Zealots of Nerd Entertainment

X-Men: The Xtreme Review (Wolverine Movies)

JetBlackXtreme, Kokugatsu, TalosGundam, Mira Jane

What happens when you mix a beloved anti-hero’s backstory with controversial character portrayals and a dash of Japanese culture? Buckle up as Kokugatsu, Talos Gundam, and Mira Jane return to dissect the highs and lows of the Wolverine movies. We kick things off with a no-holds-barred look at "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," exploring everything from Wolverine's relationship with Sabretooth to the much-debated depiction of Deadpool. Personal stories and changing perceptions over time keep the discussion lively, as we scrutinize the film’s narrative missteps and inaccuracies.

Prepare yourself for an emotional rollercoaster as we navigate through "The Wolverine." Logan’s struggle with guilt over Jean Grey’s death takes center stage, pushing him into a journey that's as much about inner turmoil as it is about battling samurai in Japan. We reflect on the film’s unique atmosphere and cultural influences, even as we express mixed feelings about Logan's vulnerability and the Silver Samurai's portrayal. Hugh Jackman’s dedication to the role is a major highlight, making this film a worthwhile re-watch despite its flaws.

Our deep dive doesn’t end there. We venture into Wolverine’s world of adamantium, discussing its portrayal in the Marvel Universe and its limitations. The conversation climaxes with a passionate breakdown of "Logan," where we explore its dark tone, the implications for the X-Men universe, and speculate on what the future holds for Deadpool and Wolverine. Will fan expectations align with the creators' vision? Tune in to find out, and get ready for more exciting discussions on Deadpool in our next episodes.

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- J.B.

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Speaker 2:

All right, so I gotta watch the kid. That's like Deacon three seasons. Ah, oh wait, hey, um. Welcome back to the x-men extreme review. This segment is the Wolverine movies.

Speaker 2:

We're going to be talking about X-Men Origins, wolverine, the Wolverine and Logan, so without further ado, let's go ahead and get into it. Joining me again for this portion is Kokugatsu, and we also got Talos, gundam and Mirror. Jane is joining us. It's been a while since you've been on the podcast. Let's start with X-Men Origins Wolverine. X-men Origins Wolverine sorry.

Speaker 2:

This one is detailing Wolverine's childhood as James Howlett, his time with Team X under Major Striker he's not Colonel yet and this font how he got the adamantium skeleton and that brother, victor Creed, what we know him as Sabretooth, and this relationship he had with his wife and blah blah, blah, blah. Uh, how can I put this? X-men Origins Wolverine Is like Movie junk food, like, if you're, if you're here for the action, I get it, but if you're looking for A movie that has Very good storytelling the action, I get it, but if you're looking for a movie that has very good storytelling and what not you're going to have a bad time because the way they executed all this, where it just makes some of the character motives so dumb.

Speaker 2:

And yet I guess, um, if you like the fights, um, even then some of the fights were like cartoonish at best. Like that one fight was wolverine versus saber 2 versus gambit, and wol Wolverine was just slashing away at that fire escape and just looked so cartoonish, like something straight out of Looney Tunes or Tom and Jerry, you know. And then the worst offense was how they did Deadpool. They gave him that clusterfuck of mutant powers and I'm like that's not Deadpool.

Speaker 2:

And they sewed his mouth shut. So I'm like that defeats the purpose of Deadpool. This movie, oh my god. Like okay, this is the one movie that I watched the most when I was, when it was brand new. It was back when I was like just got out of high school and I had the DVD and I just watched it and I'm like, okay, well, it's something to watch in the background, but, like, for the most part it's not great. With all that being said and done, I'm just going to go ahead and open up to the panel how y'all feel about Eggman and Orchis Wolverine.

Speaker 3:

Travel with me, if you will, back to the realm of the world where we still had Blockbuster. So I never watched X-Men Wolverine, x-men, wolverine when it first came out, because, you know, like money, situations and stuff, I was one of them kids that you know I had a single mom. My dad was gone, stuff like that. Anyway, pity, party over. So what happened was is that my brother had a blockbuster car. He was like yo, let's go ahead and watch this movie. You know, you such a big, you know comic book fan. This was the time. So y'all know, because I mentioned in the last review, gambit is my favorite x-men character. Uh, before that used to be wolverine, but that was before I got to see again. Once I saw game but I was like, oh, he's damn right, my favorite character straight up, there's no question, no more. But before then Wolverine was my favorite character. So my brother had went and checked out when he got the movie because he wanted me to be able to watch it too, because he's like I know you really like Wolverine, this would be something great. As a kid I loved the movie. It was fantastic. Like you said, action was like fantastic at the time. This is one of those movies that has aged very, very poorly. This is, um, yeah, like as you watch it now, you just like bro, what did they do? Like?

Speaker 3:

The best parts of the movie was wolverine getting his adamantium skeleton. It felt like it hurt, like a motherfucker and like that's comic book accurate. That is comic book accurate. It was not. It is not like a good thing. Most people don't remember that adamantium is poisonous. It is not safe for the human body to have whatsoever, so literally just like how with Deadpool that he's constantly Healing himself from cancer and he's always constantly In pain. That's the same shit from Logan. Logan is constantly Getting poisoned by the adamantium and his body is having to Constantly heal from the poison of the adamantium as well.

Speaker 2:

Now can I Add on to that here's where it gets kind of Dumb with this. So To him as well, can I add on To that to say here's where it gets kind of dumb With this. So David 2's main Motive was he wanted Adamantium and his sister too. But Stryker was saying you wouldn't survive operations Because the difference was that Logan had Healing resistance so he was able to Survive. Like the difference was that Logan had healing regeneration so he was able to survive, he would have a better chance of surviving the operation than Sabretooth. So essentially, sabretooth did all that bullshit just for nothing. And I'm like to be a bear dog. Like you don't have the healing regeneration like your brother do.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there is a little bit of a difference because while Wolverine, both of them got so first off, let's go ahead and do this they retconned this and tried to bury it. But I remember this shit because I had a friend that had bought the book from the movie because he, like you know, the movie was so good to him and shit like that, so he went ahead and bought the book First off. Understand, they tried to completely rechange up how Wolverine and Sabretooth were, like, aside from the fact that like, oh you know, they're blood brothers and stuff like that but apparently their dad was a yeah, no, no, no, not in the movie, not in the movie, not in the movie. That's the thing. Not in the movie. They both had the same daddy who was a fucking werewolf, not mutant abilities, he was a werewolf.

