Zealots of Nerd Entertainment

X-Men: The Xtreme Review (Original Trilogy)

JetBlackXtreme, Kokugatsu, TalosGundam

What if the X-Men trilogy you cherished as a kid isn't as flawless as you remember? Our latest episode dives deep into the original X-Men movies, with special guest Talos Gundam, to explore how these films that once shaped our childhoods hold up today. We start with X-Men 1, which was revolutionary in its time but now feels somewhat mid-tier. Moving forward, we celebrate X-Men 2 as the gem of the trilogy, while we can't help but pick apart the storytelling missteps of X-Men 3, often humorously referred to as "The Last Damn." We'll also ruminate on the potential for future remakes and the crucial need for Marvel to stick to established storylines and character integrity.

Next, our conversation shifts to a critical examination of character development, starting with Cyclops. We critique how the films portrayed him as weaker and less significant compared to his comic book counterpart. Other powerhouses like Nightcrawler, Quicksilver, and Xavier also get scrutinized for their diminished roles, leading to narrative inconsistencies. Rogue's character portrayal sparks a heated debate about missed opportunities and the creative decisions that left fans wanting more. Additionally, we touch on the attempt to rectify Cyclops' untimely death in Days of Future Past, positioning it as an unofficial fourth installment of the trilogy.

Finally, we spotlight X-Men 2, praising iconic scenes while lamenting the underutilization of characters like Colossus. Wolverine's portrayal and the complex power scaling of mutants, including the Omega and Alpha levels, come under the microscope. This leads us to the disappointing execution of the Dark Phoenix saga and the mishandling of character abilities, such as Kitty Pryde's role in Days of Future Past. We wrap up by reflecting on the trilogy's highs and lows and previewing upcoming discussions on the prequel quadrilogy, Wolverine movies, and Deadpool films. Tune in for a nostalgic yet critical exploration of the X-Men universe!

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- J.B.

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Speaker 1:

all right nerds. It is time for the x-men extreme review and we are going to cover the first three movies of the movie franchise. Joining me on this part is kokugatsu and, without further ado, let's go ahead and get into it. I'm gonna make this a quick summary of my impression of the x-men trilogy with my child brain versus my adult brain. Child brain was like solid movies, okay, it's good, it watchable. Adult Brain is like still watchable, but I would say X-Men 1 was mid at best. X-men 2 was great and X-Men 3, well, there's a reason why it's also known as the last down, and joining us now is Talos Gundam. That's who he pops up in. What up, talos?

Speaker 2:

What up, what up, what's up? T.

Speaker 1:

You came at a perfect time because we were just about to dive into the movies. I was just saying that with X-Men 1 it was mid at best. X-men 2 was great and X-Men 3 well. Like I just said, there's a reason why it's called the last damn, because damn. Like at first, when I was a kid, i'm'm like, okay, well, I don't see anything crazy with it. But when you go back and watch it from a storytelling point of view, I'm like what the fuck are y'all doing For real? Let's start with X-Men 1. Now you know what? Since I usually Became a bad ad at this point, I want to bring it up to Talos. Talos, how do you feel about X-Men 1?

Speaker 3:

I still feel the way I feel about it then I feel about it now. It was good for its time. Yeah, and I'm going to be honest with you Ahead in advance. I'm going to be honest with you ahead in advance. I'll tell y'all now. They're all to me. All of them were good for their time. Yeah, they basically were Like going back and looking at them, critiquing them yeah, I see where they could have done better, but they did good for what they had.

Speaker 3:

Sure, and even then you know like, hey, as much as you want to say, oh, they're Marvel movies, no, back then Marvel didn't have a cinematic universe, so they were wild, it was just movies. They were literally movies. So I'm not so legit. I'm not going to critique them as bad as I would, something that you know it's already in the Marvel Universe. They were good for their time. But as far as X-Men 1 goes, yeah, there's some things they could have done better. I feel like, if they are going to remake them which, by the way, I do hope, I do hope, I do hope we do get some different stuff, I am hoping for it. But there are some things that they could have critiqued a little better, one of which is definitely to follow their. Whichever storyline they're going to go with, follow that storyline, please, please follow it.

Speaker 2:

Very much so.

Speaker 1:

See, that's the funny thing, when we were doing the MCU Extreme Review and we were having our difference in opinions, where I was like, hey man, I don't mind it being a little different, as long as it works. And then, uh, y'all were more like, and I would probably prefer if it was like a carbon copy of the movies. But then nowadays I'm like I feel like the size has been switched to where I'm like, yeah, I hear what y'all saying, but sometimes I'm like, if it's like really dog shit, like bro, I would prefer to get a carbon copy over this because, like I don't know, just a final product.

Speaker 3:

I mean, the only reason I switched up for the older X-Men movies is because, like I said, for the newer stuff there's no excuse. Back then, you know, hey, they were making stuff on their own. So of course, like hey, look, you know, hey, they were making stuff on their own. So, of course, like hey, look, you know it's going to be different. I'm not expecting you to do, you know, follow like X-Men. You know X-Men 98. I'm not. You know X-Men 97. Like I'm not. I'm not expecting you to follow that. I relatively am not. But when it comes to the newer stuff, when it comes to their newer stuff for Marvel, yeah, stuff when it comes to their newer stuff from Marvel.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because you should read and like, don't get me wrong. Yes, we're definitely in a different timeline, different universe, so some of this stuff is going to be different. Cool, I expect that that's the storyline. Great, dandy, but if you're gonna have this certain storyline, at least keep the characters. That's the main thing I. And at least keep the characters. That's the main thing I ask At least keep the characters.

Speaker 1:

You know how difficult it is to pay these actors. I mean come on, bro, y'all got Hugh Jackman, halle Berry, patrick Stewart and all that. Y'all got like some star-studded people in there. So I'm like yeah.

Speaker 3:

And that's why I said, like the older X-Men movies, sure, once you start getting in the first class, then I'm a little more. You know, yeah, I'm a little more nitpicky on it because y'all mess up characters. At least keep the characters on the scale of what they are. That's all I'm asking. Let's be realistic.

Speaker 2:

X-Men First Class fucked up at the very beginning. We already know that.

Speaker 3:

Yes, that's all I'm saying. Keep characters the way they are, don't mess up on characters like that. But other than that, my thing is, like I said this first set of movies, hey, yes, there are things they could have fixed, but for their time they were good movies. They were great movies, they were legit great.

Speaker 1:

Okay, diving a little bit deeper Into X-Men 1, honestly speaking, of characters Like, can I just say that it became very clear that Wolverine was going to be, like, the Main character, the one they're going to center on the most. But it still Feels kind of weird how they're trying to give exposition to the one mutant that lived long enough to be everyone's grandpa.

