Zealots of Nerd Entertainment

Katekyo Hitman Reborn!: Mafia Wars, Character Growth and Undying Willpower

JetBlackXtreme, Kokugatsu Season 15 Episode 17

What makes true leadership? Is it strength, wisdom, or something deeper? Join us as we explore the complex world of "Katekyo Hitman Reborn" with J.B. and Kokugatsu, diving into the core arcs of the series and discussing the intricate dynamics of the Vongola Family. From the hilarious beginnings of the Daily Life arc to the high-stakes confrontations in the Mukuro Arc, Jeff offers his passionate insights into character development, distinctive art, and the soundtrack that brings it all to life.

Discover the intense battles of the Boreal Arc and the evolution of Tsuna's leadership, drawing intriguing parallels to iconic characters like Thor and Captain America. J.B. and Kokugatsu engages in a spirited conversation about the authenticity of the Vongola Rings and the trials faced by Tsuna and his Guardians. Reflecting on unresolved plot points and the complexities of integrating future memories, we also debate the evolution of alien themes in anime, from "Dragon Ball Z" to "Tenchi Muyo."

Celebrate the character growth in Reborn's arcs, particularly Tsuna's transformation from a clumsy student to a respected leader. J.B. and Kokugatsu delve deep into the final arc, revealing the secrets behind the Arcobaleno curse and the thrilling battle against Checker Face and Bermuda. With heartfelt reflections and lively debates, we invite you to explore the "Reborn" series and share it with your friends. We believe that this series deserves a second chance, either in the form of a remake, or adapting the last two arcs of the manga into an animation!

Stay nerdy, and look forward to more great content ahead!

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Stay nerdy and stay faithful,
- J.B.

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Speaker 1:

What's good everybody. It's Jeff Black at Stream and we are back at it again with another episode of the Zone Podcast. Today I want to talk about one of my all-time favorite anime. Like you're probably thinking like, oh, what could it be? And, in case I haven't made it obvious in previous episodes, it's time I talk about Catechio Hidden and Reborn. So, with Koki guys who joined me, let's just go ahead and zone in on it. Alright?

Speaker 1:

So here's the thing this story has six main arcs. I mean there's the sub-arcs in the future arc, but you know, I just like to Think of all those arcs within the future arc as one Big arc. You know, kind of like how, with Bleach, where there was the whole Hueco Mundo shit and they had to like do like Side quests in between the bullshit. So I'm like, yeah, you know what, anything that has to do with the Aran Kaisapada, all Hueco Mundo, all that shit. Yeah, I just consider that the whole Hueco Mundo Art right there. So that's just easier For me to remember. But Patek Hitman Born has six main Arts. Two of them are manga only, and actually there are things in the manga that's exclusive to the manga, but then again some of the things that's in the manga and, and I don't really care for you know, like, uh, there was like this one family led by this one guy named naito Longchamp, and I forgot the name of the family. But then again, I just don't care that much. Let's just be real. Six major arcs is the Daily Life arc, the Kokyo arc, the Barrio arc, the Future arc, as I mentioned before, where it has the arc where they're training, searching for the other guardians, the invasion of Maroon Bay, the arc of Bleno Trials, the choice arc, the Primo family arc and the future choice, final choice battle arc. And then the two manga arcs that never got animated which is criminal, honestly the Inheritance Ceremony arc and the Curse of the Rainbow Arc.

Speaker 1:

Now, I'm just going to make this real quick. Essentially, what I'm going to go for is I'm going to give a little spill about each of the arcs, then I'm going to have Kogu Gatsu here Give his perspective on the arc, and then we just kind of bounce off from there and essentially just going to lather, rinse and repeat With each of the arc, and then we just kind of bounce off from there and, since we've just gone, lather, rinse and repeat with each of the arcs as we go. So let's go ahead and get into it. First of all, daily life arc.

Speaker 1:

This is the one arc to where it kind of divided people from continuing with the series, because it just seems like, oh well, it's all comedic and slow, it's like, uh, what am I doing here? But that's just the thing, though it it's like you want to like, establish some characters, establish who they are, kind of get an attachment to these characters before it gets real serious. But also keep in mind that Kira Amana, the story writer and illustrator of this story, he intended for this to be a comedy series up until you know the Mook Girl art, and then it was like, oh shit, they like the action. Okay, so let's just add more of that. So that's pretty much how it was, but for some people it seemed like it's already too late. You know how some people have that three episode rule to where, oh, if it doesn't grip you by episode three or something like that, they just drop it, and I'm like I kind of get it. But also it's a damn shame because, like, it just goes to show that people care more about instant gratification than delayed gratification. It's like they don't really care for the payoff, as long as like, okay, well, it's, it's kind of slow at first but I'm sure the payoff is somewhere down the line. But no, no, no, they just want that hook right away. But then again sometimes things will have a great hook but then disappoint you later. So it's kind of like a first impression kind of thing, to where you're thinking that, oh well, you assume it's going to be this or that at first impression, but you commit to it and you're just like, oh, ok, impression, but you commit to and you're just like, oh, okay, now, daily life arc.

Speaker 1:

Essentially you meet the main cast, the supporting cast, honestly, with the character art. It's like I kind of like how Akira Amano had this art that's distinctive to where Most of the characters have, like this Chin that kind of points Out a little bit, and with the babies it seemed like instead of having chins, their uh, cheeks are just kind of pointing out and whatnot, and then some characters just look like something straight out one piece, not gonna lie. But um, overall I did like the art. The original soundtrack is a banger like. I would highly recommend just going on youtube and just listening to the original soundtrack. I would highly recommend things like the Varya's opening soundtrack theme for them. Some of the characters, like Hibari Ryohei, had a good one. Yeah, he's got a pretty strong soundtrack.

Speaker 1:

I just think that with this show it would have been much better if the action scenes was more polished, like what we have going on, like, say, for instance, like demon slayer or jiu-jitsu kai the word just seems like the fight's just so so fluid and interactive doesn't seem so telegraph and whatnot. But I'm kind of ranting at this point. Point being is that with the daily life art, it's the one art that kind of made people decide and well, I don't know if I'm gonna commit to all this. But then again, I'm one of those people where I had a completionist art where I'm gonna commit to this and see if it was worth my time. I'm gonna. I'm gonna commit to the whole 203 episodes, like I know the beginning was slow, but if I get to the end and then I'm gonna like, okay, well, at least I gave the whole thing a chance and I don't regret it at all.

Speaker 1:

In fact, to a degree I kind of modeled my life a little bit around reborn, where we had this friend group and I was the boss and all that. But let's just say things got messy. One of them pulled a damon spade on me and I mean I'm still cool with most of the people still. But yeah, enough about the daily life arc for me. Personally, I'm like I didn't hate it. It's just damn shame that, um, people just couldn't get past it. But kook guys, what are your thoughts on this first one?

Speaker 1:

hey, first off I want to go ahead and say happy birth month to you, jb, you know oh, oh, yeah, yeah, like I'm doing this for my birthday because it's coming up and since it's one of my favorite minds, well, but I'm like, oh yeah, I do that.

Speaker 2:

So, yes, man, happy birth month. So we definitely want to go ahead and get that out there. So, yes, we're doing this as a birthday review for you, but I did want to say, yeah, I do agree with you on when it comes down for this arc. This arc was intended just to be a joke. It was just supposed to be like kind of fun, kind of chill.

Speaker 2:

But, um, shonen jump, you know how they are with stuff. If things become super popular at a point you know, they put it towards the forefront. They're trying to jump monk, uh, every monk release and stuff. But then if it's not as good, they start putting it back. And what happened, was it started noticing with this chapter is that at first it was cool within like the first five, first seven, and then it kind of started dropping, going all the way back to like number 11. And if, if it winds up dropping off number 11, then Shonen Jump drops it off like completely. You know, shonen Jump Viz, they're good for that. It's all based on fan popularity. If you're not that popular, they don't care, they will cut your series in a heartbeat. So you got to be very careful on that.

Speaker 1:

And a lot of these fans have that shiny keys mentality to where it's like, oh, the right, uh set of keys isn't being jingled over their head. They don't care. I'm like, bro, y'all are missing out. I'm sorry, but to those of you who's listening in and y'all already seen the anime and read the manga, good for you. But for those who haven't, I'm like, I'm not gonna judge you too harshly, but y'all really are missing out well, look at first I was one of those people.

Speaker 2:

I'm not gonna lie to you, you know.

Speaker 1:

Look yeah, I mean I get it like you mentioned.

Speaker 2:

As far as about that friend group, obviously you know I was in that friend group back when we was back when we was in school and stuff, and the thing about it is is that I wound up becoming and you know, I wound up joining after you had graduated, because that's one of the funniest things about it so I didn't actually watch this series until then.

Speaker 2:

I did try it. I want you to understand, I did try it. It wasn't as I don't know. To me it seemed like it was off the wall goofball comedy, which I don't mind. You know, I love rama one half. We've already talked about that in the previous episode, and it's like I like off-wall goofball comedies.

Speaker 2:

But it felt like there could have been so much more to this show and so I was like okay, and then some of the jokes felt kind of lackluster, like it didn't really feel like it was. Every episode had the same thing. It wasn't like a new comedy, wasn't something fresh every single time. It felt kind of just stale a little bit, and I have to be honest about that. So I actually I had watched the series twice, so I picked it.

Speaker 2:

I started off the first time and then I dropped it, and it wasn't until like after you had graduated and I wound up joining the fam, the familia, and then, once I joined the family sorry, sorry, but once I had joined the family, can you hear me now? Yeah, yeah, I got you now, okay, but see, man, technologies has not been on. My friend has not been my friend Anyway, but yeah, after you had left, and then I wound up joining the family after you had left and so by that point I wound up rewatching it at that point and then, you know, I got past that whole first comp, the comedic art, to where it got more serious, and then that's where I wound up liking it at. So I'll just be honest on so this first arc, I didn't really care much for it. I'll be honest with you.

Speaker 2:

I this was the first time I had an anime character that I absolutely wanted to to die lambo. I wanted him dead. I was like what is the point of this cow kid? Like, get rid of him. Like why is he here? It was it just? Anytime he showed up, I wasn't laughing, I was. I was so pissed off like I was aggravated every single time and I'm like please get this dude off the screen. Why is he here?

Speaker 1:

like, yeah, like five-year-old lambo pissed me off, not gonna lie. But then again, that was five-year-old Lambo. I don't expect a five-year-old to like have some sense, like reborn does or like, uh, what was the guy named? Uh, fuck, uh, sweet phone, I think, um, whoever the um storm arcablanca was, uh, I don't expect them to have that kind of composure and maturity. But 15-year-old Lamboau, I was like okay, okay, I mean I'm cool with 15-year-old Lambeau, but hold on, wait a minute. 15-year-old Lambeau was okay, especially when you know you get to the inheritance ceremony or see the new Vongla gear and all that. But then you have 25-year-old Lambeau that you see in the Mario arc, where like okay, now it makes sense for him to be the lightning guardian, yeah, I mean.