Speaker 2:

No, no, they got the same father as the different fathers.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay, I thought they had the same mom. By the way, yeah, their dad was a werewolf. That was what the story was for X-Men Origins Wolverine and that was inside the book. They tried to erase that shit. They tried to change that one quick, but I never forgot that one. I was like hold on a second. Like I said, this movie did not age well because once that people really dug into it, they're like wait a second. Wolverine and Sabretooth are half werewolf.

Speaker 2:

The fuck that mean. Hold on, wait a minute. That sounds a lot better than being told that Wolverine is, like, descendant of Xenomorphs. You know the predator.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, we're not going to go into that. We're not going to go into that. We're not talking about that. 're not talos might talk about it. We're not gonna talk about that, I don't know that shit right there, oh god. But no, um, but yeah, it was like he was supposed to be apparently part where he was part werewolf and that was like part of his origin story and I was like, hold on a second. That one didn't really quite sit well with me as a kid because, like I told you I got to mention y'all before my brothers are major comic book like we are a comic book family.

Speaker 2:

He's a weird Wolverine.

Speaker 3:

Yep, and so then this also becomes funny about. His name is Wolverine as well too. They also did give him that name in the comments because they thought it was cool, but if you actually look up a Wolverine, they are not as cool as you would think. To be honest, In fact, technically calling him that could actually be an insult per se. They're actually very kind of weak and they die very easily. They have horrible health, they die. They don't do well against their predators.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he was pretty bad. Oh shit, you get that whole backstory for him. You know he went, oh do well, against their predators. Uh yeah, he was like chilling in the bed with kayla and she was like, oh well, let me tell you this story about the wolverine.

Speaker 3:

and I was like, oh, that sounds so bad right, right, it sounds badass, but no, the animal itself is actually not badass. So that was another disappointment for me. I want you to understand this movie. Like I said when I went back and re-watched it, it's just I think I've seen the movie like three times. So that's about it, but yeah, by the way.

Speaker 2:

Can I stop and say that? Uh, let's talk about kayla real quick. So kayla is based on a hydra agent known as silver fox, because, funny enough, her name in this movie is Kayla Silver Fox. So it was like if it wasn't obvious enough. But the thing was, yes, she was a Hydra agent and she is a former love interest of Wolverine in the comics. But they changed it to where she didn't have that tacit manipulation, to where she can do the whole thing, what Kate can do in Gen V.

Speaker 2:

Her abilities in the comics was that she had accelerated healing and an aid suppressor, so she was able to look young even though she could be old as fuck. So that's why it could make sense for her to be with wolverine, because while wolverine have, like, uh, healing regeneration, he also aged slower than the average person. That's why he was able to live for 200 years and still look like a 30, 40 something year old man. That, um, you know. So they changed her Majorly and I'm like, honestly, I would have liked this version of Kayla more If they were like, if the movie was first of all Better and then they did this whole Brilogy thing Fleshing out their relationship and she like show up again, but then again no, no, no, my bad, I forgot. She dies in this one Shit. Wouldn't it be crazy if she shows up in the MCU somehow? I don't know if she'll have the same abilities, but it'll be crazy if she did.

Speaker 3:

I know one thing Her power would suck during COVID time, cause like you gotta touch, she gotta touch you to be able to manipulate you. And you know COVID was like Hell. Nah, bruh back, the fuck up.

Speaker 1:

Six feet, six feet. She ain't making nobody do nothing Except stay six feet away. Exactly, they would have to retire her for a little bit. Nobody did nothing.

Speaker 3:

Except stay six feet away, exactly. They went ahead and retired her for a little bit they're like yo until this pandemic calmed down. Yeah, you kind of worthless right now, bro. Just chill out for a moment till we get back to it. I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

Alright, now trying to keep it paced. So, Talos Mira Jane, any thoughts on X-Men Origins, wolverine?

Speaker 1:

I'ma just say this, and I'm a little embarrassed to say it the only reason I went to go see this movie is because WillIAm was in it. That was the only At the time.

Speaker 3:

You ain't gotta be ashamed. We didn't know none of the shit that he did at the time, you good I mean, I didn't know, I'm in the movie, so I mean.

Speaker 1:

I mean, that was definitely the only reason I was I like, what did he do?

Speaker 2:

okay, uh will Raid.

Speaker 1:

He was a teleporter Okay. Yeah, I was so excited to see him in a movie.

Speaker 3:

His death was bullshit, though.

Speaker 1:

You ain't.

Speaker 3:

But it made sense when you think about it, because he was doing his teleportation shit so predictably. So Sabretooth hit that shit on point. He was like you just keep teleporting behind me, so all I got to do is anticipate you're going to be behind me and then boom, I got you.

Speaker 1:

But like it felt like this Because, like I was like there's no way, how are you going to catch a teleporter? Ain't no way? And then next thing you know he dead. And I was just like, what did I come to? It was like Chris Brown stomped the yard all over again.

Speaker 2:

That's what it felt like. Would this be on par with how well? No, that's Darwin's devil's still worse, but like it was more like a. Honestly, bro, honestly, you should have saw this coming, like at some point someone's gonna catch on to your bullshit.

Speaker 3:

Sabretooth told him that he said that your ass was predictable. That's literally what he said that your ass was predictable. That's literally what he said his ass, he said your ass was. He said he said you're too predictable and then ripped his spine out and then that was it. It was like fatality. Okay, well, that happened.