Speaker 2:

So I'm like um I mean that whole thing was on purpose too, because in fact, like, who was the most famous actor in that movie at the time, like, aside from holly berry? Realistically hugh jackman was the main reason people came to see it. When you see the previews that was advertised for that movie, it was advertised as hugh jackman's wolverine. Every other time it was hugh jackman's wolverine, hugh jackman's wolverine. That's all you ever saw. You didn't see nobody else really like that. Every now and again you might see, oh look, it's how to dairy, but otherwise, no, hugh jackman is wolverine, hugh jackman is wolverine, hugh jackman is wolverine. Every preview, every single one hold on.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of which, can I talk about how? Uh, when I was talking about characters, I kind of don't like how they made it feel like, uh, storm barely had shit to do in the entire film series and I'm like, howie, I just really hope that was a easy paycheck for you because at the very least you got paid. But I'm like I just kind of wish you didn't see that's another thing when they had the whole fight in the, I think it was like a subway car or whatnot, or a bus or something. Uh, I forgot, I'm forgetting. I'm sorry, but point being is that they had this whole square up to where it was storm versus saber tooth and then wolverine versus magneto, and I'm like this don't feel right.

Speaker 1:

It would have made more sense, if you're going to include saber, to make it seem like it's more obvious that wolverine saber two's got beef with each other, and it's like, okay, cool, cool, cool, considering that, um, you're introducing wolverine and he's pretty much like being the central character in this shit. So I kind of see that. But then, with the whole thing with Storm and Magneto, on its own, that just sounds like an interesting concept. With Dweller, I kind of want to see them fuck shit up. But I don't know. I just feel like a whole bunch of missed opportunities. But, like what Talo said, it was a product of his time. I'm not going to give it too much shit for it. But that's why I say Child Brain would have been totally fine with x-men. One adult brain is like yeah, y'all could have had something.

Speaker 2:

I mean the movie itself was their practice run, like that was just kind of how things went forward. They weren't sure how things gonna go because in the time this came out I mean we also had like spider-man, like the first one of the first spider-man movies, told mcguire was out. It was that point of adaptation into comics was becoming a thing again, from comics into like movies and stuff. And so people was like, huh, will people like this? Will it actually sell? Well, is it going to work out? So I mean, yeah, there's not. There was no solid storyline for the first one, it was just the introduction of characters and human jabbing. That was it.

Speaker 1:

That was all it. Human jet name, that was it. Yeah, it was like, um, it was like mcu phase one, to where it was more experimental, to where you just throw on uh characters and you know, give them their standalone movies, seeing what works and whatnot, and then, as soon as you get the avengers, okay, we pretty much got the formula down, pat, we can go from there and then phase two, ah two. I was like in and out. I already said what I said about the MCU, but uh, yeah, the point being is that, um, I'm not going to give them too much shit.

Speaker 1:

That's why I said X-Men one was uh mid at best, because even though, yeah, like, like I said, um, there was some shit that they could have done a little bit better, especially with the lines. You know, like that one line with Storm when she was fighting Toad, and it's like you know what happens to a Toad when he gets struck by lightning. Same thing that happens to everything else. Okay, okay, first of all, no, because there's some things where it has different effects. Lightning has different effects on it, like metal, wood and all that.

Speaker 2:

So on a scientific level level. That's not true. Second of all, this is a reminder that we're nerds people.

Speaker 1:

We don't just say it, we really are I'm just saying it's like bro, like at least make some sense here and there, and I'm like, okay, I'll leave y'all alone, but like Sometime, like Y'all could've workshopped that Whole thing, that one Liners you did, like y'all could've Give her something else.

Speaker 2:

One liners were the thing, man. That was what Got kids.

Speaker 1:

But that's the thing. Y'all came up with a better one-liner than that? No.

Speaker 2:

Have you paid attention to that? The people who wrote this were the same people who did the damn Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show, the fucking He-Man series.

Speaker 1:

Hold on which one that's important? Which one? The 80s?

Speaker 2:

The one with the Teenage Ninja. Yeah, that one. Okay, I gotcha, I gotcha. These are the same people who was helping, writing to them and stuff. No, bro, cheesy one-liners.

Speaker 1:

Because if you said 2004, I'm like, oh, I'm going to be so mad.

Speaker 2:

I mean they have gone to help out some other things later on, but I'm talking about for that time period. Like, nah, bro, they were adapting, like it wasn't supposed to appeal as much to us 90s kids as it was to. Like the 80s babies, like my older brothers, they understood those things and they were just like yeah, there's the cheesy one-liners, because that was present in the comics at the time. You go back and read some of the old comics from marvel and dc. It was a lot of cheesy one-liners, that was just what it was. Like holy smokes batman.

Speaker 1:

like no, but that's the thing, I kind of expect that from wolverine. That's why I didn't, um, give him much shit when he was like, oh, he was introduced to professor xavier cyclops, gene gray, whatnot, and he was like trying to piece it all together. I was like, oh, so what do they call you wheels? And I'm like, okay, I kind of expect that from Wolverine. Like I don't know, I just kind of expect that from him. But like I just feel like Storm.

Speaker 2:

Storm always had them. She's the One Liners in the comics man, really. Yes, yes, let Storm always had them. Cheesy one-liners in the comics man. Yes, yes, let's be realistic. It was a bunch of white men that was writing about a black woman. It was a lot of cheesy one-liners that were very French-worthy.

Speaker 1:

Just on that note. I'm going to leave the whole thing alone because, goddammit, I should have known better. Based on that, like for real, that's it yeah, yeah, that was it.

Speaker 2:

That's the reason. That's what I'm like. This was to appeal them. 80s kids that read them. Comics that had cheesy one lines and stuff like we. There was some dark, there was some deep storylines that was happening into that, but the most selling points for a lot of comics were the jeez. That was just what it was. If your kids laughed, we won. That's how it worked. And plus, keep in mind, when these movies came out, they were not advertised to the adults. Hugh Jackman was the only one to advertise to the adults. That was it. It was the time period of, like women want to be with him, men want to be him, stuff like that. That type of nonsense. That was it. Other than that, no, bro, literally the whole thing was just supposed to be. It was advertised for your kids. Bring your kids to watch this movie. It's for them, that's what it was for. That was it. That would help explain the first and the second movie, because the third movie is when we started getting rid of those cheesy one-liners.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, I noticed that I think I did yeah, but yeah, Because we started, because they started understanding more of the adult audience was actually interested in the movie.

Speaker 1:

Oh shit, there's actually like adult people that like comic book superheroes, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You mean to tell me, if we Placate to the adult audience, we make more money at the box office? What?

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh. And then we got and I know we're not talking about on this particular episode but then we got X-Men Origins Wolverine the most edgy, the most edged lord character of all. There was no comedy In that entire movie. No, no, no, no, no, no don't say that.

Speaker 1:

Don't say that because that whole fucking film was a comedy, and I will say why I have to stay on that when we get there oh gosh.

Speaker 2:

No, I would say for me, for, like the X-Men, yeah, it was an experiment. For the first one it was an experiment. We didn't get much on the characters. We understood. Okay. Cyclops, his story. All of a sudden he's in school one day, Boom, his eyes blew lasers and he didn't know how to control it and he had to wear sunglasses. He kept getting bullied in school and it would force him to take off his sunglasses and he would have to keep his eyes closed, Otherwise he'd hurt people and stuff and who knows what was gonna happen. That whole storyline is bullshit. That's not how that worked in the comics whatsoever. It was not supposed to be adaptation, but it made him weak as fuck and it's one of those things I'm like huh. So when did he exude leadership qualities?