Speaker 2:

But that's the thing though. It's like the thing is, even with all of them being cursed back into their bodies, into their like small, their kid forms and stuff, they still retain some type of maturity. It was like with Lambeau that was just gone. It was like all of a sudden he went back and his maturity was just absolutely non-existent. And this is a yeah, but here's the thing like I, you say that, but you know, I got five kids and, like, two of them have already been through the age of five and one of them is currently five. So in that regard, no, lambo was stupid. Yeah, I'm sorry, I was just saying it was stupid. I'm sorry, it's just, bruh, you know it was too much, it was too much into that, but anyway, um, but no, otherwise, yeah, like this one was a.

Speaker 2:

The first arc was was a little difficult for me, um, so, yeah, once I picked it back up again and I got past it, that's when things really started like, okay, I could definitely watch this series. So I have to be honest onto that one that this it didn't hit me the right way. I was one of those fans that was like I'm just not really feeling it, like I'm not one that voted against it. I'm not one of those type of people. It was still. It had funny moments. It just wasn't as funny to me anymore, so I just kind of like let it go.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, okay, yeah I mean, like I said, like I didn't hate it, but then again, like I can understand why people didn't like it that much, because it felt slow for like 20 episodes up until we get to the kokyo junior high arc or aka To the Kokuyo Junior High Arc or aka the Mukuro Arc, and, not going to lie, kokuyasu, I'm still kind of mad at you, at how it was like, when you were like I swear to god, his first name is Rokudo and I was like no, no, no, no, his first name is Mukuro. Because the weird thing about this show Is that everybody Well, except except for some characters like Haru and Kyoko, most of these characters are addressed by a last name, but for some reason they're like, okay, we only refer to that guy as Mukuro Because, like I don't know why, but first and last nameuro rokudo. Now this guy, he uh runs the gang of the kokyo junior high gang, like I pretty much mentioned, and they were running around beating up people, especially from the namimori middle disciplinary committee. By the way, let me talk about them real quick. Hibari, the cloud guardian, essentially Like Okay, handsome Dude who Kind of beats people up, just for the hell of it. That's the funny thing, like they actually say that in the anime To where, yeah, they are the disciplinary committee, but really are the disciplinary committee, but really they don't really care about um that much about, uh, fucking moral upstanding or whatnot, or at least that what it seems. Some people say that, oh, they're only part of the disciplinary committee as an excuse to beat people up. But hibari actually loves his school like he really does. Like it's kind of funny, like uh.

Speaker 1:

But whole point being is that the kokyo guys was running around beating people up trying to uh, I guess uh, mukuro needed new bodies to um and have because, keep in mind, as the miss guardian and the guy with like illusion powers, but he can also possess people. So if he scratches you with his trident, then he's able to take over your body whenever he wants to, kind of like what Sukuna had going on in Jujutsu Kaisen. But I'm not gonna make that much of a comparison between the two. I'm just saying where Mukuro definitely wanted to control suna's body because he saw potential in suna, and this pretty much got to a point to where hibari was like all right, I'm getting tired of these motherfuckers beating up my people and shit. So I'm going to go over there and teach them a lesson. And then Mukuro, taking advantage of Ibari's I guess allergy or weakness to Sakura, he was like kind of paralyzed. He was like kind of paralyzed and I guess, uh, suna kokudera, yamamoto and the rest of the gang, uh had to go out and save hibari from mukuro.

Speaker 1:

Uh, have the whole fight with guys like chikusa. Uh, what was that? Mm. There was the bloody twins, um birds, who looked like a fucking. Well, actually that's a funny thing, birds was actually inspired by an actual serial killer, but uh, I forgot the name of that guy, but, um, in particular.

Speaker 1:

But there was Lynch, the dude with the uh big ball and chain who was quote, unquote, but that was just more like he was the uh figurehead in a sense, like I need a uh ahead, in a sense Like I need a ball guy in a sense. And that one guy, ken, that's right, it was Chikusa and Ken, that was like the main two guys alongside MM, who was like the main girl in this gang. And then you go up against the real Mukuro, to where that's when Tsuna finally gets the gloves and hyper vongola Intuition, the flame and all that, and then you have his iconic Look for the most part For the first time. Now, I would say this arc was the first arc to where, okay, things can get serious and I'm kind of in for the rest of it as it comes. But Kogatsu, what are your thoughts on the Kokyo arc?

Speaker 2:

Honestly, pretty much about the same as you have. Okay. So look, yes, mukuro, we're going to go ahead and go with that, so you're good. No, for real, though. I like that we get an opportunity. We finally get more of an introduction to our new characters. We we kind of like really feel like we're actually building the family finally. Like before it just kind of felt like we thought about was more, just fun, but now we're like, let's see we can try to get into it. Let's see we could really see what's going on with this family. Like you know, you're the head mafia and this is where I would say, this is where Tokyo, this is like Tokyo Revengers before Tokyo Revengers. That's where this art kind of really makes me feel like so you know, we have these rivals.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because now we're actually starting to understand that there's rival families and now we're like, okay, everyone is really kind of building their own into stuff and trying to see what it is that they can do, and we're trying to see what it is that they can do.

Speaker 1:

It's like OK, I'm not going to point out anybody in particular, but hear me out, it's like having two high schools in the same city and we should know we're in a, we were born from a city. That's like this to where you have the two high schools. They got beef with each other and they'll like play pranks and get in fights with each other every now and then, especially after football games. Oh, my god, like when, bro, I'm telling you that when one of our teams I'm not gonna say names, but I'm just saying that if you're on a certain team and you beat the shit out of the other team and the other team is so salty, they just start and shit with you at the end of the game and all that. I'm like, hey, man, if you mad, just say that my part. But nah, nah, nah.

Speaker 1:

But like, bro, it was kind of like that where sometimes you have that one school versus the other school, nami Mori versus Kokuyo, but the thing is the Kokuyo gang, the Kokuyo junior high, felt more like okay, I'm this probably gonna be the one time I'll be really crass about it, but it's like imagine one of those uh, schools where the delinquents pretty much took over. It's like a lawless land, like who the fuck knows what goes on behind those walls. You have kids probably bullying other kids, having inappropriate relations with the students and teachers, maybe even the principals getting involved, graffiti everywhere that sort of thing. But there was barely anyone there. So I guess it was like an abandoned um school in kokio land and they just used that as a hangout spot.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, it's like one school to where it's not really a school versus an actual school. But the disciplinary committee is like kind of like gangsta. But that's the funny thing too. Kusakabe Ibarri's right-hand man with the fucking pompadour, that's what makes it seem like, okay, y'all must be like some sort of gang. If your right-hand man looks like someone that looks like he should be in a mafia, you're not wrong on that.

Speaker 2:

You are not wrong on that. You are not wrong on that, because that is absolute truth.

Speaker 1:

I mean, he even looked like he should have been graduated. He should have been in high school or some shit.

Speaker 2:

You know it's an anime trope, literally, you see it in JoJo Yu Yu Hakusho. Any person that has a pompadour is considered like you are an absolute rebel type of thing. You like is considered like you are absolute rebel type of thing. You like you. How dare you want to rick roll everybody and it becomes a whole thing into that. It's like I know it's true, I know it's absolutely true. Um, but I don't really have too much else for this particular art per se.

Speaker 2:

This arc wound up being I like the fights. That was my. I would say I absolutely loved that. We got a chance to really see some fighting going on. We got a chance to see each of these characters really get a chance to kind of show out what their skills could be. So we had Hayato versus Chikusa Chikusa Good lord, I'm butchering names now and it's like you know.

Speaker 2:

We get a chance to like really see, hey, these characters say that they about that life, can't, are they actually about that life like you really back that up and it's one of those ones I know sooner, this is also for him getting a chance to be like hey, they're having to defend me every single time, like all these people are coming after me primarily because I'm the head of the family. Supposed, I'm supposed to be the head of the family and I really have to take this seriously. And reborn told him constantly you need to take this seriously, this is a real thing. This is not just a joke. This is like you're no, you're the head and these are your people. They're gonna follow your lead and if your lead sucks, they're gonna suck and we get the chance to really see that happening where it's like okay, when Suna is like really back down, he's not like being that leader, they're not doing as well, but the minute he kind of shows up a little bit, he's like even if he's not in the fight, but he kind of like steps into the fray okay, I really need to take this seriously.

Speaker 2:

Boom, now, all of a sudden, his family's starting to do well, we're starting to see these fights actually progress better. We're starting to see how things are doing a little bit like, oh, we may actually win, we may actually be able to have this. Then mukuro shows up with this doggone giant ball and chain and I'm just like, okay, well, that's it. Um, I don't know how you're gonna get past this, but other than that. It's like it's I, just I like that we got a chance to see these characters grow and get a chance to like okay, tsuna is now trying to step in. I'm trying to say Tsukuna.

Speaker 1:

I don't know why my brain is trying to say Tsukuna this is not Jujutsu Kaisen, but Tsuna it's like easier to say when you think Tsuna Yoshi probably yeah.

Speaker 2:

So it was like we really get a chance to see him like step up, like actually learning to try to step up, um, which I will say, this is where things start getting controversial with a lot of fans about suna, because by this point we're seeing him grow and it's like, okay, cool, we're finally getting to see like Asuna may actually really start stepping in, he may fulfill himself of actually being the true head. And then later on it starts becoming questionable if the writer really wanted to keep this growth or if they just really wanted, if Akira really wanted to be like oh no, we're still gonna kind of keep it comedy.

Speaker 1:

I want to talk about that when we get there, like I want to wait until the end.

Speaker 2:

I got you. That's what I got, for that this arc was enjoyable. That's pretty much what I got into this one. I mostly focused on the fights. I like that.