Speaker 1:

I watched it. I will say, rewatching this as an adult, I was like, wow, why did I even, why was I so hyped to like see this? And then, why was I so disappointed? I'm like, wow, he deserved it in like a way. In a way, his death was so.

Speaker 1:

It was, it was you right, it was predictable. But it hurt my feelings at that time, the first time I saw it. Okay, but I will say this movie was it's it's one of my least favorites. It was a little it just felt it didn't feel like an authentic origin story and I at the time cause I haven't read the comics and, be honest, haven't gone back and read them, but my dad was super huge into the comics so while we were watching this he was just angry and pissed off the whole time. So I imagine that it wasn't that accurate.

Speaker 1:

And now, thinking about it and looking at movies now and how much more accurate they are to the comics and actually going in depth with the characters, the only star of this, of the movie was Hugh Jackman. It was Wolverine and, yes, it's his origin story, but he definitely carried it like his performance, carried it like you said, like uh said that adamant when he was getting adamant adamantium added to his bones. I was like, honestly, that was the most gruesome scene at that age for me to be watching. I went home and had nightmares and woke up and thought I was made out of adamantium.

Speaker 3:

But that's not the point especially understand how he dies, but you know we're not gonna talk about that yet. Um, okay, but hold on, I do want to hear talent. What talo says we're catching on. The mission is one last thing is the fact that, like you know, especially, like you said, with the whole deadpool situation, when they, aside from yeah, they completely just fucked him up, there's nothing more to really say to that. The only thing I would say is the funniest shit to me was when they sealed his mouth shut, because even wolverine was like they finally got you to shut up, huh, like, huh. It was funny to me in that aspect. I was like you can't make the merc with a mouth shut, the fuck up.

Speaker 3:

No matter what, him and Lobo in DC are the top shit talkers, they both did the same thing they talked themselves to immortality, literally, like literally, because Deadpool in the comics decided to like really talk his talk and talk his shit up to thanos and try to get death on, because he was like oh, I want to flirt with death too and talk his shit. Thanos gifted him immortality and so he, that way, he could never be with death and boom, he talked himself into immortality. Lobo, same shit. Lobo went to hell and this. It was so fucking aggravating and shit that while he was there they made a full-on contract that said heaven and hell will never take his soul. So he is literally fucking. Both of them taught themselves to immortality. I don't know no other character that could do some shit like that.

Speaker 2:

To be honest with you, you know what it reminded me of? How, once again, it would have been crazy if Marvel never sold the rights to their characters off. Because imagine, instead of Thanos, we got in Infinity War and Endgame and whatnot, to where his main thing was. We just need to have balance and he had this extremist way to go about it. But in the comics the main motivation for the whole infinity war end game type shit that on the avengers were on against him was because he was trying to impress lady death. But lady death was into deadpool. So he's like imagine, imagine your whole motivation was because you were trying to impress this one girl that you like, but she was too busy liking a dude that can't die that's how most of our Wars started.

Speaker 3:

You know that, right, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, hell enough, troy.

Speaker 3:

Hell enough, troy Talos. Bro, you've been real quiet. We really want to hear what you got to say. Man, come on.

Speaker 4:

Or no, absolutely not. Cause relative, and I'm going to try to do this again. We're talking about X-Men Origins Wolverine Right, alright, cool One, no. We're talking about X-Men Origins Wolverine Right Alright, cool One, no. And I'm going to say it again no, because this is one of those movies that was just like yo, hey, I. I'm not going to rant, which I should, but I'm not going to. It could have been better, it could have been better, it could have been way better, way fucking better, but once again, they wasn't on the ball with it. So I give them credit where credit is due. Was it decent for its time? Yes, but was it great? No, was it good? Not really. They fucked up once again with Deadpool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it not really. They fucked up once again with Deadpool, yeah. So with that being said, um, unless anybody else got something to add on, I would say I would give X-Men Origins Wolverine a one.

Speaker 3:

Say three, yeah, three, three out of ten but that this doesn't even get a two for me. The graphics aged horribly. As a kid I've been like oh yeah, it's a six out of ten, no, but the cause is.

Speaker 2:

That was one thing where like it looked so bad.

Speaker 3:

It's so bad, it is so bad, literally. The bad part about it is I'm gonna give it a one and this is why I'm gonna say this. It is literally accurate. Multiple sites ign has even said this this is literally recommended for you to not watch the movie. They said if you want to know the story of the movie in something that was better, play the video game.

Speaker 3:

The video game was literally marked as one of as sometimes somehow one of the best made games ever made. Literally for his time. It's literally marked as one of the best made games ever made. Literally for it's time. It's literally marked as one of the best games made. The playing is fantastic. There's very, very little bugs, very little glitching and it flows. Everything plays immaculately while keeping with the story, but makes the story seem even better, and the graphics of the game are better than the graphics of the movie. So I'm sorry to me, this is a one. When you have a video, when your video game for the movie completely outshines to the point where it is recommended to people to play the game and not watch the movie, I can't give you no better than that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, better than that. Okay, uh, I'll give you that. Yeah, I'm sorry I got a little thrown on because, um, there was some things going on in the background. Um, moving on, then let's talk about the wolverine now. Okay, before we really get into it, story time. Uh, I actually went to watch this in the theaters with some friends, and I don't know what it is about the theaters where it's like, when it gets dark and you're in those cold seas and the ac is at the right temperature and you just get sleepy to a point where I'll just start to doze off midway into it. And then one of my friends had to punch me awake and I was like okay, I'm sorry, but second time around I'm like you know what?

Speaker 2:

Wolverine is, decent up until the final act. Here's why I say this Okay, first of all, with the Wolverine, this one was following the events of X-Men Last Stand, where Logan travels to Japan, he engages with his old acquaintance, like an old friend, I guess, and he's struggling with the consequences of what went down in the last stand. And while he was strict of his healing powers, uh, he got um fighting samurai and ninjas while he was still feeling guilty over gene gray's death. And here's my thing.