Speaker 1:

I'm just curious nah, nah, nah, hold on, hold on. I was just about to jump on Rogue, but let's turn down Cyclops Boulevard for just a minute, because in these films I want to say he's all right.

Speaker 1:

But at the same time I just think that they kind of did him dirty story-wise, because you know, in the first movie, okay, he has something to do, okay fine. Because you know, in the first movie, okay, he had something to do, okay fine. Second movie, he pretty much gets knocked out by the one asian lady that was like one of the uh x projects. And then, boom, damn, uh, he's done. Um, so not a whole lot to do in x2, um, but yeah, I guess, enough to like, at least he did something.

Speaker 1:

And then last dan, I'm like okay, yeah, you're out of here, see, okay, this is why yeah, he got a kiss before he died and I was like, oh well, you know, that's not a bad way to die, yeah, but no, no, that's the funny thing with days of future past. I'm gonna say this again we'll get to the oh well, you know, not a bad way to die yet. But no, no, that's the funny thing With Days of Future Past. I'm going to say this again we'll get to the next part. But I dare say that Days of Future Past may be the second of the prequel quadrilogy, but it should also serve as an unofficial fourth installment of the original, because Days of Future Past not only combined the two generations of X-Men, but they retconned X-Men 3 to where old Cyclops didn't die after all. So I might as well say you know what, it might as well count as like an unofficial fourth to the original three, but just for the sake of this part, we're just going to talk about these three. But that's your thing with Cyclops and then with Rogue, xavier and well, I want to say Gene, but I got a whole thing with Gene Later on.

Speaker 1:

But I just Don't like how they Insert these characters, which is good, but hear me out, I just don't like it when they Insert these characters that are Actually OP, like Nightcrawler. That's the third example I was going to mention. They insert these characters into these movies but they're so op with their powers that they have to be written out, like on quicksilver in the uh reboot quadrology, to where, like, oh well, having a speedster to pretty much save everyone and blah, blah, oh, that sounds real good, real convenient, but that's too convenient. We need to write him out of the fucking movies.

Speaker 1:

So I'm like I don't like that shit because I'm like, why even include them if you're just going to have to write them out anyways? But Xavier in the third movie, you pretty much, if y'all kept Xavier on, things would have went way too smooth to a point where you definitely don't need half of the X-Men that are left. So it's like, y, I'm probably going to have to write him out and I'm like, eh, I mean, yeah, I would understand less than his involvement in the story, but to just completely write him out, ah, that just goes to show that y'all didn't plan on making a story that was written around these characters kind of like with rogues, where, yeah, a mutant that was written around these characters, kind of like with Rogues, where, yeah, a mutant that can, like, take away, temporarily, take away powers of other mutants and you know pretty much use those powers to, and that sounds really cool. But that sounds so OP that I'm like, yeah, bro, see, you're way too strong. You need to take a back seat on the narrative, you know.

Speaker 2:

And let's be honest, here they actually Speaking on to Rogue is the fact that they had an expectation that people was really gonna love Rogue Because it was like you know. Suki from True Blood. Honestly, I didn't really care if it was from True Blood as much Just me personally. But it was like wholehearted Like, oh yeah, they're going to absolutely love this character. Is the character going to be?

Speaker 1:

No, I'm so sorry, that's under the assumption that, oh, you think it's going to be the same as a comic book rogue or, better yet, an OG cartoon rogue, to where I'm like listen.

Speaker 2:

Listen, if they had got a woman that looked like Rogue in the original X-Men comics bro.

Speaker 1:

That one panel with Apocalypse. I'm like man.

Speaker 2:

When I tell you this movie would have sold out like left and right, that would be maybe a selling point to that one.

Speaker 1:

And if she had that Southern Belle accent, like she did in the OG cartoon too, I'm like, oh bro, listen, I'll be ready to risk it all. I think I can fix it bro but nah, seriously, I mean nothing against Anna Paquin's performance or anything, it's more like yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's more the fact that we got that. Boys our age and around our age had an expectation that was not met and it wasn't her fault, it was the writer's fault.

Speaker 1:

Actually, no, actually really. I think the real thing is some of these characters only work in a TV series, but in a movie it's like okay, you're definitely going to get nerfed if you're going to get involved oh yeah, they heavily have nerfed Rogue like her powers is not just like taking if she touches. I mean, she can actually fly and shit. You don't even need a morbid power in a OG cartoon, though okay, I don't want to you know what.

Speaker 2:

You're going to join me on this one.

Speaker 1:

I've seen the cartoon like she actually does, flying shit.

Speaker 2:

But there's a reasoning for it and there's a reason. The MCU is very different. Into that, sorry, not MCU, my bad for the first three movies. First three movies serve as a very early Prequel.

Speaker 2:

Rogue originally does not have the abilities to fly. She gains that ability because she touches Captain Marvel and when she knocks her unconscious and actually Captain Marvel loses her powers for a short period of time before she finally gains it back. That's why Rogue has these extra abilities inside of the X-Men series is because she got them from Captain Marvel. When she stole those powers, they stayed permanently. Normally, what happens is that she runs out of power after a certain period of time, but I think it's because of the fact that they wound up talking about it much, much later on. But it's because of the fact that Rogue is an X-Man and that Captain Marvel is a Skrull.

Speaker 2:

So the whole what's the phrase? The people who black bolt in the, what are they called? Not the inhumans, the inhumans, thank you. Because of the fact that she was an inhuman, it wound up actually altering Rogue's powers and that's the reason why her powers stayed permanently, because of the fact that she technically is a she's a scroll with inhumans. That's a further explanation later on, but into this movie it's much earlier. It's before she ever met Captain Marvel, before she ever got those extra powers. It's just her original mutant ability of I touch you and steal your power and that's it.

Speaker 3:

Which is absolutely correct because, legit, that's how it went in the comics In the comics. She literally legit, that's how it went in the comics In the comics. She literally was not supposed to have those but however karma you know, she touched Captain Marvel and that's how she got the super strength to flight all day. So, yeah, I mean, believe me, believe me, the whole thing was at one point. It mean, believe me, believe me, the whole thing was at one point. It was because it's been retconned so many times now.

Speaker 2:

It really has.

Speaker 3:

In one version of it, she killed Captain Marvel. She was not trying to, but she killed Captain Marvel.

Speaker 2:

Which is complimenting for her powers. She touches you for too long. It's not just a knockout, it usually will, actually for her powers. She touches you for too long. It's not just a knockout, it usually will actually kill you if she touches you for a second longer than you, yeah, she kills Captain Marvel.

Speaker 3:

um, one is directly, then another one is inadvertently, because she takes Captain Marvel's powers, while Captain Marvel still stays alive, but Captain Marvel because she didn't have her powers and she was giving birth to a child. She died and got reborn again and stuff Like I said. It just gets weird, I mean keep in mind.

Speaker 2:

This is also the same franchise where they did maintain the fact that Mystique and Nightcrawler are mother and father, like mother and son, but like before that got completely changed the whole daddy and son situation anyway, um, but it also was the one where I think in this one wasn't, it was like magneto was actually rogue and um, nightcrawler's dad in this series no, that didn't come to mind. I just didn't remember. I didn't remember that was like, because it was like that whole.