Speaker 1:

The fights really showcased oh can I also say that did you know that the Kokyo arc is the only arc in the anime that's like the bloodiest of them all? Like every other arc is like okay, it's like fairly clean, you don't really see blood, it doesn't get all that violent. Yeah, people die, but it's more like okay, they just pretty much get obliterated, but you don't really see any gorpus or anything like that, just pretty much get obliterated, but you don't really see any bump or abyss or anything like that. But in this one it's like okay, we got kind of silhouettes where, uh, things get really dark, really bad when it comes to zombies, mafia wars and all that shit. So I guess with the kokyo art they kind of have to like get a little dark with hell. Like in the manga the kokyo gang was collecting teeth, but in the anime they were just leaving pocket watches.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, you can see why I say it was like the tokyo revengers before tokyo revengers did but all right, um, with that being said, let's go ahead and roll into oh my god, I love this fucking arc the Boreal Arc. Alright, so this is also known, as For me, the Tournament Arc To, where, essentially, you have your typical Tournament where, one by one, each member from the Vongola family Well, the Vongola candidates, because they're not officially the 10th generation, so they Do all these hoops and hurdles, like even after the Bari Art, they still have to jump through hoops and hurdles To actually be official, but we'll talk about that later. Point being Is that, with the warrior arc, zanzas and his guys Wanted to be the new head of the, but you know he had to fight these children In order to do so. And what I find funny about all this and it's funny how we keep Making Freudulent slips to Jusca Kaizen because it's like, so nobody's gonna talk about how, essentially, if Zanzes was adopted by the 9th and the 9th is actually Suna's grandfather, so nobody's gonna talk about how, essentially, um Zanzes was beefing with his own nephew I mean sometimes when it comes down to mafia families, bro, that's how it happens, though, you know you can have

Speaker 1:

cousins, but I just think that was probably funny. But anyways, I do like the little Rhodes Gallery. Oh, and, by the way, the opening theme for the Boreal Arc Boys and Girls I fucking love that shit. Like it was the first opening theme from the series where I was like, oh yeah, you got that sauce now. Like it's probably going to catch fire now. So that's really what got me locked into Reborn.

Speaker 1:

Like as soon as I saw the Boreal Arc, I'm like, oh yeah, we're here, it's probably going to catch fire now. So that's really what got me locked into Reborn. Like as soon as I saw the Boreal arc, I'm like, oh yeah, we're here. This is the part I was waiting on right here. This is the payoff for me. Like it gets better after this. But you really want to push to the Boreal arc for it to get to a point where, okay, I can kind of see, um, there's fans for this now. So, yes, they all receive half of the bungalow rings and the whole conflict is that they fight each other and the winner of each match gets the other half and they join them together and it goes like that. But since there's seven on each side, it has to be like a best four out of seven, no, five out of seven. Excuse me, either best five out of seven or some other it'll be four out of seven.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Okay okay, okay, gotcha, gotcha. I'm sorry, but there was like some shit that was going on with this arc to where I'm like I'm gonna have to take some steps back. For starters, let's talk about how the Guardians are now getting together. So we got Tsuna as the Sky, goku there as the Storm, gamamoto as Rain, lambo as Lightning, ryohei as Sun. We have Hibari as Cloud.

Speaker 1:

But here's the thing about Myst. I know I mentioned Mukuro being the Myst Guardian earlier, but there's a technicality Chrome Dokuro shows up in his place. So essentially, it's like okay, whenever Chrome is in trouble. Considering that their relationship between Mukuro and Chrome is like it's a whole can of worms, by the way Like what can I put it? What can I put it? Uh, parents that don't really care for her bad boy shows up, seemed like he was the only one that seemed to even give a damn about her, even when, as far as making artificial organs for her so she can stay alive, because she has so much potential as a uh myth, as an illusionist, so have that going on. And then Suna was the only other person that she ever met where, um, he was accepted at face value, which explains the kiss. Like that's a funny thing too, because I mentioned this in a comment session of a youtuber a while ago how they had their speculations on does chrome light suna? And I'm like, no, no, I don't think that's it. I think it's a matter of she just did that as a thank you for accepting, as I am, because only mukuro, just accepted only mukuro, except her at face value, up until suna. And you know, because suna was like you know what? I know she kinda looks like Mukuro, but she's not, and I know she's like his apprentice in a way, but I don't think she's a malicious person, so let's give her a chance.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so essentially, chrome is like sharing the title of miss guardian with mucro. Mucro is the real miss guardian boy, in case he can't show up, because you know him being this criminal who's like on the run and all that shit, uh, he can't just show up just anytime he wants to, and also with him wanting to possess soon as body, probably for the best, he's not too familiar, you know. So that's pretty much the lineup versus zanz's people, where you have leviathan, belphegor, uh, lusuria, uh, I would say they don't really have an official cloud guardian because they use that robot gola for that. Who else Squallow and that's it okay. Essentially, yeah, these guys, these grown ass men fighting these teenagers using different weapons and whatnot, and I honestly say I did like the fights a lot better in this arc Because, yeah, the fights in the Kokyo arc was good, but this is the one where I'm like okay, they got that sauce now to where now the Guardians need to step up their game Because, just like with the Kokyo art, this is getting real.

Speaker 1:

Now this is not play time anymore. Y'all gonna have to, like, fight for real. And a whole bunch of bullshit happened like um, some from Tsuna's family won, some from Zan's family won. Um, technicality may be a little cheating, uh, especially from fucking Zan's Family 1,. Um, technicalities may be a little cheating, uh, especially from fucking Zan's it's where, like, they stuffed the 9th into the goaler's suit. So it seemed like, um, oh shit, we accidentally killed the 9th and I was like, hey, look what you did. Like, oh well, I guess I'm the new boss now.

Speaker 1:

I mean it only makes sense to me. You're the one with Gilman, you know it was all one big setup. But eventually you know Tsuna fights Zanzis and it turns out that the Skyrim was rejecting him anyways because you know he wasn't a real successor but he was kind of hyped up to be that's the funny thing too, in a way, because the second Bungalow boss also had the Flame of Wrath. He was kind of hyped up to be like, okay, it kind of makes sense for him to be the boss, because he just seemed so strong with Akama, sky and Stormflames and whatnot. It just kind of makes sense for him. Hell, even with his name, zanz is with two x's, like he's kind of meant to be bungalow decimo x, you know whatever you want to call it. But no, no, no, it's like no, you're not him. He pretty much got dogged out like on ty long to where I'm like wait, wait, wait, hold on. So you mean to tell me, y'all raised me to lead me to believe that I'm gonna be the successor, just for you to tell me that I'm gonna lose to this guy. Oh yeah, but overall, yeah, mr velo, the ladies that was like kind of like speculators for this um decided that.

Speaker 1:

You know that, with the remaining squad leader Members Appearing and Lancia Wiping out the rest, before, essentially, the remaining Bari decided to run away. Xantus got disqualified, tsuna got declared the successor and, yeah, reconciliation with Lancia, because, keep in mind, lanchia, I think, was possessed by mukuro, but uh broke free from the genjutsu, I guess, and I guess the bungalow, well, tsuna's family's cool with him now, and even as far as lanchia giving tsuna his ring, so you know, like a uh memento of our friendship or some shit like that, uh, yeah, after that, you know, um, there was one episode where reborn mysteriously disappeared after he was accidentally shot with the 10-year bazooka that Lambo have and that pretty much kicked off the future arc. But, um, before we get into that, kogayasu, anything you want to add on to the warrior arc?

Speaker 2:

man, you pretty much covered the whole thing, but I only got three things that I really want to talk about into it. First off, chroma was best girl. I love that. Oh, I love her so much, man. So, look, it's one of those ones that we noticed that, again, anime tropes are pretty. These are pretty normal tropes. These are not just anime tropes.

Speaker 2:

What I'm happy about is that they didn't make this being like, oh, this is going to be the protagonist's girlfriend, this is going to be his reason for fighting, this is going to be his new love interest. That kind of comes in. And they did not do that. And I am so happy with Kira that he did not, because I'm like, yes, can have a strong female lead. That's just there.

Speaker 2:

You know, she could be misunderstood, she could be going through her own growth phase, but the hero does not always have to be the knight in shining armor that comes in play. Sometimes they can just figure things out. Can this person come and help jump start away? Yes, this person had to save them everything. No, let them have that opportunity to grow, you know. So I'm really happy we got a chance to see that and that's it really kind of like sets into play that. I like how she has been written. I like how her character played out. Um, the other thing is, I'm kind of sad because I really wish. I really wish that either mir jane or tuck would be on this, because I'm about to say something so controversial, but it's the absolute truth. Suna got the one thing that Deku never got. Daddy came back with the milk.

Speaker 1:

Well, hold on, hold on, let's talk about that real quick. I mean, yeah, he did come back. Let's talk about that real quick. I mean, yeah, he did come back. Boy Tuna pretty much treats Emetsu like the way people treat Goku, the way Goku treats his son Gohan. You're never around and all that shit Like why the fuck dude, why are you even here, motherfucker? I'm like hey, man can't look, you can't come back to see me. Man Like no. I'm like no, I'm like alright, you got me.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, look, let's just go ahead. I don't mind talking about this anyway, as a person who has dealt with His dad being gone most of his life and then finally coming back, and I understand. I feel so known, but it's like. But you know, either way, it's still, though. You know, dude still showed up and came back with helpful information. Let him know about the rings, let him know that, um, about the difference between the fake rings and the real rings, because that was important.

Speaker 1:

Can I just say Tuna's mama is so underrated, like, yes, so patient with um, both his her own son and her husband, all that like, yeah, she doesn't really know what's going on, but she's like the emotional support system that suna needs every now and then, as well as a caretaker for lambo, epin and pretty much the uh baby character that show up like, even with reports like hey, reborn's doing a pretty good job as a tutor, right.

Speaker 2:

She's the babysitter. She's the daycare babysitter. Yep, she does a fantastic job. Look, we're not going to skip on the fact that both Lambo and Reborn has been flirting with this woman since the beginning. They're like man if I had my adult body. Ooh, woman, you just want to understand. You're like man if I had my dog body, cuz we both real slick with it, though, like you be dropping a little supper fans of. Like everybody, I know what you try to do, right, you, a baby, you don't have to chill out in your dog body, right?

Speaker 1:

And then Beyonce just sitting in the bag. If I really, right from my, just sitting in the back is like really right in front of my food, that part right in front of my food.

Speaker 2:

Really, I'm trying to eat right now.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to hear all this nasty but still, though. But, um, but yeah, like that was still kind of came out. That was really important how things worked out. Um, him showing up, he still came back with reliable information and that really did kind of melt help things out, because if he did not show up with this information, realistically all the fights and everything would have seemed almost worthless, especially understanding that, oh yeah, there's fake rings out there and don't get tricked, like you need to know, dino has the real rings and you're like, oh okay, that's important, I didn't. That's actually important information to know. Because imagine you go through all of this only to find out that you have some falsies and you're just like, what am I supposed to do with this? Nothing like just absolute nonsense. Um, the last thing and this this actually was a whole speculation onto this, like it was a whole thing about this. So understanding with this arc.

