we have somebody else trying to sacrifice themselves and Natsu's like hey, bruh, I'm gonna need you not to do that, because oh, can I rewind to the part with phantom lords where, okay, uh, they were trying to rescue lucy and she was like on top of this tower or you know that, uh, this house moving castle, uh type thing, uh phantom warhead, and then she was like jumping off and Nasu was gonna catch her and like whoa, at least he um cushioned the ball, but I just like how, for the sake of fan service, um, she landed her breast, landed right on his face and you just, I don't know, y'all crazy that's so true, but uh, like I and it's, it's kind of funny, it's interesting that that's kind of a constant thing and not to saving urza and not to basically tell urza you have to live for your friends, we don't want you to die for us, we want you to live.
Speaker 2:And this is, I will say, this arc was the first arc we really see Urza cry. She cries over Simon and then she cries when Natu's telling her she needs to live and you know what, you know how.
Speaker 1:In game it was that whole scene with Hawkeye and Black Widow and I'm going to be like very better.
Speaker 2:Oh, you're so right. It was like oh man, it was just like that Wow Dang, okay. I wonder if they stole it from you. It was just like that Wow Dang, okay. I wonder if they stole it from me. I know they did. But I know they watch anime, I know they do.
Speaker 1:They don't even read comics. You've seen that video when all the cameos they're like nah, we didn't see One fucking comic. Don't give them that much credit. Come on where all the cameos they're like nah, we didn't see one fucking comic. I'm like Mary Jane, don't give them that much credit.
Speaker 2:Come on, you know what. You're right, let me not lie, because that's just a lie, that's not even credit.
Speaker 1:I mean, they'll probably have like some loose inspiration, like oh well, you know I was watching this death and I thought it would be kind of cool, but I'm like, and then, next thing, you know, you get shit where. Like you got Quantumania playing out like fucking Tron Legacy.
Speaker 2:Oh my god. But um, so yeah, I think you know what. It's definitely not one of my favorite arcs because it just built all over the place. But it's not a one of my favorite arcs because it just built all over the place. But it's not a bad arc, it's not. It's not terrible, it's just. I wish it was a little more cohesively written. Right, we got oh, oh, purgatory. Armor, can she put me in purgatory please? Oh that armor said so much about me and I, and I just like I don't know why.
Speaker 2:I find this is the most attractive thing I have ever seen in my life. But we get to see so many different armors from Urza in this arc and I thought that was great and a little. Another little fun fact about her armor and armor changes is the Arthur Dominga was making them up as he went along. So, as he was, he basically plot armor because he was like I'm gonna get her out of this situation. Oh, I guess she's gonna re-clip into another one. He was literally coming up with the armors as he went along. But that, honestly, that makes urza even more beautiful, like you said, because like she had so much backstory, so much pain and hurt and she still kept going and I'm kind of glad her armors are just kind of made up on the fly.
Speaker 1:It makes so much sense now, oh yeah alright, um, two more arcs and I swear we're gonna try the Battle of Fairytale Arc. So, essentially, as soon as the gang gets back from the whole Tower of Heaven bullshit, you know they're gonna have like this Celebration for Magnolia's annual harvest festival, excuse me, and that's going to include like a beauty contest for lucy urza mirajane, the other fairy tale, uh, members to participate and whatnot. But while this was going to go down and Juvia, now keep in mind that there was, like some member, what would they call Trinity Raven. So you had Ikagura and that one dude that looked like a fucking Metal Rockstar, that was like trying to Get women to be his slaves. Oh my god, help me. All these dudes trying to make these women their property and shit you know, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I don't even have an explanation for why this keeps happening. And why are they always ugly? Help me, yeah, why are they always average looking? Some of them don't be ugly, they just be average. Why couldn't it be? I would be, um, you know, mr, you know, if he, if he was asking, am I gonna say no, probably not, you know, but why is it always some average ass freaking niggas?
Speaker 1:But um, like I was saying, like, essentially, um Juvia showed up during the whole Tower of Heaven thing and did the whole unison raid with um whole tower heaven thing and did the whole unison raid with um lucy and, you know, kind of accepted lucy and the others as their new friends and want to join fairy tale, so now she's a member, uh, even though some of them um was like, okay, well, we're cool with um julvia, but hold on, god, you was joining too, the fuck, and I'm like I don't know about this guy, but whatever. But then it's like next thing, you know, um laxus was like yeah, you know what, we don't like the way this guild is going. We used to mean something, we used to be like the top dogs, but now it's like no, like this, ain't it though? So you know what old man you need to retire. I'll take over here. I was like I don't know man, I don't think you ready, but not with that attitude.
Speaker 1:I was like oh yeah, watch this rajin drive assemble symbol.
Speaker 2:He really did, he really did under free to know, yeah oh, my god, the dude with the what is.
Speaker 2:I always forget his name, but he has the tattoo on his dog. Yes, I love Big Slow, but his name, but he has the tattoo on his tongue Big Flo. Yes, I love Big Flo. Yeah, yeah, essentially, luxus is a terrible grandson. He's a spoiled, rotten grandson who's happy, as we can tell, is not around because his granddaddy has been raising and the battle of fairytale was fun. That's what it. To me it was super fun because I was glad god jill got to join, I was glad to see julia there. I also think it's funny that every single time they come back and the guild has been completely rebuilt and renovated and then it's gonna get torn down again. It's like as soon as Natsu or as soon as they all get back, it's gonna get broken again.