Speaker 1:

No, you're thinking Wanda and Pietro. That's Matt Needle's kids.

Speaker 2:

Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha, rogue and.

Speaker 1:

Nightcrawler are Mystique's kids, and even then it wasn't confirmed.

Speaker 2:

It was just that like they had that one moment in the third and third movie where just like, oh yeah, it's like this is actually like we're actually related and stuff like that, and bro didn't want to believe it anyway, but it was just a lot. There was just so much that the story is all over the place. It's literally all over the place, even if you weren't retconning it. It's just a lot.

Speaker 1:

Now, speaking of which and I was meaning to ask, don, tell us about how you feel about the rest of it all.

Speaker 1:

But hold on real quick. Since you brought up Magneto, let's talk about how. With Magneto, best character, yes, I'll give you that. But, um, I'm kind of with this.

Speaker 1:

I did like Ian McKellen's performance as Magneto, I did it. Just I kind of wish it didn't seem like they didn't really know what to do with the story when it came around. Okay, let me hear Hear me out. Okay, in the first one he wanted to build this machine that will make humans into mutants. Okay, fine, that's comic book canon. I can accept that. X-men 2. Let's kill all the humans, all right. And X-Men 3. Oh, they're trying to make a cure To, you know, cure mutants, mutations in people, let's stop them. And it's almost like His Stance on things Just feels a little bipolar, that's the main. Well, it doesn't change that much In the reboot or prequel quadrology, whatever you want to call it To where, even though Magneto Ultimately wants to fight for Mutant rights in a more violent way, uh, for some reason it just seems like he's always swinging from oh, um, I'm gonna do something bad or I'm going to, ironically, help Charles and the rest of them alright, let's break it down into this little aspect here.

Speaker 2:

Tal Talos, I know you're ready for this one. So Magneto and Professor Xavier were literally white people that they wrote as a literal calling for Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Literally, that was the inspiration. They did confirm that that was the inspiration into these characters. Professor X is Martin Luther King, magneto is Malcolm X. One takes a more peaceful approach into things, one takes a more violent approach into things and technically, when you really look into it, neither one of them are wrong in the technical aspect into it. That is canonical. That is purposely about the fact they did that on purpose. So keep in mind when you think into that regard. How are these people going to write Malcolm X into the story and make it kid friendly or family friendly? Because in the comics there's no way. It's not family friendly whatsoever. There's nothing there, period, about Magneto that's family friendly at all. He has suffered a fuck ton. He's literally Malcolm X. Malcolm X was white and Jewish and went through the Holocaust. That's exactly what he is.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of which, the first one, the first movie, is War is Upon 1944. Poland was Nazi occupied and him and he gets separated from his parents in that concentration camp and he was trying to reach out to them all and then he eventually bent the metal gates, and I know they did that in the first X-Men movie. But I think they keep reusing the same footage Like whenever, oh, whenever, oh well, let's revisit Magneto's backstory and just show the same footage. I think they did it like at least twice oh, you mean the Batman effect.

Speaker 2:

How many times do we have to see Martha and Bo?

Speaker 1:

Bo and Pearl dropping or the Ben. Uh. How many times do we have to see this man get killed by joe chill?

Speaker 2:

exactly, exactly. It's just how many times do we satisfy to? Can we just say that we've had enough of?

Speaker 1:

it. Joe chill dc. I'm getting cc. Joe chills dc. It's okay, yeah, yeah, I thought so. Um some guy, um some random guy, it's.

Speaker 2:

It's different depending on who it is, but either way, um ben parker, don't get shot yeah, that's actually a retcon several times of who it, of how it is that he wants him getting killed, but regardless, yeah, he dies and it's usually spider-man's fault per se anyway. But yeah, it's literally that point of like how all these characters kind of come into play and, yeah, reusing it. Yeah, this is an animation thing. It costs a lot of money to reshoot multiple scenes. And imagine you shot a scene. Then you go back to like, back to the us, because when they shot, they actually shot some of these scenes in like other countries when they know the budget was good enough for them to be able to do some of this stuff.

Speaker 2:

So imagine shooting these scenes out there. Coming back to america, you're editing things and you're like, oh damn, we need to add another scene to this. I'm not to spend the money to fly everyone back out there and reshoot it again. I'm going to use a green screen effect. Y'all already think someone's going to be reused. It's just you got to be smart with the money on someone. So I can understand all that. But yeah, you will see a lot of reusing on stuff, but that's just. It's expensive, you know. I gotcha.

Speaker 1:

Oh, real quick, before I forget, I like how in X-Men 1 and honestly, after this, I'm pretty much done with X-Men 1 because, honestly, aside from oh, magneto builds A machine to make Normal humans into mutants. It's pretty much. Yeah, it's meant to stop. Meh, you know meh.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, I think they should have let him do it, but continue.

Speaker 1:

I'm only going to point out I think it's kind of funny in hindsight that the senator that Magneto kidnaps is named Robert Kelly, because I keep thinking Senator R.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm sorry, Because the funny thing is he kept being addressed as Senator Kelly and then I was like his name better not be Robert. If it's Robert, I'm like, oh my God, I cannot watch this movie the same, thinking like, oh, so they kidnap. But no, that was it. Tell us you had anything To add on to X-Men 1 before we get to X-Men 2.

Speaker 3:

Oh, no, no, no, alright.

Speaker 1:

X-2, the good one. So at the white house we got nightcrawler. He was brainwashed and he's teleporting through the white house attacking the secret service men trying to get to the president. Um, he got shot and he retreats. But man, let me tell you that was a good scene, that was a great way to open up the movie, honestly.

Speaker 1:

And then next, you know, logan goes to this abandoned military installation in alberta to um, figure out his past, finds no leads, uh, jean gray's having premonition and struggling with, uh, concentrating her power. You know, whole phoenix saga thing going on. But here's my funny thing. Maybe this is just me, but you're gonna do the whole phoenix force thing that should have been alluded to in the last film to where it just kind of feels like y'all just throwing this in and it's like okay, it's gonna allude to it in the third film. But I don't know. Like, if you were gonna Go that route anyways, I would've Said it would've been better if you at least hinted At it in the first film. But that's just me.

Speaker 1:

Later on Logan Comes back, he tells Xavier, and then he tracks Nightcrawler, using Cerebro. Xavier and Cyclops go to question Magneto who's in jail, you know, after the whole thing with X-1. And then Storm and Jean Grey go to get Nightcrawler and that's when Colonel Stryker shows up, approaches, the president, receives the approval to investigate Xavier's school. You know, because of mutants and because the recent attacks that have been happening, it's like, ok, maybe we need to look into these children to see if they're a threat or not. So Stryker got his boys to invade the school, abduct some of the children, you know, pretty much an excuse to continue his experimentations on mutants. And this is when Colossus also get introduced into this trilogy and he leaves them all to leave the remaining students to safety, while Logan you know the main ones Logan Rogue, iceman and Pyro escape.

Speaker 1:

And Stryker's sister's oh, that's the funny thing, I didn't know her name at first, I just thought she was like one of those ex-projects, but her name's actually Yuriko Oyama. Uh, hold on, let me see if she's like oh, she's Lady Deathstrike, that's right, that's right, that's what she was. Um, so logan confronts striker and he pretty much striker kind of gets to his head saying that, oh, I know you more than you think, my friend. I'm like, wait, how do you know me? I'm like, oh, bro, if you knew the things, we've done the work we accomplished yeah, and essentially mystique seduces the guy into like drinking this.