Speaker 2:

This is where I jumped back in re-watching, reborn, like I told you when I was accepting to the family as far as with the rings and stuff. This is where I was brought back to go ahead and start re-watching. So I re-watched up to here, come before you know, continuing on. So what happens is is with suna and this ring. Suna and this ring is very similar to Thor and Yulnir. The reason being is you said, yes, somebody can be extremely strong. Xander was extremely strong, he had the flame, he was extremely powerful and all of that.

Speaker 1:

Does that make you worthy? Does that make you worthy as a leader? I?

Speaker 2:

don't care how strong you are. Hulk is yeah, but does that make you worthy as a leader? Because I don't care how strong you are. Hulk is extremely strong, but he's not worthy to hold Mjolnir.

Speaker 1:

I still like that part where it was like after the Avengers saved the day, and then they would try to pick up the hammer and then Captain America picked up by one inch, and then they were like whoa hold on.

Speaker 2:

There's also still a whole thing into that one where, because, captain, look, steve did not want to go at all whatsoever and then when he picked it up, it was like he picked it up a little bit and was like, yes, I can't really like he nudged it. Some people speculate that if you look at his face, because he like prepares himself to like really put his strength into it to pick it up, and then he like moves it a little bit and you don't see his arms tense up at all when he moves it, to the point that it's like he knew automatically that, oh, I can lift it. But he's like I don't want to make thor feel bad, so I moved. So he had moved in, was like I'm gonna stop, be like I can't move it, yeah, I can't, I can't, I can't do it because he didn't want thor to feel bad or anything like that. So there's a whole speculation into it.

Speaker 1:

But thor said he knew that I believe that because, um, with captain america, like, like I said before, he never throws the shield at full strength, like he can cut your head clean off if you want to, but he held back on purpose. That's same thing with spider-man, like that's what makes Spider-Man kind of scary, because you're telling me that he's been holding back the whole time. I'm like how strong are you?

Speaker 2:

dude. Yeah Well, keep in mind because you have the whole speculation when he pulls the helicopter. That scene was just eye candy. They just wanted to make him flex his muscles, real talk. But then some people want to like. There's a whole reddit when they talked about this, when it's like you know really understand how strong steve rogers really is, it's, it's when let's let's base it on iron man.

Speaker 2:

Iron man and his suits. You can see him in one movie. He fixed that he was pushing the blaze of a helicarrier with, like, I think, his mark six or something like that, because that's mark six, mark seven. And every time Iron man makes upgrades to his suit, you'll notice that his suit flies faster, has more control and things like that. His beam attacks are stronger with every single time we see a new suit. That's on purpose, because that is comic lore, accuracy and the writers wanted to showcase this. So when we get to Civil War, he is in like a mark 42 suit and captain america grabs him, holds him, while while tony is trying to fly at full speed like he's holding it.

Speaker 2:

And this is a stronger suit than has been in other movies, has been stronger suits than the suit that wound up slicing a giant alien that wound up blasting a giant alien. That wound up blasting a giant alien. A suit that was stronger, that was enough to pick up a piece of the helicarrier you know by itself Type of thing, and Cap held it with one hand and was holding him in place. So it's like, yeah, steve is way stronger. But the thing about it is it's not about strength. Are you really ready? And that's what we I know you said we're going to save for the end. So I'm just going to add this on to that as well too.

Speaker 2:

Suna showed some growth in the last arc, but he did not really show growth in this arc. He showed his kind heartedness, but he didn't show growth in this arc. So in that aspect, did he really show that he should be sky the sky guardian? Did he show that he actually should be the truth, like an actual leader? Well, so you could say we hyped you up, but it's not even so much of a hype up, maybe one of those things of like we see that you have the potential but you're not activating it yet. Sorry, it was like we see you have the potential but you're not activating it yeah, that's what I was going to talk about where.

Speaker 1:

Um, it's funny because you got to roll into the future to kind of explain where we're going to go with that, uh, where, uh, what. You have anything else on barry arc?

Speaker 2:

those are my three things okay.

Speaker 1:

So with the future arc now, okay, like I said before, reborn ashton got shot with the 10-year bazooka but he disappeared. Instead of like being older on and come to find out that they're being uh met by people like loud merch, uh, future hibari, future kusakabe, uh, 15 year old, lambo, epin, chrome. Uh, the future warriors, all bomb fighting the millefjord and the philippines and all that shit. And, like I said earlier, this is like the longest art because it has sub arcs like the? Uh search for the guardians and training art. Like I said earlier, this is like the longest art because it has sub arcs like the Search for the Guardians and training art, like I said, where it seems like, ok, they're in new territory and it's like new technology and all the other shit. So they definitely need to train up on the new technologies and all that. Then we have the Maroon Base Invasion to where I get?

Speaker 1:

Well, the main thing is uh, here's one thing there's a guy named uh shoichi iris.

Speaker 1:

Uh, he becomes a major player in this um art where he develops the technology that helped byakuran because essentially, in the present time, he didn't want to get involved with the bungalow and all that. You see him in some of the filler arcs, uh, the filler episodes where, uh, he was like trying to get him too involved with them but he just ends up doing so accidentally, but in the future he gets heavily involved with the middle of the, or to a point where bjorkaron, kind of um, treats him like Spider-Man does to his one friend. It's like, oh, he's the guy in the chair. Essentially, essentially, the Bongo family's mission is to find this guy and, I guess, eliminate him. I guess that's what the case was, but obviously that does not pan out very well. Otherwise we would have the other, uh phil artists where, uh, and the choice art. But, uh, before we get into the phil art, um, was there anything you wanted to go ahead and throw out about the future arc that Uncle Captain got to?

Speaker 2:

Not really. I mean, sorry I had to adjust my mic, but no, not really. It's honestly. What I like still about this arc is that we get a chance to showcase more of those future. We get to see some more future selves of these other characters, because we know they're badass and we want to see them. Other than that, no, not until we get into the filler. There's really not much here other than just kind of an introduction and kind of a mild storytelling, but what? The story that they talk about doesn't make sense until later on.

Speaker 1:

Right Now with the arcableno trials. This is the first one to where, essentially, while Gokadera is figuring out his new system, Essentially while Gokadera is figuring out his new system, TAI or C-A-I, how you want to put that. By the way, Gokadera has five flames. His main flame is Storm, but he also has Sun.

Speaker 1:

Lightning, rain and Cloud and I found that kind of broken a little bit. But then again he mainly used that to enhance his rocket bombs and his weapons that he already got. But I just thought that was kind of cool, just something to throw out there. Other than that it was essentially they go back to the present, like that's the funny thing. That's why I kind of made that reference to how the future arc and the tech hitman form reminds me of Bleach, because it seems like they always like do this side tangent. I think they go back in time, like go back to their present time to have these trials, but then they go right back to the future just to finish some business that they had. So I just find that funny in that aspect.

Speaker 1:

But other than that, essentially it was Suna and the gang pretty much passing the trial. You know, like sky for sky, storm for storm and whatnot to figure out? Okay, are you Sky for Sky, storm for Storm and whatnot to figure out? Okay, are you worthy of being the two successors of the family and all that shit. And you need these Archibald Lennon seals to unlock the True Power of the Bungalow Rings On top of that. That it was after they pretty much get the vongolas. I'm not going to seal the arcabaleno, seals that. This is the part where they eventually get the um box weapons. But let me check one more time. But, um, yeah, anything add on to the arc of leno trials, because I know, uh, for a fact that I did, like um I'm trying to think of his name again, uh but you have anything to add on to the arc of leno um?

Speaker 2:

well. So since we kind of go ahead and jump into like that um with the future, I guess the simple thing is the fact that, yeah, we get a chance to talk about um, a new power system with the web, with the boxes, and the thing about it is is that I actually watched a youtube video as a refresher onto here, but it's one of those ones that I always love reading the comics into it, so people really kind of like dive into the lore, especially for this point go ahead.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry. First of all, the guy I was thinking about was fawn um a storm arco bleno. Second of all, I forgot one varia member who also happened to be an arco bleno mammon mammon is you're right?

Speaker 2:

yeah, definitely, yeah, okay, but one of the things I'd like is the fact that, um, when they jump into the future, first thing to understand is I'm sorry, but preferably Viper.

Speaker 1:

But as Ark of Blino he's known as Mammoth. But go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So when you jump in first off, asuna's dead. He comes out of a coffin. It's the first thing that kind of comes to play into that you're like, wait a second, I'm dead in the future, I'm dead in 10 years. I wouldn't know how to react to that. Let's be honest. Um, and then they did.

Speaker 2:

They had to struggle trying to bring him back, trying to come back. He was actually kind of stuck there because of the fact that he's dead in the future. So they actually only way for him to be able to go back was to change the future to make it to where he wasn't dead. And it was very weird, oh, but they had to change the past for it to make it to where he wasn't dead in the future. So it's a whole, a whole bunch of jumping into that one. But the thing about it is is that I like we get a chance to talk about the power system, how things change up for the rings, because, understanding that not only in these 10 years did suna die, the original power source for the vongolia rings was destroyed, so it wasn't just like unlocking and, uh, making them stronger. They had to develop an entirely new power system to go up against this guy because that's just how powerful he was.

Speaker 1:

Literally, I think he was like an angel per se and I also say that I like how they introduce a trinity seven. Like I'm gonna do a review on the anime but they call it the trinity. But let's just be honest, it's more like the Trinity Seven to where it's like you have the seven vongole rings, the seven mirror rings that's in the possession of the Millicore family, and then you have the seven arcablena pacifiers. Those are the three main sets, where it's like, with those three sets you're like damn near unstoppable. It's one thing to where the Ocarina already had, not Aria, but it starts with a Y the new Sky, arco, bolano.

Speaker 2:

Already have Go ahead, go ahead. I'm trying to think. I can't think of it.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to think is it Uni?

Speaker 2:

Uni. Is it with a U?

Speaker 1:

yeah, it's with a U. My bad, for some reason, I thought for some reason, her name was so well, what a wire. Something.

Speaker 2:

But I guess, because you know you, because the you, sometimes I guess, um, yeah, yeah, yeah, I got you, but yeah, um, I mean, the thing about this is that we kind of get a more understanding of the story, about how powerful our character actually is, that we understand. Okay, this dude is actually very dangerous. We really got to figure things out. And now it's like, unlike the other bad guys, which is like, oh, they're either coming out the sun or they're coming out to the vongolia. This dude may have the power to like, probably decimate his world per se. Well, so now we hold on.

Speaker 1:

Technically he did in multiple timelines. Yeah, that too.

Speaker 2:

This dude is broken. Now we're introduced to our actual first broken character in this series. It's like oh okay, it makes sense why other people are like by this point you fought and beat a god. This is like fighting God, dio and jojo bizarre adventure. Like heavens, heavens awakened via dio and shit and he was just like well, what else is there?