Speaker 1:It's like it's always something here. Why can't we just fucking chill out for like a month?
Speaker 2:just can we get a break? Can we get like a 15, 20 minute break, okay, before everything's destroyed? They didn't even get to sit down, get to get nothing to eat. Connor didn't even get a chance to offer them anything to drink. Okay, this, and luxus just wants to ruin everyone. I don't, luxus was just spoiled. That's my general consensus about luxus. There's no way. Like, what reason did he really have? Because he's recounting a time where fairy tale and their members, where fairy tale members were like super OP, like they still have super OP characters, they still have super OP guild members. Like I had no idea what Luxus was talking about, but we'll find out later what Luxus was talking about.
Speaker 1:I know what it is with. The thing is between Mavis and Makarov, the guild was more about family and camaraderie and whatnot, you know, power of friendship and whatnot, more like being a team and whatnot. And Lexus was one of those people that thought it was more about power than teamwork, so it was like more about raw strength. So I want to say he reminds me of certain characters to where it seems like, oh, that power, friendship, bullshit is going to get y'all killed. It's like y'all need to have like raw strength. That's what really matters, you know. That's why like he, that's why, like he would have like, and that's the thing he did. The same Thing Jalal did, where essentially he created Thunder Palace, this cluster of lightning Infused, lacrimal, to destroy the entire town Until he gets what he wants.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, but that's full rap behavior. The entire town until he gets what he wants. Yeah, but that's full brat behavior. That's definitely. I'm going to throw a hissy fit until I get what I want, because I feel like I know better than you, grandpa. Like, no, no, no, and so this arc right we get. Not only do we get Urza being the badass bitch that she is right, we also get to see Mary Jane for the first time.
Speaker 1:Uh, yeah, so okay. So here's what happens. Um so, lucy and Loki, they defeat Bixlo, leaving only the leader of the Riding Tribe, freed and Freed remaining. So Freed he's kind of like the second command out of the three of them, like Evergreen Bixlo, and Freed he's like the leader of them and then you have the actual team captain and that's Laxus.
Speaker 1:But point being Is that Freed was up and then Kana and Juvia Was found, him and forced by his rune magic To battle each other to win the falls. But believing it would be an act To earn Fairy Tail's complete trust, juvia instead attacks one, the Thunder Palace, lacryma Sacrifices herself so Kanna can fight Free and, however, free defeats Kanna and Elfman Mirror. Jane, distressed over her brother's suffering, calls her to activate Satan's soul and she's just become real badass and shit, like with the one piece like bikini thing going on and the claws and everything, like you're looking badass and she uses that to defeat breed in a fury. However, she regains her cool, like she was like kind of going a little out of control, but she regained control herself and convinced breed to stop fighting his friends. Because you know we're more than friends, we're family here. You know we need to stop fighting, but Free was like yeah, you know what You're right.
Speaker 1:Meanwhile, levi's trying to break the enchantment, preventing Natsu and Gadiel from leaving the guild to find Laxus because you know they were kept behind. Leaving the guild to find Lax because you know they were kept behind at the guild hall while everybody else was fighting each other, so you know how it is. Where you gotta save the. Uh.
Speaker 2:Go to guys for last, you know oh yeah and um, satan's soul is is not one of Mirj Jane's most powerful forms we get to see those way later but she uses a move called a soul extinguisher, I think, or extinguisher, something like that, and that's where she's kind of losing control, because technically it's supposed to extinguish someone's soul.
Speaker 2:That fight was super cool because it was great to see Mira Jane break out of her holding herself back too, thinking that you know, I could possibly kill someone, just like my brother did, like I miss my sister this much and I miss her so much so that I took on who she was as a person, because that was the only way I could cope. And then we get to see her break out of that and still be able to express herself and say you know what? I just don't want any of my friends to die because I lost my sister and I don't want to lose anyone else and I'm scared, and that's OK. But you can also still be a badass and have emotions, and that's exactly what miraj exemplifies, along with erin, like two of the badass females in this freaking anime, have to deal with loss and grief, and I love that and I think they wrote that part really well. And Another key moment is we get to see Mistogon.
Speaker 1:Yes, he shows up to Cathedral Battle Laxus until not soon Urza arrives, distracts Mistogon and turns out Laxus knew he saw what Mistogon's face Was before and he even teased that um in a previous arc. When you know, he was in that um second floor, like looking over everybody, like look at all these pr and I y'all don't even know what miss gun's face look. But I know, uh, and then turns out it's jelal's face and it's like, wait, so Mistagon was J'Law? No, no, no, we'll explain that when we get to the Edelweiss, however, mistagon tells Natsu and Urza that he's a different person from J'Law and disappears. But once again, we'll explain that in the Edelweiss. So Natsu says that he will duel Laxus instead of Urza, who says I'll destroy all of Thunder Palace's lacrimal crystal, all at once.
Speaker 1:But of course Gaiji and Gai get in on the action too. So we have these three dragon slayer magicians fighting each other, and that goes on up until, like, laxus revealed himself to be a dragon. Well, he's a he's a second, oh my God. It's funny because I'm like he's a second generation dragon slayer magician. To where he's like oh my God, reminding me of Fire Force. All over again to where it's like there's first generation, second and third generation, we gotta do.