Speaker 1:

I guess I think it's like a pill or something that had like iron or whatnot and I don't know something. Point being is like he kind of drug the dude into falling, you know kind of making out with him, and the next thing, you know, he grabbed, she grabbed to help him out and then also, I think, injecting him or something like that. Point being is that Mystique helped Magneto get out of jail. Also, I think injecting him or something like that Point being is that Mystique helped Magneto get out of jail and they pretty much discovered Schemax to make a second Cerebro, so that way they can, instead of trying to help use it in a more ethical way, they're going to use it to kill all the humans.

Speaker 1:

So so the main party of x-men visit, uh, x-men parents and brother in boston and let's just say they were not well. Well, hold on. I want to say the parents were kind of cool with it, but then the brother wanted to be a bitch and snitch on him because, oh well, I don't like how you got with some bullshit, and essentially it was the brother that was the reason why shit went south.

Speaker 3:

Before I continue, y'all got anything y'all want to add on. Oh, let's see as far as that goes. We talk about this. This will be the what I think. This is the third movie, I believe.

Speaker 1:

No, the second.

Speaker 3:

This is the second.

Speaker 3:

I thought this was the third one. Okay, so, under the pretenses, context of their end, especially with the fact of how this one went, I feel like this is where they started to kind of mess things up, you know, because I was like this is where they started To kind of mess things up, you know, because I was like Like, okay, y'all doing what you call a little too much and not enough At the same time. Like, flesh out one side Of this damn story. Don't keep trying to go and do more and more and more, because, like, if you're going to do Phoenix, do Phoenix. You know what I'm saying. Do Phoenix in the correct way. Don't just sit here and be like, okay, we got it.

Speaker 3:

I kind of got lackluster, we put that blue stuff together, so that's why, I'm like, and then, as we get to the third one, yeah, it's going to be kind of relatively the same, because there are things that they could have done way better, but I got this, that's what I got. For this, hope God is what you got, what you got.

Speaker 2:

It seems you've Added some more iron To your diet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's right. That's right. He injected iron Into the guy so that way, when the guy goes back to the prison, he would be like Pretty much suck out the iron From his blood and shit and then make those Little warps and pretty much Escape to the prison from his blood and shit and then made those little warps and pretty much escaped through prison using just a little bit of iron in somebody's blood. That's what happened, that's right.

Speaker 2:

All you JoJo Bizarre Adventure fans. This was my favorite stand in the entire series. Just being out there, bro, when that creepy black iris dude because you know he didn't have no white eyes, he had black eyes death incarnate his power to be able to control the iron and everything. Just extract the iron from your body and completely fuck you up, bro, which I understand after watching, after watching x2 that scene right there which is also one of the funniest things, one of the most replayed scenes in X-Men first one is when Quicksilver goes back and saves everyone is one of the most viewed scenes of X-Men scenes in the on YouTube right now. One of the top five is Magneto's breakout scene. That scene right there when he's completely surrounded in a completely prison full of glass and he breaks out with the iron, turns the iron into a saucer and just floats up and just creates these little balls that just starts impaling people left and right. Just shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. Yeah, that's one of the most rewatched scenes on YouTube of the X-Men franchise. So just something to keep in mind on today. That's how iconic that scene was. It was the best scene in the movie and the only scene that people really remember in the movie other than Lady Death strike dying. That's about it.

Speaker 2:

There's not much you can remember in this movie. To be honest, if you go back and rewatch it it is a good rewatch, like I'll give you. Like, maybe you're right on that. Out of this trilogy it's great. Out of out of those three, yeah, but um, that's like the only two scenes that you really can remember. All that that's about it.

Speaker 2:

Um, other than that, I do agree with talos on that storyline situation is the fact that, like, okay, this is where we started trying to get a storyline, where it's like, because the first movie, just everyone's just meeting together, this is just it was out the wall, like there was no real storyline, it was just whatever. This was. One was like, okay, we have an a storyline and we got a b storyline and we're trying to piece everything together and stuff like that and it just it doesn't quite flow the best, but it flows better than the first movie, so you can still count it as a good, like it's definitely counted better than the first movie, most definitely, yeah. So, yeah, those are like the storyline is the easiest to follow of the first three, but even watching it you can still tell it's kind of all over the place. They weren't exactly sure what they wanted to do yet, like they had an A and B. They had the end goal, but that journey there was shaky. It was real shaky yeah.

Speaker 1:

I would say that X2 was the best by default, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Just what that means. But yeah, that's just me on personal after that. So so I got um, I like the introduction of Colossus. Uh, was he used effectively? No, um, but as we've already established from the from this trilogy, here is Hugh Jackman is Wolverine. That's the whole selling point here right now. So we get introduced to other X-Men, but don't expect don't expect them to be useful at all.

Speaker 1:

By the way, can I just point out how I like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. But it's funny how some people felt like, eh, it doesn't feel very comic book accurate because Wolverine was supposed to be shorter than that hugh jackman's like what six feet tall. And then y'all got this uh guy playing a dude that's supposed to be like a midget or something because, uh, canonically, um, people call him a midget, whatnot. But I'm like I think he's like five, five and that's bit this kind of mean, like he's not a midget boy, he's not exactly tall either. I call it blasphemy.

Speaker 2:

I call it blasphemy because in the same people that was super excited when we had this man play and I did not huge at him, but you'll get what I'm saying when I'm hinting onto this. We had this man play superman and gerald of rivia. There was no complaints whatsoever until he was about to leave and one of the reasons they were happy of trying to get a different person is because he was short and they had to keep putting stilts on him. Shut up, yeah dude.

Speaker 1:

But um, you know what, just to make it real quick, essentially Stryker's plan was to pretty much wipe out all the mutants by using his own son, jason, who also has mind-controlling powers like Xavier, who Stryker used to force Xavier to do this. Essentially it was more like a lock to where he's going to force Xavier to use the second to rebrow to locate all of the mutants and then have Jason essentially like lock him in so he can't like escape or some shit, I don't know. While that was going on, wolverine was fighting Lady Deathstrike. Magneto pretty much was tagging along.

Speaker 1:

You know, like I said before, it's where in the first movie he was clearly the bad guy. In this one it's more like he was helping until he wasn't. But essentially Magneto was pretty much giving them the exposition to it. Yeah, it's Stryker, that's the one that's making the second Cerebro To kill up all the mutants, and he was the one who grafted the adamantium Skeleton onto Wolverine. And also he decided that this is going to be the movie where he's going to be catty towards our roads. Where he was, he and Steve were kind of like chuckling at her talking about we love what you're doing with your hair. I'm like you, motherfuckers.

Speaker 2:

We have introduced our big bad. That is the cause of everything. It was not. That is the cause of everything. Yeah, it was not very well executed. This is the ultimate vinyl boss of everybody, like y'all just literally said he's an X-Men Galactus Sentinel-level threat and proceeded to not make him a Galactus Sentinel-level threat.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's like what we said with Rhoad they have the nerfing.

