The ZONE Podcast: Nerdy News and Reviews
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The ZONE Podcast: Nerdy News and Reviews
Dragon Ball Super: The Xtreme Review (Battle of Gods & Resurrection of 'F')
Is Dragon Ball Super the ultimate evolution of the franchise, or does it stumble under the weight of its legendary predecessor, Dragon Ball Z? Join us as we kick off our Xtreme Review series, dissecting the highs and lows of the Battle of Gods and Resurrection F arcs. We tackle fan reactions and our own mixed feelings about the introduction of godly figures like the Gods of Destruction and Zeno, and the debate over Super Saiyan God versus Super Saiyan 4. We're setting the stage for future conversations on the Universe 6 tournament and manga arcs that could make or break the series.
What's the deal with power scaling in Dragon Ball Super, and how does it stack up against other anime juggernauts like One Piece? We humorously unravel the Tournament of Power's chaotic energy, spotlighting exhilarating fight sequences while poking fun at Akira Toriyama's narrative choices. With playful comparisons between powerhouses like Arale and Luffy, and a critique of repetitive plotlines and sidelined characters, we reflect on the delicate balance between nostalgia and innovation that keeps long-running series fresh yet familiar.
Goku as an "endearing idiot"—genius or a major misstep? We scrutinize Goku's controversial portrayal and ponder the possibility of passing the torch to characters like Gohan. From Vegeta's emotional moments to Raditz's overlooked potential, we explore the dynamics of brotherly relationships and redemption arcs. Will Raditz rise as a Super Saiyan, or remain in the shadows? Tune in for a nostalgic ride through Dragon Ball lore, where we'll review how the movies, anime, and manga all bring their unique flair to the Dragon Ball universe.
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Stay nerdy and stay faithful,
- J.B.
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what is good nerd nation, it's jet black extreme and we are back at again with another extreme review on the stone podcast. This time we're going to continue the dragon ball extreme review with dragon ball super. We're going to split this up to five parts maybe. Well, hold on, that depends on if we're going to talk about the manga now, if we're going to talk about the moral arc and the granola arc and I guess the superhero arc, even though there's a movie already out for it.
Speaker 1:But, like, at the same time, the manga expanded upon what happened in the movie. So it's like it really depends on as soon as we get done with the tournament of powers. Like y'all want to talk about the manga Because, let's be real, it has been out for a while. Anyways, we're going to start with part one. We're just going to go ahead and combine Battle of Gods and RegiRez and F, or RegiRez and Frieza, whatever your prerogative is. We might talk about the Universe 6 tournament, but that depends on how much time and if we're willing to do that. So let's go ahead and get active. Gentlemen, tokuyasu Talos, how you feeling about Dragon Ball Super as a whole?
Speaker 2:I'm going to be honest, it had its up and downs for me and it's not like horrible way into that aspect, it's just one of those things of like. So if I take it back to when we first got into dragon ball super, like the very first time you got announced at the battle of gods movie and was like yo, it's been fucking how long and Dragon Ball is coming back. Toriyama said I'm not done yet. I got some shit for y'all. And some people was like oh, we can finally fix that GT nonsense. And you know, y'all already know how I feel about that. I'm like I actually like GT. There is some ups and downs on that too, but like I actually like GT. There is some Ups and downs on that too, but like I did like GT, like damn y'all ain't got Shit on it.
Speaker 1:It's like what I said in the review To where GT just felt like a mixed bag To me. To where it's like, okay, you have one art. To where I'm like Eh.
Speaker 2:And then there's one art to where I'm like Okay this one's actually not bad.
Speaker 2:True, so yeah. So once like Battle Guys was first announced, I was like, okay, this one's actually not bad, true, so yeah. So once like Battle Gods was first announced, I was like, oh, this seems legit, this seems pretty cool. And then, like, finally understand the concept. I'm like, oh, we're introducing actual gods here. And I'm like you mean, like Kami, like technically he was a god, right. And then you find out, oh, he's technically not a god, right. And then you find out, oh, he's technically not a god, he's just a person who called himself god Because there was nobody on earth stronger than him At the time per se. And it was like, oh, okay, and it was like what about King?
Speaker 2:Kai.
Speaker 1:I was just gonna throw out that, considering that, oh, he's the Guardian, he's the one who's like Looking over the dragon balls If he dies and the dragon balls Dead? So who's like looking over the Dragon Balls if, uh, if he dies and the Dragon Ball is dead? So it's like you have these mystical balls that can Grant wishes, but there's limitations to those, which is, unless you're wishing on the Super Dragon Balls, what we will explain later. Other than that, that's pretty much the only god-like ability that's involved with Kami.
Speaker 1:But then we found the Kai, like the Kai, Supreme Kai, and all that. I'm like okay, okay, we're kind of getting a little higher up on that. But then you get the gods of destruction, the angels and fucking Zeno himself and you're just like, wow, Like y'all are warped compared to you. Remember King Yama from um the fucking Dragon.
Speaker 2:Ball. You mean the dude who's no longer a factor anymore. He's like he was no longer a factor in the boo saga. Let's be real, because he controls the afterlife. He couldn't stop boo, like once Majin Boo showed up to the afterlife and said oh, I found all y'all who I had already smoked before and I'm ready to get back seconds, like he was already irrelevant by that point.
Speaker 1:But that's what I'm saying. It's like he just wild, how like compared to the Gods of Destruction and all them. It's like y'all became really irrelevant.
Speaker 2:True, true, but yeah. So it was one of those things like once we like first got introduced to super, when it first got those movies um, got battle of gods and the resurrection, it was like, okay, it seemed interesting. Now I will say I am, I was one of those people that did kind of clown a little bit. Like battle of gods seemed pretty cool. You like, okay, we're introducing the god of destruction, someone who's better. And then I clowned the fact that like, oh, you know, I was one of those people that was like, oh, we get a new super saiyan. Oh, that's what's up. It's like super saiyan, god, red hair. And I'm like really, really, it's like y'all, y'all really just hated super saiyan 4 that much that y'all just had to hate it.
Speaker 1:I'm like who hated super saiyan 4?
Speaker 2:it was actually a lot of people who hated super saiyan 4, though like they really was just like, oh, it's absolute garbage. It looks like something. Looks like a high school or grade school drew it. Y'all don't understand what the concept of real super saiyan is supposed to. It was a whole thing into that. Like high school was weird about that, bro. I was like y'all true.
Speaker 1:You know what? Let's just go ahead and move on, because we're gonna waste too much time griping over it.
Speaker 2:No, no, no no, yeah, that was about it. I was shocked about it, but otherwise it was pretty. I was really shocked with how good it was. So but yeah, that's what I got to say on it real quick.
Speaker 1:Gotcha Talos. What are your thoughts on Super?
Speaker 3:Alright. So, first and foremost, super is relatively a good show. I love it. Super is relatively a good show, don't get me wrong. Like I'm saying this now and, believe me, I will discuss this more at a later date, maybe on Nerdy News. But I can't stand y'all power skillers.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 3:It's not about Goku, don't get me wrong, because I just want to bring light to it really really fast. It's more so along the lines of everybody plays that whole tearing thing to themselves and, oh, this character's on the list, but this character ain't. Or this character makes the scale, but this one doesn't. Nah, if you're going to scale, you scale everybody. I don't care how you put it, you get it. And the reason I'm going to use DVD for that matter is because folks, some of y'all, are really finding out that Krillin can whoop some of your favorite verses. Y'all motherfuckers feel real bad that Krillin can actually beat Omni-Man, because y'all are like hold up, hold up, that's not possible, he can't.