Speaker 2:And third generation we gotta do the crossover. We gotta do the crossover like that. That's absolutely, that's the sign. We gotta do the because, like so, luxus was experimented on, right, we we find that out later too. We get Luxus' backstory a little bit later, but we find out that's how he's a second generation Dragonflare, because he's been experimented on and we experiment on with Lacrimor and that's how he ends up getting his thunder powers and we find out his dad's a piece of shit yeah, I mean, yeah, fuck that guy man with a 10 foot pole, absolutely so.
Speaker 2:And we get, as you stated, we get the three dragon fight, which was absolutely great. We also find out that Dodgel could just eat iron, like we knew he could. But don't leave iron around him. If you have iron fences, iron, anything with iron in it, you not gonna keep it because he's going to eat it. I feel sorry for the person he winds up with. I really do. They just need a wood house at that point. But we also Get that major fight scene.
Speaker 2:And one thing about Miss Dogon is Forgot to mention this earlier. Miss Dogon is so strong that he took out All of the subsections Of the Phantom Lord Guild by himself, that he took out all of the subsections of the phantom lord guild by himself. Like there's a scene in the in the end of the anime where all the flags are flying and he's with, uh, grandini, which we didn't really mention her, but we'll mention her later anyway, but he's with her and all the flags, all the freaking flags. So that's how powerful mr gone is. He took out sectors, not not just one or two, like 30 by himself, and he's basically holding off lux's by himself now. And can we talk about that facial bill, when urs was just staring and has a flashback and she's basically like nah, bro, I gotta go. Like sorry, you look too much like somebody. I know I'm out um and to.
Speaker 2:I don't know if it was as shocking to to anyone, but I know it was shocking for me to see that he looked just like Jalal I. I was so confused I was like he got a twin brother. Uh, is he good now? Like has he been playing this mind game this whole time? Like what is this?
Speaker 2:And I thought it was a great nudge to get you to the next, to get you to the next arc. That doesn't happen for the whole entire arc, so we gotta wait more to find out. But you're just like okay. So now fairytale does a good job of setting up all these little mysteries until you get to the next arc. But towards the end of the fairytale battle I like to call it fairytale, but towards the end of the battle, fairytale urza is always a badass, always will be a badass. She saves the day we get to see heaven's will armor, one of my other favorite armors out of all of her armors and over I think it was like over a hundred swords yeah and while Natsu and Godzilla are still holding off Luxus and Luxus.
Speaker 2:So Luxus is stupid, luxus is trying to use very long yeah, it's like.
Speaker 1:It's like using the spirit bomb against someone who's pure of heart. I'm like that's not gonna work for you, fam.
Speaker 2:That's not how very law works bruh, like if anything, it will just revoke itself back on you.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna use fairy law to destroy everyone in the city and then then it's like wait, it didn't work.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because no one's evil here. Yurita, you don't even know how it works, oh wait no, no, no, that wasn't it.
Speaker 1:It's not that they were evil, it was more lines of um. It turns out that the reason why everyone was unaffected by the spell was that Laxus didn't really hate anyone there. Yeah, it was more like I just wanted y'all to be stronger, like why y'all acting like pussies?
Speaker 2:But no one was really okay, except like there were some guild members, but they were old men, like what did you expect them to do?
Speaker 1:I don't know lift weights.
Speaker 2:Like wow, like I don't know lift weights like I don't know what lexus was expecting them to like, be this ultra powerful.
Speaker 1:Strong like they were starting to get old, but which is why I think it's a matter of you know the old school versus the new school. It's where all you young whippersnapper always um becoming like megalomaniacs and shit. It's like when you get to my age, you realize that, um, your family and friends is gonna be the most important things in your life and all y'all want to do is just chase that bag and oh my god, let's not even talk about chasing the.
Speaker 2:That's so true. You're so freaking right, lux's. You're right. I feel for lux's a little bit, but at the same time he's a spoiled brat. He's obviously the spoiled brat of the bunch. It's obvious that he got his way like he had his own sub team, which everyone has their own sub but he he literally brainwashed his team into thinking this was a good idea I think it felt more like um his team.
Speaker 1:Well, okay, not really brainwashed, but let's just say that sometimes in these toxic friend groups in real life you're gonna have some people that's gonna be like the punching bag. You're gonna have some people that's like actually normal, and then you have that one dude who think he's um the top dog and all um big shit and whatnot. But that's mainly because the only reason why is because you have this fourth element and every toxic friend group that caused this dude to act like he has such a big ego and whatnot. And those are the meat writers. That's what they are. My theory is that Evergreen Freed and Big Slow was just dick writing for Laxus to where it's like, hey man, if the boss said we should do it, let's do it I'm like yeah, you know, it sounds good oh my god, um you, yeah, you know what?
Speaker 2:now that you say it and you break it down like that, I didn't even think about it that way. And then Luxus, too, kind of reminds me of the jock in high school.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Who thinks he knows everything and thinks like oh, you know, I know how things are going to work out, I know how it should go because I'm a badass and I'm strong Like it doesn't, and his friends just seem like cheerleaders. I'm a badass and I'm strong, like it doesn't, and his friends just seem like cheerleaders To be honest with you, they just seem like the Flash Thompson type character. Yeah, yeah, and what I did love about the end, though, was that it was a fight between family. Matt is just like alright, you guys.