Speaker 2:

There's an understatement in this case.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, other than that, x-men flee from the dam that was about to be engulfed, striker gets killed in that ship, the X-Jets about to lose power and it was about to fall into the water too, until gene decides you know what, I'm gonna sacrifice myself to help y'all escape. So she holds back, the water raves, jet up um, the flames erupt and she lets go and allows the flood to crash upon her, presumably killing her. But we know that's not really the case. And you know the X-Men give Stryker's file to the president, xavier warns him that humans and humans must work together to build peace. And then, back at the school, xavier and the others remember Gene, you know, kind of like have a memorial, blah, blah, blah. And then you know you see that beanie shape, um, in the leg, so you know she's not dead.

Speaker 2:

um, that was pretty much x2 and I do want to point out one plot hole. In the first movie they had harnesses that were attached to the ship. For this reason they showed that in the first movie Gene should have been on a harness.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's almost like it's supposed to be Symbolic to where oh Gene died and then she's going to come back In the third film like a phoenix.

Speaker 2:

So after the fact that Gene Is actually powerful enough to Hold back the water and lift up the plane with no issues whatsoever.

Speaker 1:

So hey man, we got another homeowner situation. I'm like, come on, bro, you could have lifted up that plane. And bro, you know what? I know this is not the review for that, but I just want to say, after finally getting to gen v, I'm like you mean to tell me that chick's main motivation to do all of this is because of homelander.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we'll talk about when we get there, but yeah oh yeah, something like I'll probably bring it back up during that time something funny about that, that whole plane scene with Homelander. Apparently that was actually a joke. The writers actually wrote that on purpose because they actually were very upset with DC and Marvel movies about shit like that. We'll talk about that more in depth later. But yeah, apparently there was a lot more to that scene and what Homelander says than just everyone thinking that he's lazy. But either of the way, just wanted to mention that.

Speaker 1:

Alright, and now let's talk about the last damn. So Xavier and Magneto meet up with young Jean Grey keeping in mind, this is more like a flashback back in 86, with their birth, meeting Jean Grey at their parents house, invited her to join their school at the X mansion, and then, 10 years later, in 1996, you find out that old buddy, warren Worthington, senior the second, he finds out that his son is a mutant and, uh, the boy tried to cut off his wings with a knife and shit. So, pretty much like what Kokugatsu was saying, not exactly a kid-friendly movie. So Anyways, in the present time, uh, uh, worthington labs announced that they got this thing going on to where they're gonna suppress the x gene and give mutants their abilities and all uh that give mutants their ability, excuse me, essentially offering the mutants a cure to anyone who wants it. While some mutants, like rogue, was like oh yeah, I would love to have a cure because I want to be able to touch people again, and while other people were against it, like storm, I'm like, no, we're not doing that, we're fine as we are. Like why can't y'all just accept us as we are? You know, kind of like Spike said, which is funny because I still remember Spike from X-Men Evolution, but this part got Spike man In theory in comparison.

Speaker 1:

But point being is that Spike in this one said the one line that pretty much encapsulated the whole movie, to where, in the final act, where worthington was almost about to die and whatnot, and he was like saying I only tried to help you people. And then spike was saying, do we look like we need your help? And I'm like, uh, buddy, you have spikes coming out your face. Ah, that was the worst time to say that, but I get what you're saying. I don't know about those choice of words, but okay, oh yeah, pyro, he decided to leave the School because, you know, too cool For school and he had this whole thing going on with Iceman. You know Pyro and Ice, but, um, while and he had this whole thing going on with Iceman, you know fire and ice and more and more. But, um, while, you know people are taking their sides about the cure, magneto reestablished the Brotherhood of Mutants for people who are against the cure and warning that it will be weaponized to exterminate all of mutant kind. So, with the help of Pyro Callisto, several other mutants like Spike, magneto attacks this mobile prison and frees Mystique, motual man and Juggernaut. By the way, juggernaut, death hits when you're like in the ground and Kitty Bright pretty much trapped you there and is like I'm the Jugbanaut bitch. Like I fucking laughed when I watched that. Like this was the one x-men movie I actually watched in the theater. The other two I was like I just happened to see them at one point, but this is the one x-men movie back in the day that I actually went to the theaters To watch. So I definitely remember that moment.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, matt Needle Attacks this mobile prison. Oh yeah, another scene, another part. Mystique was trying to commit that one guard to let her out, even as a little girl or as a president. It's like please, let me go, please. And I was like bitch, you got One more time. But um, point being is that Mystique shields Magneto From a cure, dart Loses her mutant abilities and then Magneto Is like sorry, my dear, you're not one of us anymore.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, yeah, she pretty much got written out the narrative in the most disrespectful way, like it's not even a matter of like. She just like oh, no, no, okay. Uh, she does come back in one scene when she was interrogated by the FBI. But okay, I thought she was Like written out the whole Story after that. I'm like, really that's kind of Unceremonious for all.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, scott Cyclops, whatever your prerogative is how you want to Address him. So he's still mad about Jean Grey dying and Drives to the resting location at the Alkali Lake where you know events are exited. Jean suddenly appears to Scott but as the two embrace and kiss each other, jean started, you know, developing those symptoms, you know with the eyes and whatnot. Next thing, you know, jean kills Cyclops offscreen Like you don't with the eyes and whatnot. Next to you know, gene kills Cyclops offscreen Like you don't get to see what exactly happened. You just gotta trust and believe that he is dead.

Speaker 1:

And I was one of those people that thought, okay, is this like a psycho or is he like dead, dead, like I don't know what's going on, like that's not telling me much about him. Just having his shades floating around, that doesn't tell me a whole lot. So I might want to believe that, oh, he's going to come back, he's got to come back, right, right. And then you know he doesn't. But that's only in this movie. Once again, we'll talk about that when we do Days of Future Past. So Xavier sends Logan and Storm to investigate. They find the floating rocks and whatnot, find Scott's glasses and Jean unconscious on the ground. So they take her back, try to run some tests and whatnot, and Xavier explains that Jean was like wrapped in this cocoon of telepathic energy and apparently she also freed the phoenix, which is like this dark personality, alternate personality.

Speaker 1:

So apparently she got split personality now, which is you know, been a thing, whether it's comics or the OG series, like did they? Yeah, yeah, they did do an OG cartoon, but uh, yeah, yeah, um Was, uh, oh, yeah, god, like Destructive power. Uh, xavier had that telepathically repressed All the time and that's why Jean Grey Was like oh, wolverine, I see Xavier, have you dang too.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like yeah, yeah, she was like, oh man. So Logan is kind of disgusted to learn that, oh so, you've been messing with her head the whole time. And once she's away she discovers that, yeah, she killed Scott, she's not Jean Grey. He wants new that, yeah, she killed Scott. Uh, she's not the Jean Grey he once knew. Blah, blah, blah. Uh, the Phoenix emerges, knocks out Logan right after, uh, she tried to seduce him, you know, basically telepathically, take his belt off.