Speaker 1:Yes, the fuck, he can oh man, imagine if the kian's uh as we cut the omni man out.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yes, he can and technicality.
Speaker 2:Some people even say y'all can be omni man, but no, that's a whole story yeah.
Speaker 3:so, like I said, though, like legit, get back to it, because I will discuss that later and that will be something that I'm going to hit on and hit dogs hard. That's all I'm saying, but anyway, yeah. So Dragon Ball Super is relatively, relatively good, like it was something that I literally sat there with my brother to start watching it from start to finish. I love the movies, don't get me wrong, I love the movies. Frieza, the resurrection f that shit was stupid oh look, he turned golden, he's, he's golden now.
Speaker 3:Just basically, i'ma use. I'ma use your word, i'ma use frieza's words real quick, you just imitated a monkey.
Speaker 1:You know what you remember when we were reading the manga and I was telling y'all hey, bro, y'all need to read this recent chapter of the manga, when we were in the granola arc and I was like look at Freeza. I was like bro, are you serious right now?
Speaker 3:Freeza wanted that black car so bad he had to go to the cookout.
Speaker 1:But just saying it literally became the same thing you hated.
Speaker 3:Like legit though, like you sitting up, like don't get me wrong, freeza is one of the villains, I say, and it's not just out of Dragon Ball, it's a villain overall. Freeza is one of the villains overall. That literally Is played the fuck out, and this is to me, freeza is a villain that's played the fuck out Like.
Speaker 3:I'm sorry, at this point you might as well make the monkey lover an anti-hero. Just say that he's not a villain. He's not a villain. He keeps getting washed. He keeps getting washed over and over. Yes, he had some moments. Yes, he's good. Don't get me wrong. Black Freeza's good. Don't get me wrong. Black Freeze is great. But I want y'all to hear me clearly. You know they finna hoe this man. You know what, once this whole arc gets relatively figured out right, once everything gets figured out and it can get animated, they're going to hoe this man. They're going to hold this man. They're going to sit there. Oh, freeza got some good licks in. Freeza got some great licks in on them. Boy, he beat Cronulla. Boy, he fucking beat Vegeta and Goku while they were in Ultra Ego and Ultra Instinct. Look at him. He knocked them out of there. They're alright, alright, cool, fucking dust it.
Speaker 1:He knocked them out of there.
Speaker 3:All right, All right, cool Dusted gas Cool, here it come. Here it come Because folks forget what the fuck Goku is based off of. The fucking monkey king. He's going to get holed up.
Speaker 1:But that's the thing. Hold on, hold, on, hold. On the implication that remember a while ago when they were saying, oh, oh, they released the official timeline for Dragon Ball Universe and essentially everything that happened in Dragon Ball Super happened within the 10 year time span between Majin Buu being defeated and the tournament that we're introduced to Oob. And I'm sitting there like bro, like I kind of don't like the implication that he's gonna get beat. We're just figuring out how he's gonna get beat that's it, that's all.
Speaker 3:But like I said once again, right freezer freezes, okay. Freezes is is is, he gets okayish. But he doesn't. He doesn't scale back up to great, he don't skip, he don't scale back up to great, you're okay. And these are the only scales I use, whether you're trash, okay, good or great or even less good.
Speaker 3:That's it. That's the only scale I use. Once again, I'm poking fun at y'all power scales because y'all know that's trash, but still, like yo, overall the show was relatively good. I mean, in particular, for me the best part was the Tournament of Power arc. Okay, tournament of Power arc literally was. It was like, yeah, yeah, that was it, that was it. I love the O'Reilly arc as well, that little O'Reilly moment moment. I love that because, hey, it showcased a lot of things that most people don't want to talk about and that is a lot of y'all favorite characters can get their asses whooped by people.
Speaker 3:Aureli is literally a time bomb where it can destroy the whole fucking planet like Aureli is just a kid who basically has toon force as a built-in defense but doesn't know it oh, man, that's.
Speaker 1:That's really fun. I know we're kind of uh, derailing a little bit, but man, that just reminded me of back, when we were talking about Luffy getting Gear 5, and I'm like bro, he has Toon Force. Good luck fighting him. Like I said before, y'all talking about your favorite characters and shit, say for instance, the Uchiha from the Naruto universe. They can go full Susanoo, but meanwhile Luffy in giant form will stand over that Susanoo and be like how you doing, young man.
Speaker 3:That part right there. Like I said, you gave the silliest motherfucker the power of imagination. Why? But I digress Getting back to it. Like I said, once again, right, especially for the parts that we're talking about. Beerus up here in Battle of the Gods, that shit, that was on fucking point.
Speaker 2:It was.
Speaker 3:The fight. Sequence was like yeah, I had no complaints about that movie I did. I had no complaints about that movie I did. It was Resurrection of El. For me, that was literally like y'all bringing him back again. Why, why?
Speaker 2:are you? Doing this I think the most hilarious thing is who is the reasoning behind it and the fact that like it was supposed to be a toriyama already trying to bring forth that closing thing of like frieza was supposed to be the end of the dragon ball series. So it was kind of him making a callback by making frieza come back stronger.
Speaker 1:But I think what got me for that bone movie was the whole how they beat him situation where all of a sudden he's like he comes back and he comes back stronger, which already is, mind you, like oh, I just trained for a little bit and I'm now significantly stronger than all of you and I'm like wow okay, honestly, like I'm not trying to hate, but I just really hate the fact that to a degree and hey, man, listen, no, no disrespect, rest in peace, rest in power, akira toriyama but I'm like saying, bro, you are pissing me off with all these callbacks to a point to where it's like, okay, you're introducing something new, but at the same time you keep being a member baby. It's like, hey, remember when that one time when I'm like, bro, like you're banking way too hard on shit you already did, like, do we even need to talk?
Speaker 1:about the whole thing with Mor Hold on, wait a minute, I'm going to cook after this minute. Remember when I was bitching about the moral arts, where I'm like bro, they literally pulled a Cell Saga all over again and Goku still didn't learn his lesson? I'm like some people ain't worth redemption. Like some people need to die, you need to take the Vegeta route on some of these niggas, okay, like I'm not wrong, you are not wrong.
Speaker 2:But now I was gonna say, like, think about how like he was really old in age. So that's, that's a common thing for a lot of old people. They hit that memory. You remember this back in my day, when I had wrote this story and did this, this happened. Freeza was supposed to be the end of it all. You know what? I'm going to bring Freeza back. Yeah, that's pretty much why I said I was happy to be honest with you.
Speaker 1:And I know it's like semi-related to what we're going to talk about anyway, but I really hate how they did go on dirty Like oh man. That was that, right there I was because they was hyping him up for the tournament power to, and then, oh, he went to sleep. What?
Speaker 2:There was actually a reason into that. So apparently like, and this is hilarious, well, no, first off. So the freezer thing like the re, like how he got beaten. The fact is like, oh, you got this new power, you're strong in this, but you didn't really train in the form you. Just as soon as you got the form, he was like, oh, I'm about it, and then decided to come after us and that's how you lost and I'm like, but aside from that one, the reason they got rid of the whole modulein Buu, because they, finally, I think it was like one interview.
Speaker 2:they actually talked about it and what wound up happening was is that they had to admit that Buu was just overpowered. It probably would have wound up coming down to like Buu versus Jiren.