Speaker 1:thanks Urza for doing a great job saving the city, but let's party and, oh, I like how even the fucking Fantasia parades where everybody was having fun, and Laxus, uh oh, keep in mind that, um, while this was happening, uh, laxus, humbled by his experience with the battle um business grandpa, and uh Makarov was fully recovered, but Makarov was like, eh well, you know I'm not really mad at you, but he did try to kill us. So as a formality, I gotta expel you from the guild.
Speaker 1:Yeah and then I was like, yeah, you know what that's fair. So I'm out, old man, I guess I'll see you when I see you. But before he left he was shedding tears when he saw Makara was doing that signature hand gesture which Laxus came up with.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I love how they brought that all together and tied it together, and that also became the call of fairy tale too.
Speaker 1:It already was, but it's like he'll always go he's the one who came up with that yeah, but it's crazy because he's always going to be a part of fairy tale yeah, I mean, we'll see him again, we'll talk about it later on, but oh, another thing that happened before we close up this arc. Apparently, old tier shows up again, contacts her new master, uh, hades. Well, I don't know if it's like new master, but you know, uh, I honestly convinced that old tier just be hoeing around and uh, magnolia, because, like, she's always fucking around with somebody, you know. You know, I'm bumping elbows with somebody. You know, I know I'm bumping elbows with somebody.
Speaker 1:You know what I mean I'm revealing herself to a bad one, manipulating jalal the whole time while posing as zero spirit. So, in other words, um, basically, jalal was going crazy with power and he could have sworn that he was being um contacted by zero spirit, like, hey man, you gotta do this. Man, you gotta finish the tower of heaven, you gotta finish ethereum, because that'd be the best thing for you. And turns out that was old, tier the whole time being in this year yep, and that's the craziest thing, okay, so totally forgot to mention this.
Speaker 2:Altair is Ur's daughter, mm-hmm, and you feel abandoned by your mom, right, but Ur knew she wasn't gonna be a good mom at that time, so she it's fucked up, but she did it once.
Speaker 2:Oh, it's like Dune all over again it is like Dune, it is like so she ends up. Just Alter ends up like oh I hate my mom, but now she's taking it out on Annie and everyone. Now you're manipulating Jal, who's already kind of fucked up in the head because of what happened to him, right, and you're taking your revenge out on your mom, who's already, like she, gone. You know, mommy?
Speaker 2:issues man deep-rooted, freaking mommy issues and then we'll we'll talk more about it later on in future episodes that ends up happening, but that's why I said I don't understand like I really I sympathize with a lot of villains I I can. I sympathize with a lot of villains, but her I don't get it. I really don't understand why. Because the anger should have been Gray and Liam. I understand Gray and Liam.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Those were her subsequent children, right, but I don't understand why Otero is the way she is.
Speaker 1:Totally regretful. Wouldn't it be really funny if it was more like oh well, you know I was trying to train old tier but she was like kind of going down a dark path and then, you know, these two boys showed up and they seem to have more problems, so I'm going to focus on them and I was like how dare you not pay attention to me? Like what makes them so special? I'm like see these mental gym gymnastics you have to go through to where.
Speaker 1:I'm like I don't know like I'm all looking to it, um, as I do this review.
Speaker 2:But now at this point you brought up a good point where I'm like what the fuck is her point again I just, I just never really understood she kind of this is gonna sound real fucked up, but she kind of is the child you leave in the closet?
Speaker 2:I know I'm not saying leave your children in the closet. I'm just saying that she kind of reminds me of the child who was left in the closet, like the backseat child, you know, and they're mad about it, but they chose to be back there. Does that make sense?
Speaker 1:Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. Okay, I'm looking her up right now. So apparently she was a former member of the Magic Council. She was a former member of Grimoire Heart, where she was the leader of the Seven Can of Purgatory, and after defecting from that dark guild, she became an independent mage and co-founder of Crime Sorcier until she left following the conclusion of the Grand Magic Games. So I'm like, what is your goal here?
Speaker 2:that's. That's because that's why I'm like okay, I want to talk about it later because, like, all of a sudden she becomes, she feels bad for all of the things that she's done, you know, like, but this happens so much later that I'm like.
Speaker 1:And then the guild that she joins she joins alongside Jalal, the person you manipulated okay, okay, I'm looking her up and I'm just like, okay, so I'm trying to figure her a deal and I'm honestly not gonna spend too much time because we gotta do Orishio's sense and move on, close this section out. So, okay. So Ultir had too much magic power as a little girl confined inside her and she was. It was making her have a fever, making her sick. So or Took Ultir to the bureau, agreed to look after the child and give her a cure. They did treat her, but in truth she was more like abducted. And then Orr returned to for her daughter. They lied to her, saying that her daughter had died and that the body was too ravaged for her to look at. And that was when Orr accepted the lies and believed that her daughter was dead. But Ohtir, who actually survived, was just being experimented on and assumed that Ur abandoned her. So really, this is more like the Bureau's fault for her having mommy issues, right.
Speaker 1:That's what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:Ohtir finds out that the Bureau lied is fault for her having mommy issues Right, but she finds this out that's what I'm saying, Like Oltier finds out that the Bureau lied Right. She finds all this information out, but she's still angry at her.
Speaker 1:Oh, wouldn't it be funny if it was more like oh well, even if they did like, you should have tried harder to come get me.