Speaker 1:

like the world has been dominated by this uh, bad guy who like masquerades as an angel, but the resistance um rises up and defeat him. It's kind of like those kind of vibes yeah.

Speaker 2:

So it's like well, what else is there?

Speaker 1:

like you have someone it's like, uh, infinity wars, last end games where, okay, this guy pretty much wins, and most of these um timelines. And then you have dr strength, like there's only one way to win. And then he's like you're in the right timeline to stop him. And that's the funny thing too, like when they beat Bjarke Ron, like does that change all the timelines?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. There's speculation that, yes, but there's no proof into it because they don't jump into the timelines.

Speaker 1:

I'm only saying that because when you get to the Curse of the Rainbow, which we're going to get to, you'll see that Grunt had a change of heart. But does that mean that there's still going to be timelines where he's still evil or it's like, okay in this current timeline, because, keep in mind, that was kind of bullshit. By the way, I understand that it'll be weird that they'll pretty much pull a professor moody on the vongola family where, okay, you're assuming. Let me back up a little bit, try to explain this. In harry potter, you see, in Goblet of Fire, mad-eye Moody, he actually masqueraded as Barty Crouch Jr. So that wasn't the real Mad-Eye Moody that we saw in Goblet of Fire. We meet the real one In Order of the Phoenix, but according to the audience it's new Because we don't really know him.

Speaker 1:

We don't know the real Mad moody, we only know the one that um being faked by bardy kraft jr.

Speaker 1:

So what I'm getting at here is that, yes, that's bjorn in the present time, but if he didn't have those future memories then he would just know anything that's going on or have happened in the future. So it's like you can't really be mad at him if what he, what you claim he did, he never did yet. So it would be almost if you're reintroducing the same character as a new character, which wouldn't feel right, which wouldn't feel right, but then again, by giving him his future memories, like, okay, you can write it as yeah, I know I was an asshole, but look, I'm different now it's cool, it's cool, that's fine and all. But then again it just feels kind of weird, like what's that word to where? Like it was almost like an erin, oh, my god, erin Yeager bullshit all over the interwebs. Like, okay, let me just send a message to my past, still saying that hey yo, um, you might want to do yourself a favor and not go down that route, because those guys gonna stomp you out.

Speaker 2:

If you do, it's something like that. I might even go ahead and say he's trying to jump into, like fucking this whole future, yeah, aaron Yeager. Or even fucking Xehanort from Kingdom Hearts, like young Xehanort. We introduced young Xehanort and he's like, oh, he's only the way he is, because his future self went back in time and told him what he should do and became his whole. What if he never went back? I'm like you. Just this timeline stuff sucks.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I know right I'm like man, the moment y'all did that, I'm like uh-uh, I'm gonna be thinking about it way too hard. See, that's another thing where I didn't like about how the uh, the story ended not just anime, but the whole story to where Akira Amano left a lot of things open-ended on the table, with some characters still floating around, like Gingerbread, in the future arc. It's a minor character in the grand scheme of things, but then again, gingerbread was one of those weird mysterious characters where I'm like what's going on here? I know you're thinking like gingerbread had like some sort of um fuckery going on in the present art where, like it just seemed like he was kind of legendary for to the greek prom, some shit.

Speaker 1:

But my point being is that they left a whole bunch of things open ended, like I'll even the part where the one thing that pissed me off the most that was left open-ended was you get to the end, like the near end of the Curse of the Rainbow Arc, and you're now finding out that all these rings came from outer space. But you end the story and I'm like whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. You could have explored on that. Like you could have made a whole arc out of that Like why would you do that to me? You like you left me wanting more.

Speaker 2:

Because the introduction of aliens makes things entirely too complicated, bro Like.

Speaker 1:

I mean, yeah, I know y'all made Eld Live, but still though.

Speaker 2:

Think about the Fallout. Look, this is one of the craziest things I would say in this. No, not Fallout. What is it? Saints Row, think of the Saints Row series. Okay, this would be a pretty prime example onto this.

Speaker 2:

Saints Row started off almost like a copy of Grand Theft Auto, but then they decided to be more silly and be more like just goofy on their shit and that's what became. Their main selling point was Grand Theft Auto, but goofier is sillier and they heavily encourage you to do these cheats versus Grand Theft Auto. You put in some cheats and some cheats will break your game type of shit. Because Rockstar gets so mad about the fact that you're doing some of this stuff sometimes and like why would you put the cheese in anyway? So it's like then saints road decided on the fourth game and I forgive you for the spoil I mean, this game's been out for years now at this point, so I'm not really trying to spoil it, but still they introduced aliens and then the destruction of earth at this point and aliens bringing forth like super special weapons and powers and shit like not just weapons, like actual powers, like you get telekinetic powers and shit in in the fourth game, and that shit got so complicated that the game is actually marked as one of the worst saints row games ever made, even considering the fact that people some people didn't really like the first one that much. They would prefer to play the first one before the fourth one because the story has made some somewhat sense.

Speaker 2:

So when you start, it's already kind of a comedy-ish like series in itself, like it still has more serious tones. Yes, we've got more serious, but it still has this comedy into it. You start adding in future technology, like I mean, you already jumped timelines and shit and now we're jumping aliens into this shit too. That's entirely too much to try to handle. So, like real talk was, you wouldn't wind up asking into this, would you be like you're upset about the way that everything kind of ended? But then you start the question to this would you have preferred that? Hey, it ended on a note or open-ended note, or would you have preferred it kept going and akira had no idea what it was? That he was writing because he got lost on his own shit and then things started getting bad? Was that he was writing because he got lost on his own shit and then things started getting bad? What's the waypoint on that?

Speaker 1:

I mean I get it, but I just hate that. I don't know. It just kind of felt like one of those things where you love something interesting there and we just never gonna expand on it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I mean, jojo did the same shit. Let's be honest, once we got like the whole stand system, remember, in the fourth, in the fourth arc is when we got a full understanding that, oh, these arrows came from outer space. And we're like, hey, something else came from outer space in the second arc as well too, and it didn't get loud, joked loud, to um this. I can't remember his name anymore now joseph, thank, uh, joseph. Joe started from outer space in the second arc as well too, and it didn't get allowed to. Um, I can't remember the dude's name anymore now Joseph, thank you, joseph. Joe started to be able to fight against the immortal human.

Speaker 1:

I do forget your favorite, jojo.

Speaker 2:

Look, I am oh, yeah, Just deal with it. Deal with it. Okay, there's so many of them. And, yes, even though Joseph is my favorite, my brain is racking through so much. How many comparisons have we made at this point? Now, real talk. How many comparisons have we made now? So, give me some leeway, just a little bit. But, um, but no, for real, it's like we, we get that. But then it's like, okay, we can't. But they never dove further into it.

Speaker 2:

It's like, oh, this, some of this stuff came from outer space and it gives you special powers. And it's like, hey, if we try to dive into this outer space stuff, it's gonna get. Even even though jojo is bizarre adventure, obviously you can go, as wherever you want to fucking go, because it's in the title, it's still one of those things of like dude, this is still a lot to dive into. I can't. I can't really think of too many anime and manga that do well diving into outer space, fantasy, science, mechanics and all that type of stuff. But once you dove into aliens, I can't think of one right now. Maybe you can help me.

Speaker 2:

Do you know of one that is really good that's based on aliens? Help me, do you know of one that is really good that's based on aliens, because even the one with the cockroaches and stuff, for a long time everyone, like the whole, throughout the whole series, everyone was like, oh, these are aliens came from out of space. And then towards the end of the series you find out that no, these were the original humans that were not named original humans, but the original species that's been there since ancient times that decided to come out from the earth and they found out okay, y'all weren't aliens, y'all actually were already here. So even then it's not aliens. So it's like I'm seriously trying to think of one right now, because the closest that I've gotten to anything alien-wise, it isn't even aliens.

Speaker 2:

They were like mythical gods, so technically still in the realm of mythology and fantasy. So I can't think of one that was super successful because it's that difficult. You could do it in sci-fi networks and stuff like that, but as far as in the realm of anime, I just haven't seen it. And I think that's the thing is the fact that a lot of mangaka are scared to jump into that because no one has done it successfully or maybe they don't know how to do it successfully. I can't even think of how to do one successfully. To be honest with you?

Speaker 1:

You mean make a story centered around aliens? Yeah, I mean, there's Dragon Ball.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you know what, there we go, thank you.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I was thinking about wait, hold on. So the argument was there was none that's centered around Alien but hold on.

Speaker 2:

Okay, fair, but I have one important counter-argument for you on to that. Okay, it was based off of Sun Wukong, the mythical Chinese god. Okay, well, yeah, so we're still jumping into that.

Speaker 1:

The original run was based off that, but then Dragon Ball Z has jumped it up a notch.

Speaker 2:

Right. And then, even at that point we still wound up jumping into, like, even like the Namekians, they're like oh, they were aliens.

Speaker 1:

But then they backtracked onto that and said oh, they're demons. They were like love demons, but bombs and Dragon Balls.

Speaker 2:

So here's the thing they just said that they were aliens. They just threw that out there. Torielma was just like, boom, there we go, we're just going to go ahead and say that. So as far as even in my counter arguments of that, it started off as mythology and fantasy, with like mythology and fantasy, and then he just said, instead of it being gods, they just said, boom, we're just going to say it's aliens. But if you want to, let's replace frieza as a galactic dictator, let's replace him as that, to being a fallen god who decides to just want to destroy everything. It would fit the same trope. And then now we kind of change it into now we're reintroduce gods and angels and now we're in this multiverse theories. There's a whole bunch into that. It no longer just feels like, oh, we're aliens, and you're just a humanoid.

Speaker 1:

I got another one where it's like, okay, with this one you can't say that they just threw it in out of nowhere.

Speaker 2:

They were all about aliens from the jump Tenchi Muyo okay, I can't say that one either, and the reason being is because I we never did a review on Tenchi Muyo, because it's actually hella in depth. My brain fried trying to write up some notes onto this one. I'm not lying to you.

Speaker 1:

That's honestly how I felt about doing the Kentucky Hitman Reborn review. I was intending on doing an extreme review where we go into detail about anything where I'm like, nah, you know what, let's just talk about what I want to talk about, and if I really feel like it, you know what, let's just talk about what I want to talk about, and if I really feel like it, I might do a stream review on my own next year. To where I'm like, okay, let's go really into depth, depth, excuse me About each arc and everything like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but nah, you know what?

Speaker 2:

Let's just keep it simple.