Speaker 1:

I was like um, it's Gates learning of Dean's resurrection. Uh, magneto and the brotherhood arrive at um, the Grey household. You know, like back in um the first scene with the flashback so pretty much. Um, jean Grey pulled a home letter and was like um, you gotta go back to your roots, you gotta go back to where it started. Um, and then essentially, magneto you gotta go back to your roots, you gotta go back to where it started. And then essentially Magneto, xavier and all of them trying to converge onto this household to talk to Jean, and shit goes out real fast to a point where she ends up destroying the house and disintegrates. Xavier and Magneto was like listen, my dear, I can help, you, just come with me. And then she just goes with him. Before I continue, y'all got anything y'all want to add on.

Speaker 2:

Alright, Go ahead Talos.

Speaker 3:

I ain't got much to add on to this other than crappy shit storm so it was the second movie where we had the falsified deadpool.

Speaker 3:

I thought this is I don't know why. I thought that was the third one Because I was like but regardless of I'm going to say this for both of them One that If it wasn't for that Deadpool, we wouldn't have the Deadpool we have today, which I am proud of. But also, too, um, they could have done way better. This is where I say they should have done way better. Should have, because they tried to. Basically, they didn't even read no comics. This is based off of the X-Men cartoon. Yeah, because in the X-Men cartoon, you basically see Phoenix as this evil, evil entity, but Phoenix is not an evil entity.

Speaker 1:

No, like, see, that's the thing, like, um, she's not always evil with the Phoenix Wars, it's just more like she has the Phoenix Wars, but that doesn't mean like she always has like this Dr Jekyll, Mr Hyde Type thing going on. It's more like, is more like there is a Dark Phoenix saga. Yeah, but then it wasn't always like that when she had the power. But what were you saying, kuki?

Speaker 2:

I'm saying the thing is like Dark Phoenix isn't actually evil. Period is the issue. You made a villain of someone who was actually not a villain per se. Imagine this Literally, what Dark Phoenix Imagine in the Dragon Ball Super franchise if, literally, beerus was just the villain of the franchise, not just like he was introduced as a destroyer, and then be like, oh well, it's what type of whatever thing. It's like oh, I mean, I'm just a destroyer. That be like oh well, you know, it's what type of whatever thing it's like oh, I mean, I'm just a destroyer, that's just my job type of thing. That's. That's essentially what phoenix does. It destroys and recreates. That's literally that's what the point of it's supposed to be.

Speaker 2:

But um, literally my biggest frustration with the phoenix in this movie was during the time, that period this came out. It was literally a point of the fantastic four series. We got silver surfer announced. So at this point everyone was like holy shit, if we got dark phoenix and x-men and we got silver surfer in the fantastic four with confirmed galactus, this is our crossover, because Phoenix, force and Galactus go hand in hand. That's what it's supposed to be and people were super. People were so fucking excited. They were like holy shit, we got Dark Phoenix in the movie, we are about to get Galactus. This is about to be lit, this is about to be legit. We finna have the crossover and the contract, and the contract fell.

Speaker 1:

Wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on. Okay, I hear what you're saying, but think about it. Okay, they're going to do Fantastic Four one more time. And then they're already saying that Silver Surfer and Galactus is going to be the villains in this one, because we didn't get that in the first two times that they tried to do Fantastic Four.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was announced.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was announced, but that's what I'm saying. It's like, okay, it's good timing that they're trying to work in the movie, you know, with Deadpool, wolverine and all that, and they're trying to work that in and shit. And now I'm just trying to figure out if they're trying to bring back Galactus and the Phoenix saga ties into Galactus being involved. I'm like how is that going to work if the Fantastic Four movie is going to come out before that even happens in the MCU?

Speaker 2:

I mean. The thing about it is you can't kill Galactus, so he comes back, like he always comes back.

Speaker 3:

Okay and the way? Well, okay, back then you couldn't kill Galactus. You can kill Galactus, but you know we're going way.

Speaker 1:

Nobody's really dead in the MCU guys.

Speaker 3:

You know what?

Speaker 2:

I'm saying even that like Galactus was like damn near cursed with his own immortality, like not just immortal hunger, he's been defeated near death and then like not necessarily reincarnated, but kind of like reanimated back. He was pissed about that shit. He was like I thought I was finally dead and I'm now back. So like that's what I mean. Like you technically can't really. I mean you want to count that as technically he dies and then resurrects. You can kill him, he just keeps resurrecting.

Speaker 3:

You can kill him because he has been dead. They've killed him in many a story, but it's just. Once again. Tlc is what TLC looks like, ghost Rider. But here's my thing. Here's the issue right With this. You got people Hyped because we were like, oh shit, the comics are actually Coming to the big screen. We're legit getting good Shit Once again. Just like I'm going to say about the Fantastic Four movies, they were good for their time. However, fantastic Four, silver Surfer and this third X-Men here these two were the ones that I say hey, y'all damn sure should have did that because of the way that they fucked around, especially in the case of X-Men. You dropped the ball with Phoenix.

Speaker 2:

Heavily, Heavily dropped the ball with Phoenix, Because one of those ones is like, like Tyler Stevenson said, they tried to copy into the show. Into the show, keep in mind, onto it, like I know you've already talked about it, JB already. But in the show, keep in mind onto it, like I know you've already talked about it, JB already, but in the show it literally was a point that they were able to contain the Phoenix Force. So, first off, an understanding how they nerfed the Phoenix Force in this movie and first off, being, oh, it's just a separate personality. When they wrote that in the story, I was like, oh hell, no See, you gotta fuck. Wait a second.

Speaker 2:

Oh, is one of Jean Grey's person. That no, no, no, the Phoenix Force exists and it gathers a host and it can switch from people to people. Jean wound up being the strongest person nearby that it wanted to latch on to. But everybody has an opportunity of getting the Phoenix Force. Scott has gotten the Phoenix Force and this is not just one of those things like oh, this happened recently. No way before this movie came out, other people have had the Phoenix Force.

Speaker 2:

Just saying like it's just one of those things I'm just like oh, it's just like she just had an alternate personality. No, I'm like y'all already fucked up. Y'all don't know what the hell y'all doing. Oh hell, no bro.

Speaker 2:

And I do want to say this also because I actually did want to mention three quick things. I'm going to be real quick. First thing is this Juggernaut can say bitch in the movie, but you can't show Scott dying. That don't make no damn sense to me. How the fuck we get a PG-13? First off, bitch is not a word that's approved in the PG-13 rating. How the hell they snuck that by, I don't even understand.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, they did get in with the F words where Scott and Wolverine, you know like the whole love triangle thing, it was like I'll fucking kill you bro.

Speaker 2:

No, that's the thing. You can say fuck three times in a movie and still get a PG rating. Once it hits four times, then it's an R-rated movie for language Bitch. You say that one time in a movie, it's supposed to be an instant R-rated film Immediately. That's what I'm saying. That's not one of the approved words in the film. To get a PG-13 rating? Not at all. That's been like that since 2003, I think. So like nah Nah bruh. So like nah Nah bruh. There's no reason, none whatsoever. I don't even know how the hell they let that slide by, but you let that slide by, but we can't actually see a proper death on the screen. Bullshit, bullshit to me. But the second thing into this is that this movie wound up getting so many views into it that literally two iconic scenes wound up being repeated in Well, two iconic things that happened in this movie wound up being repeated in two other franchises.