Speaker 2:That's what I think it is. That's exactly. Well, you should have tried. You adopted two other children and taught them ice magic.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and when she escaped one day and made her way back home, she saw the two boys and they were just like oh, I've been replaced.
Speaker 2:Like because she's so powerful, right. That's why I'm like I know she knows, we know she knows, right, so there's no reason for her to be. We've gotten all off track.
Speaker 1:I know, I know, but I like how the funny thing is, as soon as she thinks that she got replaced, she went back to the place that she was being held and then let them continue their experimentation on her until she raised up enough magic power to prove something to Orr and whatnot. I was like you should've came back for whatnot. I was like you should've came back for me. I was like, even if they were lies, the fact that you got those two boys is like you didn't try hard enough.
Speaker 2:I didn't think they were lies. Like no, Altair would look Altair gets on my nerves.
Speaker 2:She just doesn't. I don't For her to sit up there, look at her mom with two other kids and for her to think, oh, she's replaced me, when she knows that's not the truth, because when she was being raised by her mom, her mom sought help for her and she knew that it doesn't make sense to think that, oh, my mom abandoned me. For her to get two other children, to raise two of them instead of just one you that wouldn't have made any sense, instead of just one, you that wouldn't have made any sense. And then to go back to the people who technically kidnapped you and abused you and experimented on you and then to let Never mind, Never mind, never mind, ulti.
Speaker 1:She just needed a hug. Let them run a scientific train on you.
Speaker 2:Not a scientific train, she just needs a hug. I'm going to just give her a hug the next time. Just Just rub her in my Buzzes and see what happens.
Speaker 1:That's good, alright, let's get on to the Last art we're gonna talk about For this section of the fairytale review. The Oration Saves Art where the oration saves art. Where the iteration saves. One of the top three dark guilds in fjord decides to make a move by seizing this ancient, deadly magic called nirvana, and this aligns between fairytale lamina scale uh blue pegasus and uh cat shelter. Like I, I don't like the way they came out kate shelter.
Speaker 1:I think it's kate shelter kate, uh, kate, shelter, uh, they set out to destroy for good. And then that's when wendy's past is revealed. Uh, wendy marvel with um parla, and okay, first of all. Wendy. Marvel with Carla, and Okay, first of all. Hmm, you remember when we were talking about Karen and she got killed off and shit.
Speaker 2:She was reincarnated as Carla.
Speaker 1:What now?
Speaker 2:She was reincarnated as Carla Yep Yep.
Speaker 1:Karen was.
Speaker 2:Hmm, yep.
Speaker 1:Karen was. Karen was Miranda Carla yep had to be. I choose no. No, don't you do that to me. No.
Speaker 2:I'm just joking.
Speaker 1:I'm just like please don't, please don't, because you know, with this show they'll pull off anything. So I'm just joking. I'm just like please don't, because you know, with this show They'll pull off anything.
Speaker 2:So I'm like I have to mess with you. I'm sorry, but go ahead.
Speaker 1:But no, anyways, angel, like apparently she's the one that killed Karen Silica and Turns out that not only that, but she also had the Ares Key. So there you go A fateful Reunion, but on the Worst sort of circumstance, where Loki and Ares had to fight each other. And I know there's like more Things going on to where, like the members, where like there's Cobra and Midnight and Brain and the staff, whatnot, it was like two other people. There's one dude that look like a fucking Lego blocks for a face and a racer.
Speaker 2:That's right, yeah.
Speaker 1:What are your thoughts on this? And oh yeah, this is also like Kind of part two of the whole Jalal thing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like this is. I'll say this this arc was so jam packed, there was so much Going on, so much happening, so many, uh, continuations of different backstories because, like you just said, we get the continuation. We find out what happened to karen, um, we get to meet wendy and, uh, carla or charlerou, or however you want to pronounce it, um, if you watch the japanese version, um, but we get to meet them. We find out sky dragon, sky dragon slayer, wendy's uses sky dragon magic, and that's your support character, your support to your character. Um, and she's one of the only as far as I know, of one of the only as far as I know, of one of the few healing mages.
Speaker 1:We don't really see a lot of healing mages, yeah that's the thing I was saying, how Lucy is more like a support type maid, but it's more because she has utility rather than being a healer. She has utility rather than being a healer, uh, but yeah, wendy is the main healer, even though, um, she does have like one offensive magic spell, but for the most part she's kind of like a healer. So, uh, yeah, yeah, and you know, it kind of makes sense, considering that they normally don't have healers on deck, so it's good to have her around. In fact, it can remind me of fucking black clover, where all what was her name? Uh, mimosa or something that uh, where she was like kind of like the healer type character and she was like very useful mm-hmm yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:So you know I'm gonna knock that shit. There was something about this art that I was meaning to bring up.
Speaker 2:Um we meet Ichiya, which he.
Speaker 1:Oh right, we're Pegasus with the um guys. Um, I forgot the other guys' names names. I'm sorry, but this dude, echia, and the Tri-Man man. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to body shame, but I'm just calling it like I see it. Echia looks like Peter Dinklage with too much plastic surgery on his face.
Speaker 2:I know what you mean.
Speaker 1:Each year looks like bro, like what happened with Zac Efron. I was like bro, like your face was perfect the way it was. Why are you doing all that? Why are you doing all this extra shit, man?