Speaker 2:

I'm like once again, like I said and creepy is also the extreme review to where I'm like I just really wish y'all could just do Jean Grey better, because now I've got to a point to where he got this guilt. You know, kind of like, oh no, no, I'll just keep it down. I had this whole analogy, but no, yeah, just a reminder that, um, this movie is like a spin-off slash, uh, distant sequel, I don't, I don't know what the call is like's like a spin off sequel to X-Men. It's not a direct sequel, but it's like somewhere off to the side. You know, like we're not calling it the fourth of the you know.

Speaker 2:

So, outside of that, I would say the fight you know like with the samurai and the ninjas, where they were fighting with katanas and what not, on the train and inside those Japanese homes, you know like those old school with the sliding doors and what not. I liked that, I did like that part. But then by the time we get to the final act sliding doors and whatnot, I like that, I did like that part. But then by the time we get to the final act, we're reminded that we're watching an X-Men movie where you get to see the Silver Samurai in this Gundam-like suit, almost like the Iron Monger from Iron man 1. And then there's Viper, to where she like shed her skin and I guess she got like acid spit, whatnot. I'll probably look that up and see, just make sure. But um, even then, like, the fight just didn't feel as good as the previous fight, like I also, I did like the part where, um in the beginnings, where, uh, logan, this was like in 1945, um, in their time, where Logan was held hostage in this um, japanese POW camp in Nagasaki. Uh, there was an atomic bomb being dropped and then he was um saving an officer who's gonna be the silver samurai from the bomb by uh hiding in the little hole and blast, and like he got charred up but he survived, um, and then essentially that inspired uh, each hero to become the silver samurai and try to get that. He was kind of like, yeah, I want what he got, but, uh, I kind of like that part. And then you like speed up and he meets up with Yukio that has the ability to foresee People's death, and I thought that was pretty cool and they had like all this different Shit going on, how, like With Logan, not only he was stripped of his um healing powers, but uh, I think he's still like retract the um claws, but like it was almost like he was nerfed in this movie and I kind of liked how he had to pretty much uh, live out the comic book like um, sometimes in the comments they would like essentially say that um, wolverine is like a samurai when, uh, if he's not using the claws, he'll probably use like a katana Sometimes, as he like have his own Thing going on in Japan.

Speaker 2:

So like that's pretty much Exploring that. Uh, enough about me. I'll open this up to the panel now. How did y'all feel about the Wolverine?

Speaker 1:

Oh, this is one of my favorite movies.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah the Wolverine was definitely one of my favorites. It did not feel like any of the other Wolverine films or X-Men films. It felt completely different. It I love. First of all, loving Japanese culture definitely made this movie feel influential for me in different aspects in certain ways, but the acting in it was great. I just it just didn't feel like your typical cinematic universe. I love Yukio. Yukio is absolutely adorable. She's absolutely cute. Definitely, uh think I had a little crush on Yukio. Um, and pretty cognitive abilities are some of my favorite abilities.

Speaker 1:

What I really, what I really honestly didn't like, though, was even though I know it's canon, I know it's canon I didn't like the fact that Logan was stripped of like his abilities. I, I don't know it just felt I didn't really like the silver samurai in this movie. I felt like they could have done more with it. Kind of, like you said, like the final act of in this movie, I felt like they could have done more with it. Kind of, like you said, the final act of it wasn't that necessarily great. It felt a little bit lackluster. There was so much build up and I think the fight scenes that were happening in the middle were way better than the fight scenes that started happening towards later in the movie. And it was cool that the Silver Samurai chopped off Logan's claws Because I didn't know you could cut through adamantium honey. I didn't know that was possible at all and seeing that did give a humanistic point to Logan. It made Logan feel less invincible. But for some reason I didn't like that part. I wanted Logan to stay invincible invincible he's one of my favorite x-men, so that wasn't my favorite part of the movie.

Speaker 1:

I also didn't necessarily like the hallucinations of gene, but I don't. I don't like gene and logan's relationship in the first place, doesn't? The junk is weird to me. I don't understand it, but I didn't like that part. I hate that he was still kind of mourning over her. I understood why, but okay, she's gone, adios. But I just, I just didn't really get the the final like hallucination that he ended up having. I understand that he had it so he could let go of her, but I didn't like that part of the movie either. I felt like it wasn't necessary, like it didn't serve a purpose to me.

Speaker 1:

We knew why he was mourning. We understood that from the beginning of the movie. I don't think we needed a reminder towards the end. But uh, yeah, I think that's. That's really all I have to say about the wolverine. It was one of my favorite wolverine movies. Would I watch it again? I definitely. I always have a tendency to go back and rewatch this at least once Once a year. I'll pop it in, put in that old DVD and watch it. But yeah, and Hugh Jackman, of course, I will never understand how in shape this man stayed for this role. Jesus Christ, he was always fine. Every god there a time. But that's all I really have to say.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Okay, I know because I went first last time, so I was trying to make sure Talos and Mirajane got a chance to go. So I'll put it this way this one was definitely better than Wolverine X-Men Origins. It was one of those ones that I'm going to have to be honest with you. It would have been better as an anime.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I'm just going to be honest on today. Okay, and it's. Yeah, I'm just gonna be honest on today. Okay, there's nothing against you, jackman, he did. There's nothing against the actors and actresses in the movie. They did really good, like it was very believable. Now, mary jane, as far as you said you didn't know anything could cut through adamantium, I did. There's a there's actually a list of things that can cut through adamantium, but I'm gonna just name two. Adamantium can cut through adamantium. As you said, this is supposed to be a follow-up after you know x-men, as one of the x-men movies right, um wasn't, didn't they like redo lady death strike in one of those movies and she had an adamantium skeleton and wolverine sliced through her yeah, there was yeah, adamantium can cut through adamantium.