Speaker 3:Then what's the point of entering the building. Not even that, not even that. Right, I'm going to say it like it is. I'm going to say it like it is. Okay, you could have still included Booth Jiren is strong enough to beat. Jiren was strong enough to beat. Booth Jiren was strong. I could understand. Okay, hey, if you're talking about mr black air force energy himself, then we got problems. I would. I would have literally understood if you were like oh hey, reason why boo went to sleep, as they said, was like he's trying to fight back the evil in him. But in the same token and process I would under, I would have even understood worse if you've been like all right, now the evil in him and the good in him have merged and he has control over the evil side, so now he's kid boo all the time.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, that's a problem, that's a problem because, it's no longer going to be a show about toku.
Speaker 2:That's just the kid boo show at that point but the thing about it is is also on the fact that, like, aside from the whole argument of kid boo technically being the weakest form because he doesn't have like the grand kai into it, um, there's also that whole aspect. They fully rescinded that little situation with the whole moral art when, all of a sudden, you find out that the old grand kai has just been sleeping, has not really just been sleeping, he's been able to awaken himself inside of majin buu whenever he felt like it. So, all of a sudden, moral shows up. He's like time for me to wake up now, and he just decided to just wake up out of nowhere, like it was being talking about the moral art, but that was still one of those things I'm like. Really, really, though, guys, I need your help hold the hell up his hand.
Speaker 2:Oh, that would do so yeah, I mean we can all agree there is ups and downs, fully when it comes down to this, with Dragon Ball Super, most definitely, um yeah, let's go ahead and get into Battle Gods real quick.
Speaker 1:So with Battle Gods, alright, like y'all said, beers and we've introduced. I love these guys. I really do like at first you're thinking like, okay, this scrawny little cat is a god of destruction, and then he's like, oh man, like he was fucking. Oh bro, look like I love how this dude essentially doled up to be like hey. So I heard there's a super Saiyan god around here when he at, and I'm like, uh, we don't know what the fuck he's talking about. I'm like, oh, so y'all telling me I showed up here for nothing? Alright, I'm gonna blow up this plane.
Speaker 3:I'm like whoa.
Speaker 1:Whoa was like whoa, wait a minute, you're gonna show up, chill out like, hey look, we got food, you got music, you can dance. You and I love the um little break dancing that dearest is doing. I was like he was having fun and shit. We was just um cooling it, having a drink and all that, and then next, you know, all right, man, y'all wasting enough my time. Where's this super? Saying god, before I get mad and I'm like hey'm like, hey, y'all got something to add.
Speaker 2:Oh man, honestly, dude woke up and was like he woke up from his nap. Oh man, I took all this nap on me, sleeping on these bitches who got the smoke for me now today, the.
Speaker 1:I forgot the psychic fish. I forgot what the name was.
Speaker 2:Psychic Fish.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, you're going to get beat by Super Saiyan. God, I'm going to beat him before he beats me, so I'm just going to slide over to wherever he at.
Speaker 2:I mean Literally, woke up saying he was ready For the smoke and was mad as hell that the smoke was not prepared, just God. And of course you know that moment trying to entertain, and then you know Bulma steps in his beard is how dare you my 38th birthday party.
Speaker 1:Oh so that's old years.
Speaker 2:You know, we had questioned that forever too, because everybody was like oh no, by like Dragon Ball, like Dragon Ball Z, it was like Goku is like, he's like in his 60s and like everyone was like oh yeah, he's like in his 60s or something. By that point, then like oh, bon was like 38 and I'm like really you mean Goku's only in his 20s, because wasn't she like 12 when he was a kid?
Speaker 1:yeah, and I know Goku was like what 8. So it was like what 8? So it was like not that big of a gap but like yeah.
Speaker 2:I know.
Speaker 1:Okay, so if she's 38, then Goku must be like late 20s, early 30s. But then I'm like, wait, hold up. So if he's in his late, in his early 30s at the very least, and he has Gohan who is like an adult, now I'm like did he knock up Chi-Chi? So many questions, so many questions.
Speaker 2:We can fully confirm that, like Chi-Chi was ready as soon as her period started, she went after him, like I'm not even gonna lie to you that, that was a straight. It was a Whole different time period. So that time Period age of 12 Sorry, I'm gonna go that far because we're not diddying up Nothing, we're not draking up nothing like that, but still that time Period was very different.
Speaker 1:I know once again we're derailing, but it's trust me, it's going to be relevant to what I'm trying to say. I'm getting ready for a review on Poodie Tang and you tell me why you got grown-ass women thirsty over a six-year-old boy.
Speaker 3:I don't understand.
Speaker 1:It's almost like.
Speaker 2:Because Poodie had all the ribs.
Speaker 1:I know, I know that's what I'm saying, like I'm almost glad that this movie was made in 2001 because, or whatever year it came out I know the fictional setting was in 2001, but my point being is that this would have been problematic in today's time. But hey, man, it's still funny. And so like I was sitting here thinking like damn Poodie Tank, what are you doing to these women?
Speaker 2:I'm like Imagine the Riz is so hit that just existing is what is happening to them.
Speaker 1:Nah, he got that Riz aura, so to speak, like he had the effortless Riz. Like two cool words, they say. He got that Riz aura, so to speak, like he had the effortless Riz. Like too cool For words, they say. And I believe it. But uh, yeah, like, sometimes these Age gap relationships get Out of hand sometimes, and it's Even creepier when, like we find out in the Zamasu Art I know we're jumping, ladies and gentlemen, I know, but uh, we find out that goku never even kissed chichi before. I'm like, so y'all had sex and had two kids, but never kissed before.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's oh you know, they had a lot of um. Toriyama and toyotaro had a lot of slack kickback on that one too, with that whole situation, because it was like it was already the whole thing before, where, you know, once you was watching dragon ball z, it's like goku got dumber as he got older and people were really like questioning if that's what was happening, if it was just the writing. So at that point, when it was like, yeah, he never even kissed chichi, it was like, yeah, I just want him to be dumb and stupid, don't you like?
Speaker 1:yeah, it's like y'all really trying to bring back the whole. Oh yeah, he's like that uh, endearing idiot, uh, archetype. But at the same time I have a theory to where they're trying to water down goku so that way people be disillusioned by him and be like okay, now gohan can have a shine, like how he got dragon ball, super superhero Hero. Now To where I'm like okay, he has his own movie the first time since the BoJack movie. And I'm like this is why I'm kind of upset that some of those movies are non-canon, because I'm like, if anything, I would have loved to see the whole BoJack movie or at least those villains being canon. But I don't know, that's just me.
Speaker 1:But point being is that I feel like they're trying to water down goku just to give the folks the excuse to be like okay, uh, now that um goku's out of his prime, like we need to give everybody else some shine too.
Speaker 1:So I'm like but you keep adding him and vegeta back into the fold. And that's why we got the whole thing with the magic boot art to where I was noticing how, with goten and trunks, how they get the fusion and whatnot, and essentially they're being taught a technique to be passed. I'd be like they're gonna one day, um take goku and vegeta's place as um champions of earth, because in reality, a lot of shit that happens on Earth was because of shit Goku and Vegeta got caught up in. So it's like they're trying to pass the torch, but for some reason, the fans just want more of Goku and Vegeta. So I'm like, all right, we'll bring them back, but we're going to have to water them down anyways. So boma wasn't having it with beers, um disrupting the party, and shit slapped him and she, and then beer slapped her and then, like vegeta just snapped and I was like that's my boma, you bastard.
Speaker 1:And then I was like, hey yo, what the fuck he was like. Hey yo, what the fuck he was like real being him. And hold on that part. When Roshi was like, oh damn, he got so mad at Bunker. He's stronger than Goku. I'm like Roshi, since when are you an expert in power scaling? I'm like I don't think that's how that works, man. You mean to tell me an enraged Vegeta in Super Saiyan form is stronger than Goku, even though Goku has Super Saiyan 3 and shit? I don't know, man, I don't know. I'm not buying that.