Speaker 1:

That's fine.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so my only thing for Tenshi Moyo is actually follow the same trope as Dragon Ball Z. I know what you're saying is like well, that's always been about aliens. Actually, originally, no. The original writing for it, ryoko, when she was first introduced, was supposed to be a demon, and that's how she was supposed to have been written. They changed it last minute to be um, to make her an alien, because at the time, at the time period of the writing was was being released out, a lot of space stuff was starting to become more like prevalence, like more mature um, not mature, uh, scientific stuff. We had you know what at the time?

Speaker 2:

we had ghosts in the shell.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to leave. You have this for now, because we need to keep the movie we got, like at least three major artists we still need to talk about, but I'm going to find one. I'm going to be like, alright, no, no, no, see, right here, look, no, no, for real, though, let's go. So when you think of Polinolo's trial art, essentially it was about how, for starters, for starters, you have Colonello's Trial of Combat, you have Skull's Trial of Charisma, mammoth's Trial of Adaptivity you know, adapting to things Vaughn's Trial of Leadership, or To Be Worth Following, arya's Trial of Tolerance, reborn's Trial of Leadership worthy of being the Vongola Decimo, and there's Verde's Trial of Intuition. Now, here's the thing I did say that reborn trial of leadership worthy of being the bungalow decimo, and their verde trial, intuition. Now here's the thing I did say that I liked his, where it's like it's so simplistic but it was like profound in the same way, uh.

Speaker 1:

But let me backtrack a little bit. The first one with colinello, it was all right. Uh. Skull, yeah, and I kind of don't really care for Skull. He gets treated like such a punk in all those arcablanes, especially by Rick Warren. But you know, whatever, mammon, eh, it was all right. I already said, fonz Arya was okay. Now here's the funny thing, like when I think of because keep in mind, since I was this guy in the friend group, to where tolerance was a main, a big thing for me, to where I was being very tolerant of a lot of bullshit, even though I kind of want to like read dragon fire on some of y'all not you specifically, kokiatsu, but like some foes, but in our old friend group. But no, no, I'm not gonna fall off the handle like that. Um, I'm gonna like approach things with some composure and whatnot. And then you have verdict trial, intuition. Now here's the thing first getting introduced to verdict. I'm like this guy's a fucking asshole.

Speaker 1:

But then again he's like this apathetic scientist dude. So I'm like, I'm not even surprised, but hey, like, at least he's good at what he does when it comes to um, developing things. Like, eventually, when tuna and his family get the box weapons which, by the way, I think it's kind of cute that they're like animals, that enhances their abilities and whatnot. I kind of did dig that. But that was pretty much it for the arco bolino trials for now. Um, unless we got anything you want to add on later, we'll probably do so later. But let's go and talk about the choice arc real quick where, okay, they jump back to the future.

Speaker 1:

Now they're're going to confront Biakura and the remaining Milia for your family, mainly like the six funeral wreaths, and each team Divide their fighters into two groups. One team choose a battlefield, supporting characters are stationed and a base, the battle continues. So the pitchers decided and the winner can choose any one thing thing from his opponent as the spoils. So basically they had like this organized way of doing combat, kind of like with the Bari event, but not that straightforward, it's like a poet's stipulation. So it was not, and of course Bjarke Ron Was being a little underhanded With his bullshit. But yeah, it was like a whole Mess of things going on With the bungalows where essentially they were trying to make sure that Shoichi doesn't Get taken out or something like that. And I want to say that the military war Technically won. And I want to say that on the middle, if you were technically one but, it was like kind of like I mean it's weird.

Speaker 1:

But before I turn it over to hold on real quick, I just want to say that the future arc will definitely like long, like a whole bunch of shit happens where, uh, I would say, this is the one. This is the main reason why I thought doing extreme view was going to be necessary, because the whole play-by-play in the future arc where I'm like, okay, a lot of shit happened, but what can I say Anything you want to say to this first half of this future arc? Because after this we got the Primo Vanguard, the future final battle arc and the two manga arcs.

Speaker 2:

To be honest with you, not really. I mean, one of the things about this is the archipelago trials. Um. Archipelago trials was a anime exclusive, even though the storyline winds up being important to the actual manga oh, let me say that.

Speaker 1:

Can I say that what I love about katika hitman reborn, this is one the only anime I ever heard of to where the anime exclusive fillers were so integral to the rest of the series that it felt like it didn't even feel like filler arcs to me. It felt like they were like semi-canon, like, like I said before, like side quests, but unlike um fillerilip arcs where like, okay, they're like some one-shot adventures but it doesn't really affect the overall plot these philip arcs actually does.

Speaker 2:

So I kind of will say I will say the only thing is we haven't gotten that far into our bleach review yet. So that's the only reason. I would say it's not the only one. But the thing about it is that there's a whole other storyline reason for why Bleach does that, but this is not the time to talk about it. As far as Into the Trials, yeah, it's anime only. It's pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

It was very weird about them having to jump back into the past and then just like, okay, we're gonna just jump back to the future again real quick. You're like it's gonna pop back in the past and go back to the future. I'm just like I wish samurai jack was able to do this, but you know, anyway, um, I don't really have I'm sorry, I don't really have anything too much because the choice arc, it feels good, like it's one of those ones you're like, okay, great, but it feels like it was just supposed to be kind of a setup for something. To me it felt a tad incomplete because it's set up like heavily, like we was about to have some real in-depth battles, like we was really going to go into it and we did start to get some, but then it didn't. Some stuff kind of didn't feel like we were really finished from that.

Speaker 2:

Now I will say this is one that I did not read the manga, so I don don't know if it was one that maybe fleshed out more in the manga than the anime for whatever reason. Because whenever, like during this time period for these anime, a lot of stuff will get cut from the manga to save face for time. Nowadays some people are more willing to see what's in the manga, in the anime, so they're able to flesh that out more. But before during this time period, some people just kind of wanted, just like kind of a quick move forward type of thing. So that's why you would see like almost 50 chapters in only 10 episodes per se. Um, so that's kind of. My only thing into is that I don't know something while I'm getting cut off, but other than that, like I don't really have too much into this one all right, I'm on way through these two arts really quick because I really want to go ahead and get into the final two.

Speaker 1:

The Primo family arts is essentially they go back to the past again and pretty much similar to the Archipelago tribes. Now they are being tested by the original first generation Vongola family, original first generation bungalow family, which have giotto, uh, g, asari who gets to a lot lampow or lampo, excuse me uh, knuckle and damon space. Now they're all testing the 10th um bungalow family as far as their result. Now I found yamamoto's um interesting because yamamoto usually like this uh, happy-go-lucky guy like he's like, oh, it's all fun and games and all that shit, but when you get to the future it's like you realize, oh well, this mafia is just for real, okay, okay. But then when he was fighting um who gets to, he was fighting so seriously it was almost like he's not being himself and that's how he lost. But then he got a retry and he won that time because he's being more truthful to who he is and why he's part of Tsuna's family. Now I found his fight interesting. The same thing with Goku Darrow versus G.

Speaker 1:

Now I know I skipped Lambo's, but it's not necessary, but what I liked about Goku Daras was G really tested Goku Daras resolve to be the right hand man of Tsuna. Now, keep in mind, at the very beginning Goku Daras kinda didn't like Tsuna up until one episode and then you're like he had a change of heart. Now he's treating tsuna like oh, his, you know, kind of like a dog um chasing after his master, and there's like some uh, visual gags that actually shows that. But point being is that goku was so loyal to tsuna but he wasn't really acting like a proper right-hand man as far as the family's, where it seemed, yeah, he'll ride or die for tsuna, but he doesn't really get along with everyone else. And g showed up and I'm like, hey, man, look, you can't just be jumping your boss's leg all the damn time. You have to be there for the whole family, not just for him. And I'm like, oh, whoa shit. And I'm like, if you can't even do that much, then I don't think you deserve to be a right-hand man. I mean, hell, like I impersonated you, my dude, and I was a better right hand at the sooner than you were. And I'm like, yeah, he really got, he was really getting on the go-getters, he was doing a better job than I was. But yeah, I like um G's trial, uh a lot, and Knuckles they like shared RA and knuckles, um, they like shared re. And uh rio hey, where essentially uh rio hey was trying to get hibara to play ball, but hibara was like man, when you get the fuck out of here, shit. And uh, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Before I forget, can I also mention that ever since the whole thing with uh mukuro, uh hibari, let's just say that there's two people that he wants to fight the most. Uh, there's tsuna, because he believes that uh, tsuna is like a little animal, but like sometimes, little animals have their own purposes and you feel like Zuna has the potential to be very strong and he wants to fight Zuna once he gets really strong. Uh, but the only other person that he feels that way towards is Mukuro. But that's more like animosity more than anything. It's more like I love how on sight Ibori is when it comes to Muguru. As soon as he sees Muguru, I'm like he got the tompas up ready to fight that motherfucker. I'm like uh-uh, he's like I forgot about you. But yeah, essentially it was just a whole bunch of bullshit where, uh really, where really he was trying to get Hebar to play ball with this whole shit and Skull showed up being Skull.

Speaker 1:

But eventually we realized that while Allard and Knuckle, they let the two of them pass because, you know, allard felt like Ibar was being on brand For, you know, doing the trial, because he didn't even have Any interest in doing the trial, but he had his own reason for wanting To help Suna. And then Allah was like Yup, he's a proper Cloud guardian, alright. And then Knuckle was like well, yeah, rioje wanted People to like get involved. He's a proper Cloud Guardian, alright. And then Knuckle was like well, yeah, ryohei wanted people to like get involved. He was being helpful, so that's pretty right. So, yeah, they both passed. That's cool.

Speaker 1:

And then another twofer to where it's now Damon's post-test, to Mucro slash, chrome and Suna. And once again it's one of those things where, eh, it is what it is, but this is the first indication that Damon Spade might be a little sus, but we'll get that. We'll talk about that when we get to a later arc. But aside from that, essentially everybody passed and wait.

Speaker 1:

Okay, my bad, this is the arc where they actually get the box weapons, where I guess during the arc of Glenotribe, they just got like a power up in a sense. But this is the arc where they actually get the Boxed animals that was the Primo family art Into the future, final battle art I was just going to call it Final choice art just for convenience. So they go back in the future the bungalow, remember they lost and they're trying to protect young Uni because you know, bjarke still needs her power and whatnot. He was looking kind of creepy, by the way, when he was like you don't understand, I need you, uni. It was almost like that kind of relationship overhaul had with Eri to a sense.