Speaker 3:

Uh, vibranium can cut through adamantium, and the metal that they had in that movie I can't remember exactly what it was can cut through adamantium. There's actually a list of things that can cut through adamantium. Adamantium is strong, but it gets heavily downplayed considering the fact that there's so many things that can actually cut through it. Now, like there's such a long list of things now, it literally makes wolverine's metal claws only just look badass as far as they look yeah, that's why I?

Speaker 2:

was like a three level you're like if you're like brawling with somebody, I guess oh yeah, but then it's like the higher grade, like I'm like okay yeah yeah, no, it's um, it was, so it's definitely better.

Speaker 3:

It's one of the things it gives me, considering the fact that X-Men Origins Wolverine felt so bad. It was one of the biggest things that helped, kicked off the X-Men franchise and to the point that we got this movie, and this movie was definitely a step up. But it was one of those ones that makes you really question dang Hollywood, how many times do you have to give something to Japan for something to was definitely a step up, but it was one of those ones that makes you really question dang hollywood, how many times do you have to give something to japan for something to be made better?

Speaker 2:

hey, hold on, I remember something how it's announced in the san diego comic con, how, now that the mutants are being in, inserted into the mcu, adamantium is also going to be A thing to where you know, tiamat from the Eternals is made of Adamantium, like all Celestials. So essentially, the War of Adamantium is going to Probably pop off like that, probably be a thing with Captain America, brave New World. And I also imagine how Sharon Carter, aka Power Broker, is going to come back into the fold, to where she might get her hands on the Adamantium and make weapons, to where you can probably defeat the likes of Wolverine or Captain America, who would have to have adamantium stuff. So it's like saying that, oh well, since the Wakandans want to be selfish with their vibranium, we'll just make some adamantium, but then again, like what Koka said, that vibranium can cut through adamantium.

Speaker 3:

But I guess they're trying to like some sort of uh arms race pretty much because adamantium is just so much easier to get to at this point and it's scary because it was like that point of like oh, you know, it's been so cool. What makes it scary to me is how much it downplays now, um, but that was kind of just a comic book pick at me, like there's actually quite a few comic book nerds that got very frustrated in that aspect, when it's like adamantium used to be a big thing and now it's like whatever type of thing, and then in the and then here we got in this movie, like when it felt like in the movies, adamantium was going to be something really big, it was going to be okay, it's going to be a big thing.

Speaker 3:

And then, like, this movie came out and just proved to everyone that no, adamantium is still going to be pretty much kind of nothing. Like it seems good but it's not, and that's why wolverine gets the short end of the stick. He gets a very durable metal, yes, but it's toxic and based upon him being a hero, and his hero works. Even at the job that he had, which was originally supposed to be an assassin. It wouldn't have served him very well because he could have gone up against people who could have sliced through his adamantium skeleton. So then it was like damn, you gave me something toxic, and now it's considered weak as fuck. So it was like it really just kind of shit on him on that one, and it's really just not fair that's the thing.

Speaker 2:

That's why I was saying in the previous parts where Wolverine is like Shadow the Hedgehog, to where he works best, when he's used for specific purposes. You can't just throw him into just any situation because he's not going to be useful in every situation.

Speaker 3:

Exactly. His most useful feat is not his adamantium skeleton, it's his healing factor, because Wolverine's healing factor is off the fucking charts, until it's like.

Speaker 2:

This works better if it was healing factor, because Wolverine's healing factor is off the fucking charts until this movie.

Speaker 3:

Yeah which was all good until this movie and the next movie that we'll talk about then. That's when the point of his best factor is now worthless. So it's like, well, look at that, you took the best thing that he had and said, ah, you lost it. Now what you're gonna do?

Speaker 3:

guess fucking nothing but yeah, I mean it's. It is crucial to the story because it's one of those things like wolverine has relied on his healing factors since literally the fucking day he was born. Everything that he's done he's had to use his healing factor for he has been put in near-death situations constantly, not even near death stuff that actually would kill people. He has survived on continual occasions since he was young, and so it's just like, yeah, it kind of makes sense onto that. Um, my biggest gripe into this one is I would have liked to have seen saber tooth make a just little appearance into this, because, in all honesty, let's be real, sabretooth does not let Logan breathe for nothing. He is always on his all the fucking time, always, literally. That's the whole thing about Sabretooth is that that dude will never let Wolverine go. It's like nah bruh, it's on sight every day it's on sight.

Speaker 2:

Like ring go. It's like nah, bro, it's on sight every day. It's on sight like I got you. I can't imagine Wolverine and Sabretooth's relationship being like Wolverine just waking up, he's just doing his regular thing and then, next thing, you know, sabretooth just shows up wanting to smoke and it's like in the most comedic way possible, like he could be eating some food, he could be taking a shit, like he could be working mundane everyday type shit. And then it was like I'm here for the smoke, wolverine. I'm like I feel that's what.

Speaker 4:

Sabretooth does.

Speaker 1:

He's got there a bad morning breath and his team got there Sabretooth with his morning breath, breathing down his neck.

Speaker 2:

It's like reverse slash in the flash, bro he was brushing his teeth and then, right next to him, Sabertooth was brushing his teeth and he was like ready for the smoke.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, yeah, can we eat breakfast? You mad at breakfast.

Speaker 3:

Yep, how dare you eat my presents? How dare you think that you were relaxed enough to eat? Who do you think you are? No, it's for real, though. It would have been nice that part. So that's the thing.

Speaker 3:

I would have liked Sabretooth to make a brief appearance, even briefly, because it's just one of those ones. Sabretooth never lets Logan breathe. So it's kind of one of those moments of like, because that happens in the comics all the time. Literally, sabretooth will deny a mission. He'll go on a mission with the brotherhood all the time, but he will deny a mission because Wolverine's not going to be there. And he's like, nah, wolverine ain't going to be there, logan ain't going to be there, so nah, I'm not going to be there. And they're like really, you, really? He said yeah, so it would have been nice, and I understand it didn't, because we tried to focus Specific onto this story and then everything else I have to mention. The last thing I have to mention is pretty much the same thing Amir and Jane said there's a lot of build up.