Speaker 2:You're just saying we tied in the whole power scaling nonsense.
Speaker 1:I know, I know that's what I'm saying. Like, how are you going to say that he, you know? Yeah, go ahead, go ahead.
Speaker 2:The only thing I can say as far as into that. I can't even say more powerful thing, but it's based on the form of energy. Goku himself specifically says he doesn't like using Super Saiyan 3 because of the fact that using it does give him an even bigger burst of energy but it drains him so much faster, like there's not a way for him to, because that was one of the biggest things back during the dragon ball z arc with the cell arc where goku was like we managed to make super saiyan so numb to us that we were just able to stay in the form, and the amount of energy loss that we're using is so minimum we can barely feel it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I love how Vegeta got so mad at that, like wait what you can do that too.
Speaker 2:That moment where, like hold on, Goku's actually smart. Yeah, like that part.
Speaker 1:No see, that's the thing. Goku may not be book smart, but his combat IQ is scary True.
Speaker 2:Very true, so like yeah.
Speaker 1:And that's why I had the whole. I'm sorry, koki, but that's why I had the whole thing, where the main reason why people give me a flat for being a dumbass, but you got to understand that they did not bother to give this man a proper education like they did Gohan, because, oh, he's good at fighting, so why not have him stay in his lane and just be our champion of Earth in case some big bad shows up?
Speaker 2:truth that's all, but then that's just not what the fans wanted. The fans wanted Goku. That's who we grew up on, that's who we had, that's who the savior of the universe is, our god Goku, our one true savior, goku, who died and you can't have it both ways to where?
Speaker 1:oh, you want more goku, but at the same time you want gohan and vegeta and all those other characters to have their time like.
Speaker 2:You can't have it both ways, man, you gotta pick one right, like it's just it's one of those crazy things into that. But for reals I was like I also did want to go. I guess we had a mention into it like there are some notable differences between the movie and the anime yeah, I mean it's not about that and one of the biggest things into it was that moment where Vegeta wound up snapping and one up going after beers.
Speaker 2:So both in in the movie, the anime and the manga, vegeta does wind up taking beers by surprise. He doesn't get a one-up, but he does want to take him by surprise. The fight sequence, surprisingly, is actually longer in the movie than it is in the anime, which is very interesting because then in fact they're like in most cases, you would expect the anime to be longer now hold on.
Speaker 1:can I add on that, as far as the tv format, it took nine weeks, or the equivalent of three hours, for super saiyan god to make his uh premiere versus you watch the movie. You pretty much know know how it's going to play out, so I'm like yeah.
Speaker 2:Because, in fact, everything else is dragged out, like you said, and so it makes it very interesting the fact that the fight between Beerus and Vegeta is short as hell inside of the anime and you're just like, how the fuck did that happen? It doesn't make any sense. And versus being it vice versa, with goku versus beers. That spanned over, I think, almost like nine episodes in itself, and but it was also one of those ones that also one of the notable differences is the hearing, the different audio. That's my boma, or how dare you do that to my boma? Like they still keep my Bulma, but like, for some reason, having like actual line changes is a thing that started happening and it was like, for what reason did you make that line change? Like it wasn't necessary, you just leave it at. That's my Bulma. And then also the coloration difference too. Super Saiyan Vegeta. Like Super Saiyan Rage, vegeta was significantly better in the movie than it was in the anime, and it was really sad to say that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they blackened the theme for that yeah, the color was gold.
Speaker 2:Like you felt that. You felt Vegeta's rage in the anime.
Speaker 2:It wasn't even one of those ones like. It was like well, it's probably because you anticipated, no, some like people who actually like, like to do stuff like this. Put the animation side by side and you could clearly see that it was a very specific difference. Like people was like just take the movie and just break it up into the anime and then that way you can move forward. They're like no, we need to do a whole redrawing and stuff. And people was like you should have never did the whole fucking redrawing. That was the worst thing you could have did.
Speaker 2:So it was like because the coloration is different and the energy feel is different, the amount of fucking electric sparks that came out of Vegeta is significantly more in the movie than it was in the anime, and so it was one of those ones like you felt Vegeta getting powerful in the movie versus in the anime. You didn't feel that and on top of that, his ass whooping just felt like damn. You didn't even like and it felt like you lasted longer last time in the movie. The movie felt like it was like it was like a nice little two minute fight sequence. This one like that, that his fight sequence in the episode was barely a minute long you like, damn the fuck oh, and can I add on to where uh kind of related.
Speaker 1:But uh, when team four star put out the boo bits and when they were fighting kid boo and I was like, oh man, the earth's gonna be destroyed, that's where all my stuff is that. And I was like, what about your wife and um, kids? I'm like I said my stuff and that's what kind of reminds me of like now that I think about it, I'm like that's my boo my god damn it. I like that's my phone my God damn it.
Speaker 2:I was like that's my phone. Honestly, that whole thing was on purpose. It was actually a completely funny thing that Talos mentioned, not even that. It's one of those funny things that Talos made the whole Omni-Man from Invincible reference Is that?
Speaker 1:apparently that was supposed to be like a reference to Invincible Because the Viltrum Ice is supposed to be very similar to the saiyans per se, and that's what I said. I said on facebook my pet, yeah, I said on facebook to where, well, we actually said this in the invincible, uh review back. Um, man, it's been two, three years since we did a podcast, that's your part anyways. Uh, when we talked about Invincible and essentially I was saying how, bro, let's be real, diltromites are just Kryptonians if they acted more like Saiyans. And I said that on Facebook and everybody was like, hey, man, you know what? He does have a point, because when you think about it so many tweetsets about that.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, you were on point on today Cause it was like what the fuck?
Speaker 1:It was just right there. But other than that Battle of Gods, I was digging it for the most part, but it's just more like I don't know. I was just not in the mood For all that filler, well, except for Vegeta acting like a clown. I don't know, I was just not in the mood for all that filler, except for Vegeta acting like a clown, just to make sure that Beerus doesn't blow the air. I thought that part was funny, so that was worth watching the TV format of it, but the fight I'm like.
Speaker 2:Eh, I like the movie better it's true honestly, because a lot of people were very upset that they wound up doing that, where it's like they make this movie and then you just re-breaking down the whole movie in the manga and in the anime and you're like why the fuck would you do that?
Speaker 2:shit it feels like kind of a waste type of thing. You're like, uh, so it. Yeah, the transition did not work well, and the same thing the transition for Resurrection F also did not work well, and the same thing the transition for resurrection f also did not work well as well too. Oh, so I did want to mention so. One of the reasons that you know I already mentioned about the reason frieza came back was supposed to also be a call back, but it was also one of the ones that toriyama did was think was talking with to y'all throw until y'all had talked about interviews that they were trying to figure out, um, who would be the best villain to kind of like bring back. Because they wanted to do not just a callback, but there was supposed to be a specific reason for it.
Speaker 2:And one of the things about it is that Toriyama was very hell bent on the fact that he absolutely did not want to break the fucking bring back cell because he still he was still pissed off at his design choice for cell for like perfect cell, at his design choice for Cell For like perfect Cell and all three variations of Cell that we saw.
Speaker 2:He said it was entirely too fucking complicated Because, remember the reason we got Super Saiyan was because Toriyama said that he was tired of wasting his ink, so he decided to give Goku a form that involved using less black ink. So when Cell was introduced, he was right back using the same amount of fucking black ink that he had to use before from all the black hair characters because of Cell's. All of his spots Aside from the fact of how he designed it to be a bug creature, but making it bug armor per se and all of the fucking spots that he gave him he's. Toriyama said he absolutely hated it. He was like he when he designed it. He was like, yeah, this is badass, but having to redraw it over and over and over, fucking again for the manga and then having to do it for the anime, he said hell the fuck, no, once Seldon's dead, I am never redrawing him again.