Speaker 2:Bruh, you know what that's like. That comedian guy, everyone's been roasting for his chin lately.
Speaker 1:Oh my god, what's up um, was it matt rife?
Speaker 2:yeah, matt rife, everybody been going back looking at old just comparing to when he got his left chin surgery.
Speaker 1:Oh man, oh, you know what's really bad. They were saying that he looked like the fucking. He looked like Phil and Lil's mom from Rugrats I forgot her name, but you know who I'm talking about. Right, I'm like, come on, no Sort of, but y'all ain't had to go there.
Speaker 2:Whoa, I didn't even you, not, not Betty, not Betty. I just pulled up a side by side. I ain't gonna even lie. They're not lying, they're not lying, they're not lying. Oh, man, and I love Matt, right, I really do. But what? Maybe he did just develop that way, maybe I don't know. I don't want to say, I don't want to speak on nobody's body, but hey, sometimes just be like that.
Speaker 1:I have one family members keep swear, swear to god. Like she said that I either look like orlando jones or tyler james brown. Um, tyler james williams, excuse me, you know from all, everybody hates chris. Uh-huh. Yeah, it's like I'm either one or the other and I'm like you know what, I can kind of see it. But it's like I'm either One or the other and I'm like you know what, I can kinda see it, but it's not that accurate. I'm like there's some key differences, obviously, but I'm like I'm not gonna lie, I can kinda see it though.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I mean a little bit, a little bit from what I'm seeing, a little bit but we also get a team up which I didn't think we were going to get this early on with Leon and Gray.
Speaker 1:I didn't think we were going to get this early on.
Speaker 2:Leon and Gray teaming up to fight racer. That was actually a really cool. Now, when we see ice magic, it's usually not this cool, but they made ice magic hella cool in this shit. Uh, they know, I mean leon being able to make animals from the ice, which I thought was super freaking cool, which matches his name, leon, but um, I thought that was super cool uh that's crazy when you think about it, because with his ice magic, uh, he focused more on animals, or gray he focused more on objects and it's in uh ties back to the training they had.
Speaker 2:Use your imagination. What can you create which is ice, make magic. What do you think? And you know, it kind of reminds me of a gray, reminds me of a of a green lantern yeah, like a green lantern, but with ice magic right because they have to. Whatever they can come up with, anything in their imagination they can achieve, as long as they can come up with it and fully think it out. So that was. I thought that fight scene with racer was super cool. I didn't know they were gonna go that route.
Speaker 1:That was actually my favorite fight scene I think, um, danny phantom need to take notes. Why I say that? Because you know, in the later part of danny phantom he gains ice powers. But the main thing is he kind of struggles with coming up with different techniques to where sometimes you gotta look at what plasmmias being like, hey, how you do that bi-duplication shit.
Speaker 2:Yeah you know what? That's a good point.
Speaker 1:I'm like can you imagine Danny was like hey, yo, I can make anything out of ice. So I'm like I'm just gonna make this like ice cannon and just fire snowballs at people, like ectoplasmic snowballs.
Speaker 2:Like I totally forgot Danny. I forgot he gained ice powers later on.
Speaker 1:It was like super late, like almost like the last couple of episodes before they just started to end the whole series, and that's what kind of pissed me off too, like you just gave them ice powers and y'all just gonna end it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, are we doing a Danny Santa cartoon.
Speaker 1:Or did we already?
Speaker 2:do it.
Speaker 1:That's later, later, later Okay.
Speaker 2:Okay, okay, cause I wanna talk about that because that's a good idea, that's a good comparison. I think that's a good that'd be good to if they do go there, right, if, like, they brought it back and they took some tips from fair, that'd be great. It's not, like you know, we haven't. People do it. Happy Death Day, but what was another, what was kind of one of your favorite fights in this, because this thing was jam-packed with amazing fights.
Speaker 1:Let's see With Racer, it was I. I'm trying to think honestly, let me see Eraser it was. I'm trying to think honestly.
Speaker 2:I'll tell you.
Speaker 1:Midnight.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry.
Speaker 1:Midnight. I guess you could say my favorite in this part. I guess you could say my favorite in this part. I guess you could say Natsu versus Cobra.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because you know you had the Poison Dragon Slayer and people are saying like Cobra's actually like a solid character. I don't know, I don't remember per se, but like some folks like I don't I don't remember per se, but like some folks like thinking like he's, um, pretty solid and he does come back at some point in the series, but um, it's like later, I think, like during the grand magic games or something like that. Um, but basically with cobra he could predict all of nasu's moves. Nasu couldn't get the upper hand and whatnot. He had to fight instinctively, you know, like ultra instinct. Why not? He just come up with it as as it goes along, and then boba gets injured by a brain for his failure to stop Natsu and whatnot. You know, because Natsu used his cream to defeat Cobra, because his pride in his hearing skills, and then you know, that being said he got punished and then Jura demonstrated his powers as one of the Ten Wizards Saints to defeat Brain Uh who's final.
Speaker 1:And there's another thing About these fights how, in these fights, every time, they also did in um, the Tower of Heaven Art too, to where it seemed like I don't know if they did in every art, but I know they did in Tower of Heaven and I know they did in this one To where every time One of these guys lose, you gotta get like this tiny bit of backstory.