Speaker 3:

It was pretty decent action Throughout the whole movie. It was pretty decent action. Thank god, the graphics were better and it was just like okay, I can follow along. There feels like an actual storyline that's here and we can kind of see where things are going. We get like this famed fucking weapon, like we get a chance to see this amazing sword that is like extremely powerful and broken in the fucking comics but in the show it is toned down but it is. It does make sense into that, but it's one of those ones that's like we get a chance to really kind of see into this and the fear of you get slain by this weapon. Your soul is stuck in it forever and you're like, oh my god, um, but I think it's the same thing.

Speaker 3:

A lot of people I have read reviews on and uh, watched a lot of youtube video reviews on too. Most everyone agrees on the same thing that mary jane says it has a great build-up to the fight, to the final fight, and the final fight does not deliver what the build-up says. It definitely feels rushed and there's a lot of people that most people agree on to that, whereas like the ending could have been better and it's one of those ones that like and like you mentioned as far as like him having to lose his memory and kind of everything of it. We've seen something similar with samurai jack and like the ending for that. So I'm not going to overly spoil into that one, but the thing with him and ashi, and so we kind of get a whole similar situation.

Speaker 3:

And even then that type of situation fails to the point that the writers feel like they need to retcon that and completely change it and so it's like it's just not an ending that, like you said, it doesn't feel needed, like it's like okay. Sometimes forgetting someone is not the best thing, and logan has been through this shit twice. He was forced to forget his wife, then he was forced to forget her. Then it's one of those days I'm like that aside from breaks the character, it eliminates the character development, because you build up all of this development for this character but then make them forget it all the development is gone.

Speaker 2:

It's a status quo reboot, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And then the character. It makes the dynamic character stoic at the end. You've built the entire story to be dynamic. This character's growing. They're building, they're building themselves up to be something more, to be something greater. They're like, okay, I'm stronger, I'm smarter, I've been through situations because that's the thing for humanity are what we've been through, like we exist and live through what we've been through, like fucking kanye said it, whatever don't kills me makes me stronger. It's a real thing. Like that's just a real thing about being human, about being human. So when you force someone to forget the stuff that they grew through, they lose all of their reason for maturing. They're no longer mature anymore. They've lost all of that. Yeah, and so it's just like what? Why would you do something like that? And that's where it gets to the point of like I agree, it doesn't feel needed because you just destroyed everything that you had us watch and build. And it makes us feel like what was the fucking point even watching the movie man? What was the point of having this character go through all?

Speaker 1:

of this to make them forget and it made it feel extremely lackluster and it it took so much away from listen. I was really enjoying this movie up until that moment and I was just like. Now I'm gonna go back and rewatch it because the fight scenes are great up until the final act.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it was so. It made me want to go smoke a blunt. It just made me need a drink afterwards and it was just. It just wasn't worth it and I'm glad I didn't pay money to see it in theaters. I am I'm glad I just waited at that time, but still they could have done so much more with that ending. And I don't know, maybe they rushed it because they knew it was time for it to come to an end. I don't know what reason or what was happening at that point or in time, but I agree with everything that Kogu Basu said. Uh, anything you want to add on nah, y'all got this I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

All right, cool, cool, cool, all right. So check this out. Since kookagatsu, you got a little bit of time left. Um, I'm gonna go ahead and talk about logan now and I'm gonna go ahead and let you have the floor for like however long we got. So with logan, oh, oh, by the way, the wolverine, I'll give it like maybe a five I said I say a five, five and a half, like it is.

Speaker 3:

It still had a good story. It's just that ending is like really set back everything. So, but other than that it was still pretty decent all right, logan.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, I was not ready for what logan was going to be like. Okay, 2029, there's no more mutants. Well, no more mutants have been born In the last 25 years and all the X-Men Just being killed off and what not? Logan is aging. His healing ability Is failing. He can barely pull the claws Out of his hands and like you can see the blood and like you can tell that it was always painful for him, but like, at least he was able to like jump out real fast, like it's almost like he um, his claws were like coming out like drunk, like almost like a uh performance, uh, you know, like, um, I see you like like a problem with your performance. There's a pill for that. You know what I mean. And um, he was having a harder time in fights against regular humans. So I guess you could say that kind of raised the stakes to a little bit, to where it's like, okay, he can probably die in this movie and he did. He can probably die in this movie and he did. But I'm just saying it's like the man that you thought would like survive anything.

Speaker 2:

Yep, this is the part where he brought on kick the bucket, and this is also a movie where we get introduced to uh x-23 and she's like young and she's kind of like a little-23. And she's like young and she's kind of like a little savage. But then again she's like cool in a little weird, in an oddly creepy way, like you know, like they got this whole um adoptive daughters or like a weird uncle type relationship I don't know what the fuck the call is. That's what it was. And you have this music track, caliban taking care of Xavier in his old age. I also found it kind of interesting hearing the professor cuss for the first time. I'm like whoa, I did not expect that to happen. Essentially, the whole the big fight was that.

Speaker 4:

You know that looked nice, but once again negative. Five Jesus, but then that negative one looked real average. Right about now, though, that negative one looked real average right about now though.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, so essentially they were trying to create another clone of logan called x24, but he was like more mindless and like more murderous, of course. So he was going around killing folks and eventually um was gonna take out logan. Well, he kinda did, you know, with the held and whatnot, but then Laura was able to kill him with an adamantium bullet and shoot him in the head. But here's the thing, here's the thing. I know, I know they're like I don't think this is even oh, wait, wait, oh my god, it's following X-Men or Wolverine. Hold on, the bullet didn't kill him in X-Men or Wolverine, but it killed the clone. Was the clone inferior or was it a continuity error?

Speaker 3:

Technically both yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I had to think about that Like wait a minute.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's both.

Speaker 2:

But you know what, Cookie guys, I'm going to give you the floor while you're still on. How did you feel about Logan?