Speaker 1:And I was like and then we got Cell Max that part, but Tuyataro took over that one so literally.
Speaker 2:Toriyama did not draw Cell Max at all, that was all Tuyataro so he, toriyama still followed through on the fact that Toriyama did not draw Stell Max at all. That was all to Yotaro. So Toriyama still followed through on the fact that he said he did not want to fucking draw Stell again. You said hell no, bro, hell no, she was so fucking funny. But yeah, so that's the reason that we wound up getting Freeza back aside from a callback. But he absolutely said fuck, no, I am not redrawing cell again, that shit is not happening. And we already still had majin buu, so there was no point in having to do a callback onto that one. So there was no other big villains that we had to bring, had to bring back the only other thing that nobody complained. So this is so.
Speaker 2:I guess I was kind of alone into this one. I was like so how come we get a call back and this is a bit of a jump, but we do get a call back to raddix in, like the granola arc where we understand that bardock actually loved both his sons. He loved goku, oh, he loved kakarot and radditz. Nigga, how come we don't get no shine for radditz? No more man, if you want shine for radditz. Team four star has the hfil um series that they're doing and that's the only like good thing we get of radditz not even a good thing. Like good thing we get of radditz name a good thing, the only thing we get of radditz whatsoever. It don't look like when you think about it.
Speaker 3:No, no, I'm gonna say it like this as far as it goes right, there's still love for radditz out there. You have to go look. And basically it's on the fans at this point, because Because there's a fan comic where Goku actually goes to HFIL and Goku gets the chance to see Raditz and Nappa again and Raditz has learned while he's in HFIL, raditz has learned to go super saiyan.
Speaker 2:That's crazy because technically he is not supposed to have his body in HFIL but I in HFL, but I guess I guess where he was.
Speaker 3:Both of them have their bodies and he can go Super Saiyan, both of them can.
Speaker 2:How does?
Speaker 3:Nappa.
Speaker 2:Super Saiyan, look His bald head.
Speaker 3:And Raditz, like literally, basically, by the end of it, because Raditz was like, yeah, now I can fight you, not now, there's nothing that you can do, you know. But Goku showed him like, okay, you have Super Saiyan, that's great. I love that for you. But let me show you something where we are now, we're a lot stronger. You have to do way more catching up. And Goku. Goku showed him Like even going to Super Saiyan Blue and Raditz came to the realization at the end of it, like, as Goku was leaving, raditz came to the realization okay, you know what? I'm proud of my little brother, because where I thought he was weak, he actually showed me he would get stronger.
Speaker 1:That part, when you think about like Was Ryze? Nevermind because he. All I'm saying is like, was he truly evil or was he just more? Like that's just his Saiyan nature.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was his Saiyan nature. He was just a Saiyan, that was it. That was what they were supposed to do. Go and conquer yeah, that was the same nature. Yeah, he was just saying that was it. That was what they were supposed to do go and conquer. He went and he finally found his long lost brother that he ain't seen, that he has not seen since he was a little kid.
Speaker 2:He honestly thought that his brother was dead and all of a sudden, finding out like you, through finding out that I forgot how it was. It was something, um, with the fight with king pick him up. It was something that happened in that fight that wound up sending some type of beacon to raditz that there was some possible power source on earth and that's what led him to wind up popping up there and finding goku. So I can't fully remember how raditz truly found out. Like found goku. It was one of those things that he wasn't sure if that was the case or not, but it was still one of those things of like, what if we had a Raditz comeback instead of Freeza? Like actually been like. My brother is here.
Speaker 1:Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they were avoiding having Raditz come back, especially as a Super Saiyan, because the implication of oh so essentially he just looks like a Super Saiyan 3, but not at that level, Kind of like how with. Gohan, where Gohan had the long hair during the Cell Saga when he was training with Goku and he turned Super Saiyan and then he was looking like Super Saiyan 3 for a moment, and then Goku was like I think you need a haircut true, but I don't know.
Speaker 2:I guess it was one of those things like it's just like a curiosity of how would it have been if we could have had a chance to like he had his own redemption, versus being us as a brother throw away, because realistically both Goku and Vegeta have throw away brothers and it's a real messed up thing as being us as a brother throwaway because realistically both goku and vegeta have throwaway brothers yeah, it's a real messed up thing, because tarble is in a sense canon, not canon per se like he's.
Speaker 2:So the only thing about his tarble, his character design and everything is not fully canon. The closest that we have to canon is the fact that in the manga because not in the anime, they purposely didn't do this, but in the manga literally is the fact that um vegeta winds up saying, when he meets um, what was his name?
Speaker 1:carbo uh kaba kaba.
Speaker 2:Yeah, when he meets kaba, when during the universe six, during that tournament, he immediately notices the fact. He says kaba reminds him so much of him. So he doesn't specifically say brother or anything like that, but he does make the line in the manga saying he reminds me so much of him, which implies the whole, his little brother. Because we do get a confirmation that, like boma wound up asking vegeta, do you have any relatives or anything other than your dad? And he was like I did have a brother, but that's a whole time, but that's. But he was too weak and he's not worth mentioning.
Speaker 3:And just like threw it away as that you know. But as they showed in the anime. I mean, even if folks are like, oh, it's not really a Kenan anime, but they showed it in the anime, hey, his little brother. They sent his little brother off to you know. Hey, he was weak, he was weak at times and he's not trying to be like I'm going to destroy everything. No, that man wanted peace.
Speaker 1:that's kind of crazy when you think about it, because that reminds me of how, uh, you know you're watching teen titans and you know starfire, you know blackfire, but did y'all know that they had a brother, but they don't really mention him because he was just off, uh, on other planets doing shit yeah, yeah, yeah, because in the comics, like their brother is like a fucking badass.
Speaker 2:But I think the reason they didn't bring they didn't really mention him too much is because starfire and blackfire got a lot of love for their design. You know the fact that they had such little clothing. This is kind of how it was. But so they wound up like not really talking too much about their brother. But there was that one moment into it that you got a chance to see him and you're like yo, he's actually powerful, but powerful. But they were just like, uh, but we like Starfire and Blackfire more. And then it was like alright, well, we're just gonna throw this character away. And it really does suck into that. Why is it always brothers that are getting thrown away, like what is happening?
Speaker 1:Why? I don't even know man.
Speaker 2:But it's still one of those things of like, you know, we don't get like brother redemption, like we don't get that whatsoever. It does not exist, it just Congratulations If you're the brother of a main character. If you're the brother of a main character in the Dragon Ball franchise, you're unimportant.
Speaker 1:I mean, unless you're like Goten and Gohan? Well, no Because let's be honest here, I mean, unless you're like Goten and Gohan.
Speaker 2:Well no, Cause let's be honest here Goten does not get a shine. Goten had a little bit of a shine. We had a whole separate segment Of a fight between him and Baby and GT Before he knew he wanted to get taken over and gotten overshadowed again. But we had a moment where we were following Goten's little short story into that. Now goten and trunks together are having something in the with the superhero, but that quickly got overshadowed again with bees gone. So it's a tit for tat on that one.
Speaker 1:It's a tit for tat on that one. Did we have anything? Tell us, did you have anything to add on to Battle of Gods, because I'm ready to talk about Rides of Rots or Frieza.
Speaker 3:No, alright.