Speaker 1:To where it's like oh, gotta feel some type of way about them, except for the staff. To where it's like apparently the staff brain had, uh, was like the secret seventh member, much to the confusion of everybody, including the audience. To where it's like okay, so the staff is now doing this thing. It's like, you know, it kind of reminds me of dragon ball gt to where they have like all these different uh villains, or turns out that this villain was working for this villain and that villain was working for this villain, and then that villain was working for that villain, and then it got to a point to where there was like this shaman dude and he had this whip, and as soon as the shaman dude got defeated, the whip turned out to be this whip monster and I'm like, come on yeah, that's what I like.
Speaker 2:this arc had so many different things and it felt like I'm going to say this it truly felt like they were trying to get all the tropes into one arc that they could possibly get from an anime and fulfill all the anime tropes in one arc about powers and this could be this or this. It felt so. It was a little overwhelming, even personally, for me, even though fairy tale is one of my favorite animes. This arc was so overwhelming, with all the battles that happened, all of the things you had to keep up with who was a bad guy, who really was the bad guy like it just felt so multi-layered, which can be really fun and really good, but at the same time, when my focus was what's wrong with you all, like I just wanted to find out what's going on with you all and why is it going on, and like we get to see his actual defeat this time yeah like he actually ends up losing this time.
Speaker 2:But before I go into that, I do want to give an honorable mention to lucy's fight um with a angel and getting aries back and the fact that Lucy ends up getting support from I can't remember his name, god darn it One of the guys from Ichiya's guild getting support from him.
Speaker 2:I think it's uh hibiki I think, so getting support from hibiki and finding out, revealing that there's so much even more celestial magic than we know than just celestial like keys and celestial spirits. She uses a I think it's uranometria. Yeah, the defeat angel. Oh, oh, my god, I'll be honest with you. I was like I wanted to see more of that. I wanted to learn so much more about that spell and if there's other spells and how does they did such a good job with celestial spirits that I'm glad the author so the author initially was going to make Lucy use cards like Cardcaptor Sakura. I'm so glad he chose.
Speaker 1:Cardcaptor.
Speaker 2:Mystic Adventures.
Speaker 1:Cardcaptor.
Speaker 2:I'm so glad he chose keys, because I just literally would have been singing wait, hold on what?
Speaker 1:uh, it was kana with card magic, though yeah, kana ends up getting card magic.
Speaker 2:Um, anyway, so we still get card magic. It's just not Lucy, right, and I think it would have been kind of cliche for her to be summoning. It would have been like playing Yu-Gi-Oh or playing magic together it would be like playing Kingdom Hearts.
Speaker 1:What was that Retain? The Memory yeah, retain the Memory oh, fuck, that game, fuck.
Speaker 2:Oh. I have such hatred for that goddamn game Because I had no idea how to freaking stack my deck. You had to figure all that shit out. By the time I figured it out, I had almost beat the game with a terrible deck Just absolutely. I had a whole bunch of nines. It was unbalanced. That game was absolutely terrible.
Speaker 1:Still, love it. I feel that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I had to give honorable mention to Lucy's fight, finding out Wendy's background. I'm going to be honest with you, I could have done without Wendy. Mention to Lucy's fight, finding out Wendy's background. I'm going to be honest with you, I could have done without Wendy, could have, personally, my personal pick could have done without Wendy. I didn't really need Wendy, but maybe that's because Carla gets on my nerves. Carla just gets on my freaking nerves. I can't stand Carla. That cat is the and it's very fitting Because it's the most unhappiest cat. But kind of back towards the end of this arc, jalal's basically kind of coming out of it and he ends up actively protecting Natsu, which kind of comes full circle with Natsu protecting Urza earlier on and now Jalal's protecting Natsu.
Speaker 2:I thought that was really clever and I also thought him gaining his memories Back and that's why I was like oh, you know, jalal's not really. None of this Was really Jalal, not really. But he gains his memory back, realizes, oh dang, I've been doing some absolutely Terrible shit. Um, he gains his memory back, realizes, oh dang, I've been doing some absolutely terrible shit. Um, and the cutesy scene with him and urza later on oh my god, because you know she's crying over his arrest and he's going to jail. Oh, and I just thought it was so cute. I don't know why. I thought that was super cute and maybe I'm just cheering for their. That was one of my favorite shippings throughout this whole anime.
Speaker 1:I feel that it was one of my favorite suits, so I totally feel that.
Speaker 2:Hold on.
Speaker 1:Was there anything else about Rachel and Stace? Because other than that, I would say that, okay, the staff Zero, I guess Was trying to fire Off the whole Nirvana thing but ultimately they Saved the day and blah, blah, blah. But I'm trying to think was there anything else worth mentioning in this arc? I mean, personally don't get me wrong just because I'm not saying a whole lot on the shit doesn't mean that it's not good, it's just. You know, I thought it was solid. I thought it was like one of those major arcs where, okay, um fairy tale goes against a major dark guild and Lucy gets a new key and we get to see a new dragon slayer magician going on, and you get to see, um Jalal and Urza's relationship, um, more of that going on and other than that, yeah it was a good.