Speaker 1:

But yeah essentially it was Yacaron, the 6th funeral wreath going after Uni, where we have Daisy, um, I'm trying to remember all of them. Sakuro, um, fuck, daisy. Um, I'm trying to remember all of them. Zakuro, um, fuck uh, kikyo yeah, there was Kikyo, um, what was the other guy's name? Uh, it was like something Japanese sounding. I'm trying to remember the name, I'm just gonna Keep it moving.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, there was also Ghost, where Ghost was like A version of Byakuran from another timeline, but instead he's had the Lightning flames. But the funny thing about that Is that Ghost, having the lightning flame, he can like thing about that is that ghost, uh, having the lightning flame, he can like absorb all these different uh, dying will flames, like he's like the perfect tank in a way. Um, it was interesting, like it was an interesting arc, but overall, you know, the Akaron ends up getting to the fold, fights, tsuna um ends up losing. They go back to the um past. Well, the Bongo family go back to the past, uh, and you could say that they just live peacefully after that. Well, at least as far as the anime goes. But, um, yeah, there's a whole bunch of shit going on in the entire future art where, like, a whole bunch of side art but ultimately uh, like I said before, this like the longest one.

Speaker 1:

So if I am in the mood for I might do a full review on all the arcs so I can give you the whole play-by play. But then again I don't want to take away too much from y'all to enjoy the series on your own first. So that's the main thing. It's more like a companion review to where I'm trying to let people know that, hey, man, this story deserves more love than what it got. I understand that it was kind of hard to get into at first, but I swear, do you give it a chance, like, especially read the manga. Well, not exactly the whole manga, but more like watch the anime first, then read where, read the manga where the anime left off, and then it was like, okay, I like, I like this, cool. But that's just me. But before we get into the final two manga arcs, kogasa, you got anything to add on to those two arcs that I mentioned?

Speaker 2:

Nothing for as far as the future final battle arc, there wasn't too much into that one other than pretty awesome power, he's able to absorb all the dynamo flames. You're like, oh sweet, other than that, honestly. So probably one of my favorite arcs winds up being the primo family arc. But I'm not going to, as you said, this is not a major dive into. This is kind of just to give you an idea of what's it about, why it's good. You know why we think you should watch it and stuff like that. Um, also being another anime only situation is that I like how we finally get an opportunity to see everyone else grow. It has this up and downs because of the fact that one it really showcases what each character is supposed to be.

Speaker 2:

I mentioned earlier the Lambo's trial was not necessary because, realistically, his trial was just the fact that he's lazy, he doesn't want to do anything. His trial was just like you just need to get up off your behind and get these stamps and that's it. And it was like really, this is really everyone else has all these in-depth trials to really kind of help them grow, help them do stuff. And it's like no, you're just lazy and I'm like so you just need to get up off your behind. If you could get up off your behind, we'll say it. You pass. Honestly, I didn't feel like that was deserved, like, realistically, lambo still was lazy at the end. He did not really grow. Everyone else we got a chance to see grow, you know, go kadera, like you said. As for even for him you know he was, as you can essentially say, it was zoro is to luffy. Like zoro will cut down anybody for luffy, even his own friends. He'd be. Like y'all may be part of the crew, but I want y'all to understand if you mess up what me and Luffy trying to do, what we trying to get our growth, I will cut you down and not think twice about it. I don't care like Zoro has gone neck to neck with, like Sanji, how many times in the whole one piece, but still it's one of those ones that's like.

Speaker 2:

You do have to understand what it means to be a family, and this is very different. This is not a pirate. You're not like it's not. You're not a loyal dog to only one person. Like you're supposed to do what's best for the family. If what's best for the family means that suna shouldn't be there, then it's your job as right-hand man to make that step up into that. Like that's the same thing as the role of vice presidency.

Speaker 2:

Most people misunderstand what the role of vice president is supposed to be. Vice president does help take over for the um. What happens if the president winds up getting vetoed to put it out of office? But that is your job is to be able to step up if the main person is not able to do what they need to do to fulfill their job, to fulfill their role. So it's like that's where it's like goku dera has that importance. Like your, your job is important. You need to step up and do it. And his trial was important too into that. And habari to me was also the other one that I really liked as well, because, I mean, you kind of went to death into other ones. But I really liked Hibari's trial because Hibari had to really prove himself. Hibari always thought himself like, oh, I'm ready, I'm ready to take on anything. I'm always able to do this, able to do that.

Speaker 1:

But real talk, he wasn't ready, yeah yeah, there was like some moments where Hibari did get humble and that he kind of took that to heart. But uh, eventually he trained up to overcome his shortcomings. Oh shit, um, I think he got booted off. That's awkward, but I'm sure he's going to come back. For the time being, I guess Let me go ahead and talk about these last two arcs. Maybe he'll jump back in and we'll just backtrack. So essentially, what I fucking love about these last two artists where I kind of hate that they weren't animated but essentially you have the Inheritance Ceremony art where it was the Bungalow versus the Seamon. Essentially the Bungalow and the Seamon family had beef way back since the first one, but it was all a Miscotrue situation Thanks to Damon Spade, and I pretty much explained that. Okay, you back.

Speaker 2:

I hate technology. I hate, technology. I'm like, I'm upset, I'm upset, I had a whole thing. I had this whole talking spiel and nobody heard nothing.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry. That's why I say you got to practice some brevity, because sometimes you may never know if the connection might sever or whatnot. I'm like you got to get it out there before.

Speaker 2:

I was quick, anyway, continue. I'm sorry, specifically what I'm like, gotta get it out there before. That was quick, Anyway, continue now. I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

Essentially what I'm going for is let's just go ahead and blaze through the final two arcs, the Aheron Ceremony arc, bungalow versus Seymour. They had the two families had beef since way back, but it's only because Damon's babe was like fucking around cause and all that shit, because he wanted the Bungalow to be strong by any means necessary. That's why he wanted to get rid of Ghiato, so that way the second guy with the flame of wrath can take his place and be a stronger um Bungalow family. But ever since then it's like essentially the 10th, uh Simon family is under this impression that uh, the vongola are the rival family, the they betrayed uh the original, uh simon boss. Uh, cosarto cosato simon, uh. But naturally you know it was jimmy or damon spade that was behind all that. But I do like the characters in the simone family. Like you have, uh, enma, who's kind of like suna, but not really. It's more like suna is just a shy kid. Enma is just introverted Because he has trauma and what not. There's Adelheid who, not gonna lie, kind of give me like Mako vibes in a sense. You know we already talked about Prison school, but you know the kind of girl that's like girl boss With big jugs.

Speaker 1:

You have Julie, you have Kaoru, al uh alba, uyama, and I shit you not. This is her actual name, shit p, I'm not joking. I am not joking, that's her name and they have the flames of earth. So it's like a polar opposite of the flame of sky. But here's the one thing I was pissed off about how Kaoru Mizuno's flame was never named in the manga. But the implication is that it's the ocean flame. So Emma has Earth. Adelheid had what was the opposite of cloud. I'm forgetting already. Adelheid had the Glacier Flame. That's right, it was Glacier. Julie had Desert Calruth. Yeah, like I said, it was not named, but I'm just going to say Ocean Flame. Alba had the Forest Flame, uyama had the Mountain Flame and Shit P. Uh alba had the forest flame, uh uyama had the mountain flame and shit p had the swamp and the fights were pretty good. Like I was down for the fight and he got really crazy when, uh, damon spade showed up. Turns out he was alive the whole fucking time. He had the Night Flame and whatnot. He fought the Vongole and the Seamon with all 15 flames Well, not 15. It was more like the 6 Flames of Sky and the 6 Flames of Earth. He didn't have the Sky or the Earth Flame, but he also had the Night Flame. He was working with 13 planes versus suna who, thanks to enma giving him like let him borrow his uh simon earth ring, suna unlocks the oath flame, which was enough to like concentrate his ex-burner's tasks and help defeat um damon spade. And that's when Bermuda from Divinity showed up and like kind of drag him and all that and like kind of clean up all this shit and pretty much the Bunga and uh Seamon family are cool now. Uh, overall, I really do love this art. I really do like.

Speaker 1:

I know there was like a lot more for those of you that read the manga. I know there was like more lot more for those of you that read the manga. I know there was a lot more being discussed, but I'm not gonna waste too much time. Let's just go ahead and talk about the final arc, which, dare I say, it's the best arc in the entire story. Don't come at me it. It goes that fucking crazy to where, essentially, we're now to a point to where we now know that the arcobaleno are cursed to be this way thanks to checkerface, with some deal going down, and essentially the arcobaleno needs to find people that needs to represent them in this battle to where? Okay, we need representatives to help us lift the curse off us. And they get the Varya involved. We get the Millifior the present version of the Millifior involved. We get the Shimon family involved, dino's family involved, a whole bunch of people from everywhere helping, helping the arca bleno fight against checker face and all that.

Speaker 1:

And this one goes fucking crazy with uh, they had the watches and one night that smashed the watches and all the other shit, uh, and ultimately you find out that bermuda not only berm, bermuda and the Bendy's have night flames, because you know, damon Spade stole the night flame from the Bendy's. But turns out that Bermuda, where he sees true form, really kind of give me like kid vibes in a sense, but not exactly, but more like you know you're expecting something a little scarier than his previous form, but kind of looks like a kid with no shirt on, with a top hat and all that. But point being, not only did he have the night plane, but also he was the first, he was a previous Arco Bolano, but he kind of beat death in a sense sense to where he was, like brodinger's cat kind of thing, going on to where, uh, he was supposed to have been dead, but by pure resolve he developed the night flame and he was able to survive for this whole time and and essentially it was all this means of trying to get the arc bolino to get their adult bodies back. And, by the way, reborn in his adult form goes fucking crazy, because he has his past race, uh, which is like kind of a ital slur, because he was like People assume it was how he Greet people, but in actuality, what he meant to say In it's adult form is it's chaos. In other words, when he shows up and he sees shit going down, I'm like, alright, time to handle business. It was kind of like that. So, oh yeah, daddy Saw it up, comes back into the fold, fights Suna and Suna kind of impresses him with how he grown and eventually, I know he kind of like blazing past it in a lazy way, but essentially, checkerface is defeated, bermuda is defeated, everybody pretty much fucks up.

Speaker 1:

Well, I do like how Suna's plan was to defeat Checkerface and everything. He had to get all the guys that he fought to band together to help him, this representative war and all that. And he was like I know y'all can um be abused? Because I know y'all are very strong people and like, yeah, he would know because he fought them. So, yeah, um, suna and the gang, everybody saved the day and all that.

Speaker 1:

But then at the very end, the very end of the manga, people were like the fans were kind of divided by the ending because they didn't like how Suna was after all this time was saying, oh well, I don't want to be um, the tim vongola boss. And then soon I was like, I mean not soon. Uh, reborn was like all right, beth, he left for a while, everything seemed to went back to normal, but then he came back saying that, hey, sooner, you've been selected as a candidate for the mio vongola family. But that's his way of saying Alright, since you don't want to do it the traditional way, with you know the crime and what not, let's Form a family and do things in a cleaner way, like in other Words alright, we'll see things your way a little bit, you know, but that's the thing.