Speaker 3:

I just got a couple of minutes real quick, but hey. So with Logan, this is one of those ones that you really have to. This is one of those ones you have to pay attention to the background to truly understand the story, and the reason I say that is this. So we have again where Logan is losing his healing factor, is not working as well, and there's a whole bunch of issues and stuff, and it's stuff that is explained in the movie but not, like, directly explained. It's one of those ones that you find out as you listen to all the little radio broadcasts and stuff that keeps happening, which is kind of weird.

Speaker 3:

So, in actuality, this was our introduction to the Inhumans, so that's one of the things I kind of like is that, if you don't know the comics and this is one of the ones if you listened to our last review when we was talking about the prequels, when both me and Talos wound up, pre-mentioning this ahead of time was the fact that Inhumans, when it comes down for Krees and Skrulls, is a direct opposers when it comes down for mutants. So inhumans are just humans that have scroll and Cree DNA in them, and so what it is is that there's a special gas that wants to get released out in the world and this gas, while toxic to mutants and makes them lose their mutant ability, yes, we're going right back to X3 again, but instead of it being a mutant that can seal away mutant powers, it's just a poisonous gas that was more for inhumans and so it winds up giving the inhumans awakens their abilities, but it's toxic to the mutants, so mutants and inhumans have had like a big war and stuff is not really going that well. So my biggest thing about logan is the fact that and they did admit this if you want to understand what the movie is about, you have to read not so much the comics, like like the, like the whole in-depth um x-men comics and stuff like that. You have to actually read the, the logan comics, because the comics give a prequel to understanding of what led to this movie all of window the girl was made when she became like, how she was born as as a clone of wolverine, as one of the clones of wolverine, and how everything came to be, how Stryker came back. There's a whole thing of understanding that and that's where this movie winds up.

Speaker 3:

Failing to me. It's not one of those ones where it's like oh, this is something to add on. It's one of those ones that you can't fully understand this movie until you've read those comics, which winds up being one of the worst things to me in that, because if you're saying that I have to read this book to understand this movie, but these books don't come out until after the movie comes out, that to me says you failed in writing. I really wanted to like this movie. Like it was dark, it had its moments and it was like okay, this is grand, I got you, I can feel this. It was like okay, this is grand, I got you, I can feel this. Like, okay, this is actually starting to feel serious.

Speaker 3:

Wolverine, he's trying to protect this little girl, but this little girl is having to protect him. It literally feels like an exact copy of last of us, literally. So it's like, okay, like, and I like that, like I love last of us, I love the whole series we're going to talk about that, I know, at some point soon. But like, literally, it's that moment of oh my gosh, like it's a great feel into it. But then there's, like this whole extra story. That's there that you don't understand, because in the movie you don't really understand why Wolverine's losing his powers. You just know that he is, you just know that he's going to die. You just know that this girl is wanting to take up the mantles. The new wolverine, which is comic book accurate, and it's like what's really going on, like what's happening type of thing, and it's like you will not know unless you read those, those comics.

Speaker 3:

And that's one of the craziest things, because a lot of people were excited about old man logan, yeah, and so there's a lot of people super excited about old man logan. When they saw, they were like, oh, they didn't put a wig or nothing on him. They didn't color his hair no, they have him in gray hair and shit. We got old man logan. Oh, this is gonna be legit, because old man logan was dangerous. Old man logan was when, like you thought logan was dangerous before. Logan just didn't give a fuck because he could have healed from anything he didn't care for. But the minute he knew he couldn't heal from shit anymore.

Speaker 3:

Oh, this is where Logan the strategist came out. That's where this nigga got dangerous. That's where he started playing this shit. He wasn't no running in headstrong. This was like Logan became a full-fledged fucking ninja and it was like, holy shit, like if he showed up he was dead. That was it. That was not a point of oh, you know, you might be able to get a couple shots in. No, because he can't really heal from the shot, so he takes as few shots as possible. He plans his shit out.

Speaker 3:

And so that was like it was a really, really thing that people were super hyped for, because we were like, oh man, we're getting old man logan, and so it's like we did kind of get him, but it just just wasn't as much, it wasn't as much to the point that we kind of wanted. And then finding out, like I said, about the whole book situation, then that's what it was like, that's what we needed to read to be able to understand that we kind of did. But this is the this is literally the latter end of that Logan, and so it was like oh OK, damn, that kind of feels like we got short sighted and we did. We got shorted out a lot. I would have loved to have had that feel into this. Like the movie was long, but there was a lot of points in the movie that felt like filler and keep in mind I didn't go watch all of them, but you can find them on YouTube the deleted scenes.

Speaker 3:

There's a lot of deleted scenes from this movie. It was much longer, it was damn near. The amount of scenes they recorded was, I think, about damn near the length of a fucking Lord of the Rings movie. So there's a lot of fucking scenes they cut. But there's some scenes that people felt they should have kept these scenes and got rid of others, and so that's where it was just like we could kind of see onto that.

Speaker 3:

But I will say the scenes that we did get it did really help see Logan as how he would be as a father. If Logan actually had kids, how would he be? And so we got a chance to really get a good feel into that, a good push into that, and it's like okay, okay, I could feel that and that actually feels pretty good to me and that's what I liked about the movie, especially as a dad. So I got a chance to relate to a character who's doing all he can to protect this girl. You know, he didn't really want to at first but he was like shit, I mean, you're my clone, so pretty much you're my daughter. This is just what it is. Learn dc, because there was a whole segment where I know we're gonna talk about young justice.

Speaker 3:

I think we already did yeah we already did, yeah, about the whole Young Justice with Superboy. You know, and I understand your enemy clones you, but I mean, hey, if Wolverine can accept this little girl as like a daughter of his own, I'm pretty sure Superman, I'm pretty sure you can accept Superboy as like a son too. I'm just saying, but anyway. But the thing about it is that it's just I really, really want to like this movie, and it's not that I don't like it. It's one of those ones that once those deleted scenes came out and the whole comic book situation, it made it worse. So this is one of those ones that it's not that it aged poorly, it's literally the writers. They shorted us and then showed us that they shorted us, and that's what made it worse.