Speaker 1:So, with that being said, battle of Gods, like I said, pretty good. Now we get to Words of Rushmore Free, where I'm like. I kind of like some parts, but I'm pretty much where it tells where I'm like. I especially didn't like the TV version because the animation just I could have did better as far as the TV format, but the movie A little better.
Speaker 1:But, um, essentially we have Goku and Vegeta Training, with Whis Attaining the Super Saiyan God form and eventually Super Saiyan Blue, and then Frieza Coming back. Well, the Frieza force Collecting the Earth, dragon Balls To resurrect Frieza and then, pretty much after Training, in the afterlife. I don't even know how that works, because I thought he was like in a cocoon or some shit. When he's like dead, uh, and then he, anyways, he returns to earth seeking revenge, um, and despite having this gold form, um, he ended up getting beat by goku and vegeta. And the funny thing is it was like oh, oh, man, you know what?
Speaker 1:This is the part where I feel like vegeta got done dirty because, you know, it would have been so much sense for vegeta to be the one to snuff out frieza after all the shit he'd been through with frieza. But then frieza was like, nope, I'm gonna blow up the whole planet. And then we was like, okay, hold on, let's do a redo. And this time goku don't be like last time, where I'm like, oh well, don't just leave him alive for a better fight later, you have to kill him. This time I was like all right, and then they redid it and this time Goku killed him. But I was like I feel like, oh man, because, bro, like just I listen, the fact that Frieza was clowning on Vegeta talking about man, I know Goku's a Super.
Speaker 3:Saiyan, but what?
Speaker 1:the fuck can you do? And I'm like, oh, let me show you. And then Super Saiyan Blue. And I was like, oh yeah, it's been a few years since. Oh, you didn't know about this Worm, did you? You didn't know I could do that huh, in a few years. Oh, you didn't know about this worm, did you? You didn't know.
Speaker 2:I could do that, huh.
Speaker 1:But check this out, not only have I been a super Saiyan for years, even I have the power of a god. And I was like man, whatever, run those hands. And I was like, oh yeah, I'm gonna show you something and don't dream of coming back to Earth again or resurrecting again. My bad, don't even dream of resurrecting again. But man, I kind of didn't like how Goku took that from Vegeta. I really didn't like that. He could have beat a main villain at last, but Goku took that from him Shit. But how are y'all feeling about resurrecting Vegeta?
Speaker 2:I went first last time. Talos go.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, what was your worst, man?
Speaker 3:It's basically Like Resurrection of the Elves Once again, decent movie, decent, decent movie. But it literally is what's the word for it Hot trash and the reason why I say that is because they used what's the name. They used the. They used Freeza too much.
Speaker 1:Oh, how about that one part where apparently Ginyu showed up in that brawl form and took over that one minion?
Speaker 2:That right, there was just absolute nonsense. Because, literally, how is it you can take on a more powerful body, better than Freeza Gang?
Speaker 3:That's the reason why they started this whole thing of oh hey, you know what's Genu's actual form and stuff, and folks went looking and finding out, you know.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, Finding out that that purple body obviously was not his real form because he's used a body change technique before. Hilarious.
Speaker 3:That's right.
Speaker 2:Wow, everything ran buck wild on that. Resurrection F was just, it was decent.
Speaker 1:Can I also throw something else in, even though this happened like way later, I would say, in the Superhero arc, yes, in the superhero arc, when they were training with Broly and what not. Okay, I kinda don't like how anticlimactic vegeta finding out that beerus was the one that ordered the hit out on plan vegeta to where it's like okay, frieza knew what. Yeah, frieza knew who really put the hit out on plan vegeta. Because, um, beerus wanted to make sure that super saiyan god doesn't exist at all. So he's just like, okay, put the hit out on plan, destroy all those motherfuckers before that can even happen.
Speaker 1:And instead of frieza being like you ever want to know, uh, real reason why I just blew up the planet, I was like wait, there was another reason why I was like you might want to talk to beers. And I was like, wait, why do you need to talk to Beerus? And I was like, wait, why do we need to talk to Beerus? For I was like what do you know, motherfucker? I was like, yeah, I was really bugging about the whole Super Saiyan God thing. So I was like, yeah, I put that on, I'm not bad.
Speaker 3:Let's be real.
Speaker 1:Let's be real, hold on, let me finish. But instead, during the training session with Vegeta you know trying to be actually, I think it was the Granada arc Whenever he got ultra ego or whatever point being is that? Oh yeah, by the way, yeah, I did that shit I told Freeza to blow up your plan. What are you going to do about it? And then it was like, eh, it felt like Vegeta wasn't mad enough. In my opinion. I'm like, bro, you mean you the one that put the hit? Mmm, I felt like that was a little anticlimactic for me. It would have been a lot better if Breeze was even the bad dad. Yeah, he was hired to blow the planet. But yeah, y'all go ahead.
Speaker 2:I don't know. I was gonna say in all honesty, let's be real, he wanted to blow up the planet. Not about the fact of being afraid of, about being afraid of the super saiyan god. He kind of relished in that little aspect of it that still had that possibility. He was mad as hell because King Vegeta was supposed to get the Softest motherfucking pillow in the entire universe and he found a pillow, tested it out for himself and he was like god damn, this is the softest motherfucking pillow in the universe. They was not joking about this shit. And he was like nah, I'm being selfish and gave Beerus the second softest pillow in the entire motherfucking world Entire motherfucking universe, really. That's why that nigga was mad and said nah, fuck that. This whole planet, finna, die.
Speaker 1:I can't trust none of you.
Speaker 2:And then said you know what? I'm not even gonna be the one, since you wanted to be petty and be Second. Give me second rate. I'ma give y'all a second rate death. I'ma tell freeze to do why should?
Speaker 1:a guy that's stuck to waste his time on y'all when I could get a wannabe god of destruction to kill y'all?
Speaker 2:that part, that part literally, and it's the fact that's like. You know second grade, you know second rate. You want to give me second rate. I give y'all second rate. You're not even gonna earn the right for me to do this.
Speaker 1:Can I just say that I love the fact that even Freeze was like kind of cowering over the fact that, oh shit, we're beer and beer. Like what are you doing here? I'm like, hey, man, I'm just chilling, don't worry about it.
Speaker 2:Oh, look, the fact that Freeze was told two people in the whole universe to be wary of by my dad and he said that's Majin, buu and Beerus. And he's like you mean to tell me that both of them motherfuckers is here on this planet.
Speaker 1:That's crazy.
Speaker 2:But understand the fact that when he found out, he said but you telling me that both of them, motherfuckers, is here and you telling me you beat Both of them? Nah, I'm calling cat.
Speaker 1:I'm calling cat Majin Buu, one thing but Beerus. I was like.
Speaker 3:And.
Speaker 1:They kind of called it a tie at Battle of Gaza. Yeah you did alright, but I want to say you beat me Look.
Speaker 2:Look, goku lost. We can admit that because beers literally said to him, like, even if beers didn't say himself into that aspect, he said okay, I didn't destroy the planet, but understand how the fight went. Goku lost his momentum. He eventually wore out. Beers didn't wear out. He said I appreciate the fight, it was fun, but it's time for me to blow up your plan. I have enough energy to do it. You don't have enough energy to stop me. Beer stopped because he appreciated how far goku was willing to go. That was the only reason. That was.
Speaker 1:That was it oh, you got a heart. You know what. I'm not gonna blow your plan after all exact.
Speaker 2:That's. That's literally all it was. He just felt sorry for my brother. That's just what it was. Goku lost the fight. It was the not the first fight that goku lost, but it was pretty much one of the biggest ones that like, damn, I lost and yeah, okay I lost, type of thing, versus when frieza just decided to be like I can't even say Frieza was petty. It's really their own fucking fault. It really was, because Vegeta was on his high horse telling Goku you need to stop trolling him, you need to go ahead and get the job done.