Speaker 2:It was a good arc. It was absolutely. It was definitely a solid 10 out of 10 for an arc because just the way it did flow. There were some things, no, I didn't agree with or some things I didn't like, but all of the backstory that we ended up getting and the fact that um wendy met jalal and how that kind of connected, how wendy was connected to all of this, I did love that part. You know who? I heard you when you said like Cobra wasn't important or people thought Cobra was a solid character. He was just another second generation dragon slayer. You know, he honestly reminds me of Renji.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That's what Cobra reminded me of. Cobra reminded me of Renji. That's what Cobra reminded me of. Cobra reminded me of Renji and I could've. He was neither here nor there. For me. Great fight, though absolutely amazing fight. I just kinda could've. It could've been anybody, this could've been anybody, but Cobra was great, fair enough but last thing I'll mention about this arc was was great, fair enough, fair enough. But last thing I'll mention about this arc was it was cool to see a wizard saint actually fight. I thought that shit was badass.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm trying to remember all the saints where I know. I believe Makarov was one yeah essentially it was Jura. I know Goldmine, um, and there was like some others, but they kind of, I will do better.
Speaker 2:I think it's uh, hold on um Wolfheim, I will do better. I think it's Hold on Wolfheim. I think Wolfheim was like the third or fourth and then we got, yeah, jorah was fifth, and Uh, I don't think we know them all.
Speaker 1:Hold on Let me look this up real quick. I don't think we know them all. Hold on, let me look this up real quick.
Speaker 2:I don't think we get to meet you okay, so wait a minute.
Speaker 1:Oh shit, like some of them like just up and gone and shit, but essentially the current members. We have Dracula, jura, makara, warrod, wolfheim, like you said, serena Defected Jose, oh yeah, jose. From.
Speaker 2:Phantom War.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he was excommunicated, so he was a wizard saint, and then also Jalal. He was a wizard Yep. One, two, three.
Speaker 2:I don't think we get to meet them. I do know at some point I think Gildart's is considered one later on down the line, but that's like way later. Yeah, I think he ends up being considered one just because of how we don't get to. I'm not going to complain about that yet.
Speaker 1:Not yet. I'll wait.
Speaker 2:I'm going to save that, but I think he ends up being considered one later on. I think Mistogon, at one point was on his way to being considered one too, because of just how powerful he was, but we find out later what happens to Mistogon.
Speaker 1:Oh, and Chet is out. Apparently, if you're in the top four, uh, if you're like in the top four, you're described as being so powerful that you shouldn't even be considered human. And they're called the four guards of ishgar. And, uh, you don't know where Makarov stands on that, jura's fifth, so he was barely there. So Warrod, wolfheim and Dracula yeah, those are the ones.
Speaker 1:They're like oh you guys are healing and all that. Y'all must be real strong. And then Serena was first Warrod, but she had her affiliation with the Alvarez Empire and she defected.
Speaker 2:so we don't talk about her Him. We don't talk about him.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but yeah, laxus was being endorsed for Wizard Saint after he beat Jura, but after the behavior was pointed out then the rumblings soon subsided, so he was up for it, but nah nah, I could see guild arts.
Speaker 2:I could definitely see that, because Gildart's as we'll find out later, is that lone fairy. He works by himself, travels by himself, does everything by himself, until we find out something later, and all I'm going to chant is Mori at that time.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, that's all I have to really say about the oration on Se's arc. I thought it was really well written, thought it was really jam-packed. I wish it was connected more to the tower of heaven. I wish they would have been like back to back and side by side, because I think it just would have flowed so well, because then we would have gotten windy like right after, because then we would have gotten Wendy like right after getting um God Jill like right at like it's not too far apart from each other. So then we have even like further expanding upon or expounding upon um dragons right. So I just would have loved that even more.
Speaker 2:And then we find out later who uhendy's dragon is, and all of it just just tied so well. I think it would have tied so much better if, and told a better, an even better story, if they were just side by side, and then we would have gotten a break with the luxus fight. That would have been a good break from all of that. Like everyone comes back from all of this and Luxus is just acting up.
Speaker 1:That would have been great right, oh, was that everything um?
Speaker 2:I think so well, alright then are you sure there's everything? I mean, they all go back home. Wendy joins the guild.
Speaker 1:Okay, well, yep, there you go. Okay, I just wanted to be sure. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, with that being said, that concludes part one of the Fairytale Extreme Review. We will be back and hold on. Let me check all right away. Let me see what we got going on as far as like structure, because, right after this, because, honestly, I'm not, I don't care for the daphne art like, basically, um gray, people are assuming that he's betraying the guild, working with this woman named daphne, who, um, got this like village, that's like invisible, and we're trying to convince her to cut it out and whatnot. Blah, blah, blah, no.
Speaker 2:And Natsu gets trapped in this stupid dragon. And the stupid dragon is not even a real dragon, it's a wooden dragon. It was stupid. I'm sorry.
Speaker 1:The only thing is she had that weird laugh Like that was the only. Thing.
Speaker 2:She did. She did have that stupid ass laugh.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry alright, tell you what. Um part two, we're gonna talk about the edilis arc, the ten row island arc and fairy games. Um, the seven-year time skip. Guild of Stars City um, but this was more uh, um, or grand level games. Faces of Rise Um, um, uh, okay, literally Rizk, Uh, and then the Grand Magic Games Arc. So let's see, yep, you know what? We'll just stop it at the calm magic games, because after that then there's gonna be the eclipse. Celestial spheres are in Sun. Alvarez, yeah, mine as well.
Speaker 2:Come on, we got this so well.
Speaker 1:with that being said, we are going into intermission, so we will be right back.