Speaker 3:

And it was like why would you do that? Why would you do that? You know, why would you? It's like laughing. It's like you just slapped me in the face, bro. I felt disrespected at that point. I'm saying you can see that, though, right, like I felt, like you felt, like you thought I was too stupid to understand the more in depth stuff. So you just cut it out and just like, oh, we're only going to give you this part right here. This is where most of the action is at. Okay, but story is important too, you know. But um, exactly, but um, but that's all I got.

Speaker 3:

So, I'm going to go ahead and get off, but that's my little two cents on this movie. So I love you guys. Thank you all so much for having me and I'll talk to y'all again soon. Okay, all right, man, you can leave, thank you.

Speaker 2:

See you later. Oh yeah, aside from that clone, because there was some details that I was kind of forgetting, apparently, the main antagonists were these two cyborgs named Donald Pierce and Xander Rice, who are the leaders of this organization. I guess it's called called Transseagans.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And apparently they were like trying to capture Laura for experimentations and whatnot, because, you know, like their little guinea pig to you know. They were like all this Mr Sinister type shit too. So that was pretty, were like all some Mr Sinister type shit too. So that was pretty much my feel for the film. I'm not trying to discount it because I like saying that. Oh well, you sure you don't have more to say about this film. It was pretty good. I'm not going to say anything more than what some reviewers already said. Like it was great. It was dark, though I had states going on the fact that, yeah, logan actually dies in this one is like. So I felt like it was a great way to a great send off to Wolverine and I thought it would have been a great send off to the entire X-Men film franchise.

Speaker 1:

Up until up until what you gotta say it. You have to say it what?

Speaker 2:

you didn't hear me.

Speaker 1:

I said new mutants um, okay um but um Logan, I'll say for me I agree with you. Only Logan was. It was just really good. I don't really Old man Logan was. It was just really good. I don't really have a lot of complaints about it. I agree with Kofugatu in the fact that we did kind of get sold when I heard Old man Logan. I thought I was getting a very different story than what I ended up getting in the movie. I didn't watch the movie first, I waited for the comics to come out. So I read the comics first before going to go see the movie and I had ignored all spoilers. So by the time I'm watching the movie it was like this is not what I just like, this is not what I was expecting. But but in the same vein, it did feel like watching Last of Us. It felt like the first Last of Us movie and how much I loved that video game was absolutely insane. And how much I loved that video game was absolutely insane.

Speaker 2:

Tell us what you got.

Speaker 4:

Alright, real quick. Real quick because I know I gotta go too. I want to say this wholeheartedly about literally all of these that dealt with Wolverine, there's reasons why I wasn't commenting, there's reasons why I wasn't saying too much, because if they put this shit right here, old man Logan was trash. It was a lot of shit they fucked up on. It was a lot of shit they fucked up on and I'm not trying to disrespect a lot of movies, don't get me wrong, because I'm already in a mood behind the fact that people disrespecting Deadpool and Wolverine at this current fucking point and I'm already in a little bit of a tizzy because folks, fucking fans, out here are like I'm going to cry because we got the wrong fucking Doctor Doom the fuck we don't.

Speaker 4:

So with that, being said, I'm going to say it like I'm going to say it, like it fucking is. Let folks work, they cooking bitch that's the best thing I can say they cooking bitch.

Speaker 4:

Yes, they're learning from their fucking mistakes. Logan, old man, Logan relatively went off of how it was, but was he a mistake? The way some of what they did him? Yes, some of it is, but they doing better. Give them fucking credit. I'm so sick and tired of these fuck ass fans. Anyway, I love y'all. Talos is out. Folks, catch up with me sometime soon throughout the week because I got some news for y'all. Motherfuckers. I promise it's going to be some shit set. Anyway, love y'all, I'm out. Peace folks Later. Talos.

Speaker 2:

Alright, talos, you take it easy, man Well.

Speaker 1:

I think, Talo said it all. I think Talo came in with the. He definitely came with that passion and I can't even fucking lie. I'm not going to say it was trash. It wasn't trash to me. I'm not gonna say it was trash. It wasn't trash to me. I'm not gonna say that it wasn't trash to me. Logan was not trash to me, but I was definitely. If you read the comics, it is a completely different movie than what you read and I would have preferred them to stay comic book accurate. But but since we're not gonna talk about deadpool and wolverine yet, I'm gonna hold all of my comments for that. I'm not gonna go on my rant just yet. I'm gonna save all of that passion for the next time I mean that is the next part of the extreme review.

Speaker 2:

But hey, I was like saying, aww, it's really funny how they didn't watch the movie yet. And then us two we saw it and we were just sitting here like bro, they were saying some shit to where I'm like are y'all sure like? Uh.

Speaker 1:

Are y'all?

Speaker 2:

sure, uh-huh Like how Kofi Gassu was talking about Gambit and I was like y'all need to watch the movie.

Speaker 1:

Y'all need to go see this movie, baby, you need to go see it. This movie was so I'm going to say it. It was so good, it was so good and okay, I just have to say it. I know they said that they weren't gonna touch old man logan, but bro did you catch that did?

Speaker 1:

you catch that yeah okay, okay, I'm glad that you caught it, because I caught it and I peeped it and I was like, but y'all said, y'all wasn't going to Okay, I'm not going to, I'm going to say it now. I'm going to say it now because I'm that that you shouldn't even say anything. Why didn't Talo say anything? Because you haven't even Never mind.

Speaker 2:

But you know what we might as well just uh close it out right here yeah, like, okay, you know what, ladies and gentlemen? Um, the next part is the deadpool trilogy. So, with that being said, some of us are have to watch Deadpool and Wolverine. So that part is going to be a little segmented, so we're going to have some people on at different times, but ultimately that is next. So until that next part, we're going to go ahead and go into intermission. So y'all go ahead and take it easy and we'll be back.

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