Speaker 2:Then Frieza steps in. Vegeta steps into the place fighting Frieza. He's like you know what, damn, I'm about to take one of Kakarot's books right here, bro. And then, you know, vegeta steps into the place fighting Frieza and he's like you know what Damn, I'm about to take one of Kakarot's books right here, bro, I'm finna, go ahead and play with my food a little bit too. And Frieza was like, haha, I'm gonna take advantage of that. Shit Blows up the planet Like that's.
Speaker 2:Y'all were just some dumb motherfuckers. That's really what happened. And then Weez. And then we's like rewinding time, which, by the way, one of the funniest things about it is that I was happy that we got that. Further on in the tournament arc we found out that we's did not actually break the rules by rewinding time by for two seconds. It was not. He did not break the time, he did not break the angels code onto that aspect, because he legally can do that, because it's not so much as far as a change of fate for the negative. It was supposed to be a change of fate for the better and he could technically prove it. So it was like okay, it's like I'm going to bend the rules a little bit, because otherwise he was like ain't nothing I can do for y'all, y'all fucked up.
Speaker 1:I know this isn't until the Zamasu arc, but I kind of like how Zamasu had this whole gripe against humanity for breaking the rules. But even though we technically didn't, it's like, oh because, yeah, because also, you know, we being an angel and angels being like stronger than gods of destruction, supposedly, so it's almost like, uh well, even if you did break the rules, like you're an angel. So I'm like I don't even want to smoke.
Speaker 2:Femmock you say supposedly there's only two people in the entire multiverse that Beerus actually says I don't fuck with, like that when it comes down to fighting, and there's Zeno and there's Weez. That's really it. He's squared up with the other guys in the church. He didn't give a fuck. He's like nigga. I was the strongest amongst all y'all like a millennia ago. I'm pretty sure I'm the strongest amongst y'all now. Try me, I can't really say. It's both. Weeds is like. I still find it funny. The only attack, the only thing that ever got an attack off on wiz, was when goku decided to bite his hand. And then we're just like. That is completely unprofessional to fight. It's a fight Anything goes. Nah, nigga, fuck that.
Speaker 1:Nah, that's a job brother.
Speaker 2:Exactly. I think I watched a video before. It was just like that's Goku's strongest attack, If you pay attention. No matter what, he bit everybody. He's literally fucking bit everybody. He's like, yeah, he did, he bit Raditz. No, he didn't bite Raditz. He's like, yeah, he did. He's like he bit Raditz. No, he didn't bite Raditz, he just grabbed his tail. He bit Piccolo. Yeah, he bit Piccolo. He bit Cell. Yes, he did. It was during a little squabble when they were fighting each other, when the ring was still there. It was when they were fighting in the sky, but it showed a little bit of a quick segment where he wound up biting Cell. He bit Freeza in the head.
Speaker 2:And bit Freeza in the tail.
Speaker 1:He didn't break his teeth on that bug armor. But okay, that part.
Speaker 2:That's just Goku physiology Something about Goku's jaw Dude got a pit bull lock. Jaw type shit.
Speaker 3:That's some hilarious shit. You bit Freezy, you bit Beerus on the damn tail.
Speaker 2:He did. He bit Beerus on the tail too, and then he bit Wiz on the hand, and no matter what, it didn't matter if he was getting his ass Whooped or nothing. As soon as he bit him, they stopped fighting instantly. They're like hold the fuck up.
Speaker 3:It's like hey, hey, hey, hey, this is what we signed up for, this, ain't it we supposed to be fighting? Who said fighting was alive? That's the strongest move.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry the tuck isn't on here. It would have brought back that PTSD. Sorry.
Speaker 1:I'm not sorry, sorry, but I'm sorry, but it's real though.
Speaker 3:Tuckman got kicked in his chest. Tuckman, damn, he got bitten. He even got buried in the ground like it's this man, yeah and lived through it all.
Speaker 2:Like I'm not gonna lie, his, the character, stayed alive throughout all of this his durability says something at all.
Speaker 3:I'm not going to lie. His character stayed alive throughout all of it. His durability says something that man is like I don't know man.
Speaker 2:I can't deal with this. By the way, though it's still hilarious. Goku's bite, apparently, is like yeah, this is the most powerful technique when you really think about it. He was like yeah, all the way back in Dragon Ball. If I'm correct, I think he bit Tien too.
Speaker 3:I might be wrong, but I think he did, I think he did, I think he did.
Speaker 2:So it's like damn that bite is. You know what I'm saying, as much as your bark is strong in your bite not Goku, I just thought about that.
Speaker 3:Yes, he had bit everybody, because he even bit Krillin. He bit Krillin in trackball. He bit Krillin in trackball Because when they fought for their fight he bit Krillin. I was like you know what? Yeah.
Speaker 2:That's all. Boy Goku's random signature move bites your ass, wait. And everyone's like yo. Hold on a second. I don't think we agreed to this.
Speaker 3:We said yes, we did if they writing it the way I think they writing it, I I relatively feel like it um, they're going, he's gonna end up biting. Uh, bro, he's gonna he. He gonna bite Broly, he gonna be farting against Broly. He gonna bite Ida, he gonna take a whole chunk.
Speaker 1:It would definitely have to be like the TV format, because so far, like we seen them fight in the movie, we seen them fight in the manga, but we haven't seen it in the TV format just yet. So like it would probably be, like a filler moment.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I believe it's gonna be in the TV part. It'll probably be a filler moment. Yeah, I believe it's going to be in the TV part. It's going to be where the whole filler, where they fight and stuff practicing. He's going to literally bite the shit out of him.
Speaker 2:He's going to bite the shit out of him.
Speaker 1:Imagine if Broly bit him back? Hey, hey, I would look.
Speaker 3:I would wait on that shit. I'd be laughing my ass off.
Speaker 2:The table's at me would be. I would wait on that shit. I'd be like, hey, the table that be turned. And then Goku being like, oh, what the why did you bite me? Why did you bite me? Oh yeah, I guess it was just instinctive.
Speaker 3:But look overall, I'm saying these first two portions of Dragon Ball Super. The movie does make you know. The movie makes them look a whole lot better Of Dragon Ball Super. The movie Does make you know the movie makes them look a whole lot better. The movies make them. But in the show, once again, I'd rather take show. I'm gonna tell you I'll take show freezer over movie freezer. True, and this is for both of them. I'm gonna take show freezer Freezer over Movie Freezer. Why? Show Freezer has better Opportunities, better chances In like Movie Freezer. That man got whooped for what? An hour and 30 minutes. Yeah, he got whooped for an hour and 30 minutes. Bye, broly you getting slapped Everywhere Ain't no way. I promise you. Look here, I don't give a care If we actors on the set, if I was freezing and they tell me and they hand me the script and they tell me yeah, you can get slapped. I'm getting slapped like that. I'm walking off the set and somebody got to pay for it, I quit.
Speaker 1:No, no, no. Hold on the fact that Goku and Vegeta used Freeze at the attraction and was like have fun, freeze. I was like wait, what do you mean have fun? I was like wait, whoa, whoa, whoa man. Did you leave me with him?
Speaker 2:That moment of understanding. They're like we want you to understand the taste of ass that we got and Freeze's that we got, like straight up, just it freezes durability through it all. Because shown up, like goku got knocked unconscious, the white, his eyes turned completely white unconscious and then back again.
Speaker 1:Then slapped him back away, rag doll and ran him through the glacier.