Speaker 1:

Here's where we want to talk about with Tsuna's character. Tsuna, kind of like with Goku and some other folks that I could say, tsuna comes off as a flat character arc. Now people are wondering well, tsuna, what's your problem with wanting to be the boss of the um vongola family? But well, keep in mind they say multiple times in the stories where suna has to accept the sins of the vongola family of previous generations, where there's a whole bunch of murder and criminal advertising going on and you're thinking, like, at face value, he doesn't want to live a life of crime and all that shit, he don't want to go around killing people like he always had that moral code.

Speaker 1:

So it's like, even if suna seemed like he's clumsy, bad grades, um, he initially he didn't even have friends, but by the end of the story he has a lot of friends now and even if he's not that better of a student and whatnot, he still doesn't want to be some leader of killers and drug slingers and whatnot. He doesn't want to do all that, which is totally understandable because like, yeah, like, if you don't want to live a life of crime, then that's totally reasonable. Of crime, then that's totally reasonable. Uh, so I guess you can say suna has always, in a way, been the kind of characters where he doesn't need a whole lot of character development, in the sense of he needs a total personality change, because that what makes suna likable to the um characters around him, like he was already a lifeboat character in that aspect, just more lines of. He needs to become a stronger leader. That's the main thing. Like he just needs to grow as a leader, but, uh, as a person he was fine.

Speaker 1:

So I guess you can say that he needs to grow strong enough to be able to protect the friends that he now gained from all the bullshit that was thrown at him, because keep in mind the whole thing with being the boss of the bungalow, everything that was thrown onto him. He never wanted that to begin with, but he was like okay, I'm not thinking of it as me acting as the boss of the bungalow, I'm thinking as a dude that just wanted to protect his friends and family. So I took it like that to where at first. I'm going to be honest with you, I didn't like the way it ended at first, especially with the whole part where, oh, with Kyoko and Haru, where it's like you're going to have to pick one of us motherfuckers.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. And then that just kind of thing, because you can't just throw down a dude and be like I don't know who to pick from y'all you know like you're both great in your own right.

Speaker 1:

And you know, suna always had a crush on Kyoko. But then again Haru has demonstrated so much value to where it's like it's kind of hard to choose, or better. Yet he doesn't want to say kyoko outright and hurt haru's feelings because he's trying to be considerate of her and that's what makes suna great to where he doesn't want to hurt her feelings by choosing kyoko so harshly or bluntly like that. But either way it goes, it's like in a sense suna is still a good kid and that's kind of why I say he's more of a flat character art, because he overall he has his flaws. But that's just the thing. We're all human, we're all come with flaws and shit. None of us are perfect. But why are we acting like everybody gotta be like flawless or perfect, some shit to where you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's stop myself real quick. Point being is that I didn't, I wasn't a fan of how it ended at first, but in hindsight it is on brand for tsuna's character to be that way and even though it probably would have been great to see him beating the neo vongola pretty much like you said, cookie guy. So I can kind of see how, if he kept going on and on, it's just gonna get all watered down and shit and I'm like I rather it end where how it ended versus it continuing and we get a worse ending or like even more loose ends being added onto the series. So yeah, that's pretty much my take on the last two arcs. Uh, what about you?

Speaker 2:

I don't really have much to add on to it. As I had mentioned earlier, uh, I had trouble reading the manga after a certain point in time because shonen jump was on some nonsense. Now I did have all this already spoiled to me ahead of time from our group of friends, particularly our friend daisuke. He had to tell me every single detail of everything that was happening. So it's as if I read it, but I did not actually read it for myself, so I can't fully give a whole lot of hints into it unto myself. Um other than you know, finally getting an understanding of the curse, understanding how it is that they can kind of get back. And then, yeah, like honestly I don't think I could sum up that any better than what you did sooner went through all of that, and it's one of those ones of like, okay, after going through everything that I've gone through, I don't, it's still a lot, it's still a lot to take on, and it's also understanding that this has to continue on. Like everything you went through, everybody has that moment of like. I have finally been through my struggles. I have been through all these fights. I've been through all these battles. Now I have a time of peace.

Speaker 2:

But Suna understood continuing in this meant that there is no peace. You know, you live by the sword, you die by the sword. You die by the sword. That's just what it is. It's the end. It's continuing, it's forever. And that's a lot For Reborn. There's nothing Like I said. Reborn's catchphrase, you find out, is really chaos. He relishes in chaos. Basuna's not that character. So other than that, I don't have anything else to add on.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's crazy when you think about it, because I know I made a parallel with dragon ball earlier, but that's just another thing to where they're trying to place expectations and responsibilities on someone who didn't even want to fight in the first place exactly, so yeah like I would say overall this story like, maybe it's not for everyone, but I want to say every, it's underrated, it's like it deserves a little more flowers than it got, because I understand that maybe some folks might not like it anyways, and that's fine.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying that Check your Hitman Reborn felt like one of those shows where it could have competed with some of the more popular shows. If people got past the Daily Life arc Now. Now if they got up to like the vario arc and I'm like, okay, well, I can see how it works. But then again, the standards for anime has changed so drastically over the years to points where if you go back and watch katekio hitman reborn, maybe you can like it as a product of its time and it works. But honestly, with the fights it's like it's probably not gonna appeal to a whole lot of people compared to what we already gotten um with certain anime out now. To where you see all this college bullshit, to where you know demon slayer and all that and you're like, yeah, like, compared to that it doesn't seem all that hype but story-wise it's actually pretty good. Like it does have some educational and emotional value, to where, like, yeah, you can kind of feel something for these characters and the situations going on and whatnot. It's still good. It's still worse. If anything, I would say, maybe not a continuation of the series, but more like can we at least get an English? No, that's the funny thing. Funny thing, um ca domain and some other youtubers who are fans of the anime manga said that they're currently working on dubbing the episodes. Like there's like some episodes that already dubbed and have like some, uh, english voice actors and whatnot going about. Looking to that, just to be sure. But essentially, like people in france and other areas, like they, they're trying to make the series catch fire in different areas because it just seems like a little unfair how, like such a great story just got lost of time, probably because of reasons you know. But what I'm getting at is a continuation.

Speaker 1:

No, no, I won't say a reboot either. Not like a story reboot, but like, if anything, I would say a remaster. Yeah, like a remaster, like, or like kind of like a bridge, just a little bit like, uh, maybe, like you were not a whole lot, like I'm not asking for you to get rid of all the filler episodes and shit, but like, just kind of like, trim it a little bit with the on filler, because, you know, between dragon ball z kai and table moon cosmos, they were able to like trim the whole story to where, like, just keep it to the, keep it with the highlights. So I would say, okay, the standard 12 episodes for the daily life are, instead of the tween that we did end up getting, then roll into the Kokyo arc, then the Varya and all the other shit. Some of the episodes in the future arc are essential and you know, like training or whatnot.

Speaker 1:

But then there were some episodes where it just felt like slow and I'm like, why is this even an episode? I mean, I get it feels like chapter by chapter, but reading the manga, but I don't understand why this is a whole episode. Uh, I felt like he could have been, I don't know. But point being is that, uh, I would say remaster it, like the art is fine, but I would say like, just, let's just be real. If they're gonna, um, reboot it or remaster it, they're gonna probably have to like, uh, pretty much apply instagram filter on the characters and all that, and then after that, essentially, really, I just want the last two manga arts to be anime, because those were like the best arcs. Like I mean, yeah, vararia arc and the future arc was good, but those two arcs was the one that was like whoa, now y'all really on to something. Yeah, but that's just me. Koki Yasu, you have any final words on Koteco, hitman Reborn.

Speaker 2:

I was upset. The technology cut out what I was trying to say about some of them training, but you know it's okay, that'll be a story for another time. Otherwise, no, it's a good series. It's one, like you said, honestly, shonen Jump really did not do as big in selling into it, like like it sold into it at first when it was doing the manga, but they really didn't. It was not much that helped out for the anime.

Speaker 2:

So it was one of those ones where it's like you know, we have all these anime that's cool out now and there's a bunch of hidden gems, which this definitely was one of those. Uh, honestly, I know we had like talked about before that they were possibly going to be trying to cancel all these pirating sites which, let's be real, you cancel that, you kind of cancel anime, for the world can't do that like it's because of these sites that helped you out. And hitman reborn would be one of those like gems that would be gone because it's difficult to get it somewhere else. Like you can find it on crunchyyroll, but Crunchyroll be on that bullshit with their stuff, and so it's like it's difficult to get some stuff. So it's like you know, hopefully watch it while you can.

Speaker 2:

Otherwise it's a great show. Like, yeah, it has a slow moment. It does start off slow, I told y'all I had to get back into it to get past that beginning point. But the beginning point it was supposed to just be comedy. That was originally what it was. And then it branched into its own fantastic storyline and you're like, okay, we can do this, we can do this, and so yeah, other than that, go watch it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and on that note, let's just go ahead and close it out. Um, personally, as a rating come on, dog, the answer. Y'all should know what I'm gonna say five out of five stars because I love the story, the, the characters are great on their own, uh, in their own right. Uh, some of the tracks in the original soundtrack were bangers to me. Uh, art style, I can, I was digging it, like you know. Uh, I didn't hate it and overall, it's one of those series where, if I wanted to, I would probably re-watch it like once every good while. You know, just to remind me of how and why I'm so deep into subbing anime. The way I do is like to Hitman Reborn. Just remind me of that time to where I was like really into wanting to watch new anime after graduating high school and let's just say, there wasn't a whole lot of good shit on TV. So I'm like you know what, let's just go online and watch my shit. And good thing, there are streaming services where I can kind of do that. But, like you said, with Crunchyroll and others, it's like how do we? Y'all had something and then y'all fucked it up. But anyways, yes, five out of five stars. Uh, I don't care, I love it. Uh, with that being said, I'm gonna go ahead and close out this review. Look, you guys too. Thank you for joining me on this one, and I thank the ladies and gentlemen listening to us to the end.

Speaker 1:

Uh, I highly encourage everyone who didn't watch particularly or read the manga to go ahead and do so. If you are listening to this episode, you probably did so. I guess you could say just hey, get your people into it. Like don't be like the Jojo fantasy, like just don't be annoying about it, but like, hey, man, listen. Like I say't be like the JoJo fans, be like just don't be annoying about it, but like, hey, man, listen. Like, uh, I'd say this show deserves a chance. Um, but yeah, that's just me personally. Remember to follow us on social media. Uh, remember to stay nerdy and that great things are coming. We're gonna go ahead and zone out of here, so have yourself a good morning, good afternoon and

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