Speaker 2:Yes, what about? Like, what was it? Um caleb city? Then you know, caleb city had that one skip, um, I fact I still remember this night quill, day quip, like day quill, night quill or something, and he was like, how come they call you Caleb City? Yeah, caleb City had that one skit. I still remember this Night Quill, day Quill, like Day Quill, night Quill, nigga or something, and he was like, how come they call you Night Quill and Day Quill? And he was like, and they're like, don't ask that question. And he pushed his ass so hard. He was like I'm asleep. He said I'm awake. Wow, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off.
Speaker 1:Does it feel so good now does?
Speaker 2:it when Goku finally got pissed and punched him in the dick for Android 13.
Speaker 3:Hey, hey, that man. That man pointed Goku so bad it deleted Go 10 from his stream. I was like you know what? That's some bullshit.
Speaker 1:And then at the end it was like, oh well, he completely healed up and cool his testicles. And end it was like, oh well, he completely healed up and Kujisetsu goes in there. And Shiju was like, thank god, I can have more children.
Speaker 2:She was scared half to death. She thought that was going to be it and was like damn you and these fights, goku Damn.
Speaker 3:Like I said, overall, for me the movies are better the movies are entirely better. Like I said, overall, for me, for these two, the movies are better. The movies are entirely better. Show wise Show has great points, but the them two portions right there, oh no, y'all could've just skipped it.
Speaker 1:Y'all could've really skipped it. That's honestly what I did at first, when I heard that, oh, they're just pretty much gonna make the first two moves in tv format like skip way into um universe six and zamasu, or I'm like I'll, I'll tune in for that there's a lot of people that did that, because it was just like every time they tuned in, even in the manga, they were just like you, just retelling the same story.
Speaker 2:There's no point in continuing this on. So then they wound up rushing it for a third time when Super Hero gives a teeny format well.
Speaker 2:So Super Hero is one of the only ones. They changed up the story and they gave much more like in depth storyline to it. So for people who read the manga will know. So if you read the manga, yeah, you're gonna pretty much go through it again. But people who are, who are just anime watchers only, it'll be kind of it'll feel like a different experience because they expanded the story and changed quite a lot. So it's enough to where you can work with it.
Speaker 1:So I'll say that's one of those ones that did get some praise for him today this reminds me of how I just made a post about how, oh, anime watchers picking on manga readers like, hey, this nigga have to imagine the fight scene.
Speaker 1:I was like I got some oh that's how y'all feeling, that's how y'all coming. All right, I got something for you. I got something for the dragon ball z hits. I got something for the Dragon Ball Z heads. I got something for the Jujutsu Kaisen fans. I got something for the Chainsaw man fans, the One Punch man fans, the fucking Demon Slayer fans. Oh, y'all want to play that game. Alright, I know shit that'll make you. Ooh, don't try me.
Speaker 2:I know some shit. I was about to throw a kinship verse. Let me stop, anyway.
Speaker 1:Meanwhile it was like yo back when, like Part 4 of JoJo's Was like brand new Anime wise, and I was already on Part 6. I'm like y'all don't know what's coming For you.
Speaker 2:That part right there, bruh for real. But yeah, resurrection F it wound up having those moments that just kind of made it very cringe-worthy. The whole thing about, like we mentioned the fight scene for frieza, but also um gohan just getting completely slapped on like went unconscious and he was out. That was it. He was just decided like he became a side character. At that point he got pissed off and then finally we it wound up being what was needed to get him to come back, but still was it like I think it's like between like rdc world and caleb's you know all them like when they like make those uh videos about, uh.
Speaker 1:Oh, when you realize that you're the side character, I was like nah, this idiot, I know this idiot in the main character. What the fuck.
Speaker 2:That part.
Speaker 1:Maybe this is one of those things when the side character saved the main character, Nah man.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, that was one of the most recent ones they dropped. Yeah, I watched that one too, but nah, it was like it gave Gohan that push that he needed To say you know what I actually kinda need to do some shit. I do need to step up because, like shit will happen, and if I'm not able to, if my dad and Vegeta ain't here to protect, like I gotta be able to step up and be able to do that shit.
Speaker 2:So yeah, you added two swings into Majin Buu or I was like you need to stay training that part, because he lost that shit. He fully lost ultimate form and everything. He forgot how to go. What was it? He forgot how to go super save and so it was like shit, wait, because he needed to have that emotion and shit. And he was like I don't have those emotions no more. I'm like I've grown. I've grown more human.
Speaker 1:And they're like, yeah, yeah, that's your mistake. I got a job and a family and shit. I ain't worried about no training. And I'm like, hey, man, in this universe you need to stay ready.
Speaker 2:Always, bro, always you, the son of Son Goku, better stay ready.
Speaker 1:But yeah, so the whole thing Goku gonna be in his death bed being like hey, son, before I go, just know that you're now the new champion of Earth. People we train. They will come for you. They will come for you because of me and I am sorry about that in advance that part, but then it was also.
Speaker 2:We also mentioned the whole Genu thing. I thought Genu died. We all was like no, genuyu died, and then people had to go back and really look and see the fact that no, apparently genyu, somehow another, was on that damn ship and you can see him in the manga panels in just a brief moment. They did actually do it in the anime to where apparently that little alien frog hopped off somewhere, and it was just a really brief moment, as you can see, and it was really small, but it was like oh okay, so he actually did live. But everyone was still questioning that shit. They're like nah, in a way, genji was still alive, like the fuck first off, he shouldn't have been alive.
Speaker 3:You know, genji should. As a matter of fact, you know what? I give him just a slight bit of grace. He should have stayed a frog forever. That part. At this point I say it once again Y'all hype me up for this. In Dragon Ball Z, genu's supposed to be the strongest of the Genu force, and yet you tell me, this man is so weak, this man weak, what Nah.
Speaker 2:His greatest feat was that he stole Goku's body. That was the point. Into it, dude threw a bitch feet.
Speaker 3:Because of the fentanyl, and you couldn't even use Goku's body at that.
Speaker 1:Oh man, when you think about it, it's like Zamasu. Well, vegeta had to tell Zamasu the same thing. It's like Just because you have that idiot's body Doesn't mean you know how to use it yeah.
Speaker 2:But Zamasu. But Zamasu took that to heart. He was like Shit, she right, I need to learn that shit. That was like shit.
Speaker 3:She's right, I need to learn that shit. That was hard man, you know what? Yeah?
Speaker 2:Just good lord.
Speaker 1:But the learning curve was almost. You know, we'll talk about when we get to that. But I'm like bro, sometimes like the zombies, who are good concept, but in execution the logic was lacking. There was some parts that was executed concept, but in execution the logic was lacking.
Speaker 2:There were some parts that was executed well, but we'll definitely talk into that. But yeah, resurrection F it had a Resurrection F, I think I literally saw a YouTuber say this Resurrection F means the F in Resurrection F means Resurrection Failure. That's just literally what they called it. I'm sorry, but this is not it.
Speaker 1:Ah, that's funny, but just literally what?
Speaker 3:they called it like just I'm sorry, but this is not it. Ah, that's funny, but um, it's pretty much that's all I got to say on to those two. I guess it tells you got anything to add? Nope, nope, not at all, not on those two at least.
Speaker 1:yeah, I'm tapped out too. So, yep, that is it for part one of the Dragon Ball Super Extreme Review. The next part will be Universe 6 and the Zamasu arc, and then we're going to essentially do the Universe Survival, like the little filler episode leading up to the Tournament of Power, and blah, blah, blah, maybe talk about the manga chapters, but we'll see in the next episode of Dragon Ball Super. Okay, I'm sorry. Well, that's it for now. Let's go ahead and zone out of here.