Speaker 2:

First off, we're going to talk about pyro. What in the M Night, shyamalan, motherfucking bullshit. Firebender, shit is this? My nigga only has the ability. Oh, I have to start a fire with the fucking lighter and then I can control it. That's what happened to the firebenders in that movie that we should not be named. What the fuck. Now, granted, I will say pyro did have some limitations inside comics and inside shows. But just making it to that whole point of, oh, unless I could start a fire, I am worthless nigga. No, bro, what the hell they turned him. He literally just the only thing he could do was flamethrowers and occasional fireballs. Pyro had full fire manipulation. What the fuck is wrong anyway?

Speaker 2:

Second thing you mentioned about the whole mystique situation. That whole thing was so iconic we got a chance to see it in my hero academia. He jumped in front of the needle and lost all his powers. Yeah, those are my three things I wanted to mention, since this movie otherwise I'm like, nah, bro, they dropped the ball heavily onto this one. You had a big budget and you only this movie was was released to milk people. They wanted to take full advantage that we were so excited after watching x2 and we was like, like I said at the time, we were super excited. And then we got announced dark phoenix oh my god. And at the same time it was like, oh, silver surfer and galactic is going to be a fantastic. We were super fucking excited. They took full advantage and milk that shit.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, but they didn't want that. We were in a simpler times where we didn't have social media and YouTube and people to tell us about plot holes and how, oh, things aren't as good as you thought it was. You just have to hear from word of mouth to where. Oh well, you know, I bought the ticket, like I got there's. There's got to be some sort of justification for me to go out of my way to buy this ticket to watch this movie. So it got to be good to some degree. It just has to be, and it was like that's where, like, um, it's a good danger by young souls?

Speaker 2:

yeah, pretty much, but no, but I mean also, the main thing that they wanted to happen was is that they did actually want to do a little bit, uh, do a crossover into that, but unfortunately the contract wanted to pull them through, which is one of the main reasons why, even though now we are able to have spider-man inside the mcu, we're only now able to start getting x-men into the mcu and possibly getting the uh fantastic four and it's still only possible into that one, because they're not even sure how things are going to go, because with their last remake of that series didn't do too well. So I'm going to see what happens per se into that. They're probably going to wind up dropping Fantastic Four completely from MCU and make it non-existent, but who knows?

Speaker 3:

Well, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

No, like see, I can't really endorse that, simply because the only reason why, like I said before, the only reason why I was said before, the only reason why I was going to say Reed Richards inside of the Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness movie.

Speaker 1:

Oh right, right, right, but no, no, no, listen. The only reason why I even give a flying fuck about this Fantastic Four doing well is because of one thing two words, Doctor Doom. I better have a very good Doom in the MCU. Okay, like that's the only reason why I'm like, listen, as long as they introduce Doom in that Fantastic Four movie, they can do a one and done to where. I'm like, okay, just do Fantastic 4, introduce Dr Doom. The Fantastic Four can fuck off. Keep Doom as the Avengers level threat. That's it, nope.

Speaker 3:

Nah, I'm sorry, we're sorry. I'm not even gonna let that one slide.

Speaker 2:

Fuck all that no.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no, no, no, no, because legit, if Doom's coming and we already got Reed, richard, if Doom and Reed are gonna be here, please, please, for fucking life, give me Ben Grimm and Human Torture.

Speaker 2:

Dang, not even Invisible Woman.

Speaker 3:

Like no Invisible. Woman could be there too. Invisible Woman could be there too. But like I'm like yo, those are his main fucking people he goes in. In order for you to bring Doom, you have to bring about how the fuck he became doom. That's true.

Speaker 1:

I mean, they did say that. Well, you know what. I don't even know if this is going to be true or not, but if they do, it would be great if they had like a standalone film for him. You know kind of like what they try to do with some villains. You know like what they kind of try to do with Black Adam. But not exactly like Black Adam, even though I have nothing against the film, I'm just saying the concepts where, okay, let's give the bad guy his own film. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, hey, they can even fight each other like a torch and all thing. Yeah, fight each other, have that conflict. But you know, honestly, I'm just, I'm just saying Dr Doom is the only thing I give a fuck about when it comes to the fantastic four.

Speaker 2:

So for you it's not the doom, for they don't have anything to do with it. So for you it's not the Doom For Talos. He says obviously we've already seen Reed Richards, even though that was a very dumbass Reed Smart, fucking Reed Richards that we saw anyway. No one argues that. I agree. It's like are you the smartest man? Are you supposed to be one of the smartest people in the room when you do some dumb shit like that?

Speaker 1:

But anyway, oh, you don't want to mess with this guy. He can decimate people with the sound of his voice.

Speaker 2:

Why the fuck would you just tell people that. But anyway, talos wants to make sure that we have to have the other Fantastic Four at least Human, torch and Ben as well. We have to have them in there and I can definitely see into that. So for me, I have hope to get it. I have hope I didn't like the remakes, honestly, the originals. Again, we already talked about this for a time. We already did it. I think we did no, we didn't do aO yet, but that'd be a time Good for their time. But as far as the remakes into it, garbage, absolute garbage To me personally.

Speaker 1:

I mean we'll wait until the new one gets closer to Fantastic Four. That's why I said I was telling myself I kind of want to do Blade, but I'd rather. That's the funny part.

Speaker 2:

I was like hold on why you gotta bring that up.

Speaker 1:

No, no see, that's the funny thing too. I was like hold on, do I really want to make them wait for blade when we don't even know if the new blade movie's gonna even happen?

Speaker 2:

that shit ain't never happening, bro. That shit ain't never fucking happening. You know how many times I don't. You know how many times. Like you already know that I follow classic man d. I already brought him up a couple times. Literally, this man had a whole one minute fit about this damn constant rewrites and stuff. We ain't never getting that goddamn movie, bro.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's almost like the Blade curse is like carrying over Marshal Ali, because you know how Wesley Snipes hated the script for the third Blade film so much that he was actively trying to sabotage the film.

Speaker 2:

I was like, hey yo, this is happening to the first one.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know bro with the first one, though you can't even tell that he was actually trying to sabotage, like. Even then I was like, okay, cheesy, but in a charming way, but it's like you can't even tell that it was being sabotaged. But by the time I got to blade two, I'm like, yeah, yeah, it becomes more noticeable that they're barely I don't know, that's just me, we'll talk about when we get there but no, um, I mean going back, just back, obviously, to the beginning on this.

Speaker 2:

But for x3 there was just definitely some of those scenes. And then, like I know I had already mentioned this early on, no, no, I didn't actually make. I talked to you about this jp beforehand, my bad, uh, nobody gave a fuck about Kitty Pryde. Let's be real.

Speaker 1:

I mean that's the funny thing. As a character she's Well, it's basically the whole Days of Future Past storyline they tried to do in the movie. But I'm not really talking about the movie. I'm more like she was a central character comic book-wise and honestly I was kind of digging her in X-Menmen evolution but in this movie yeah she was pointless.

Speaker 2:

There was there was no point in having her in the movie and it's like, oh, you know, just just to kind of help escape and stuff they have to escape and stuff. I'm like, nah, bro, y'all ain't. There was really no point that they did a horrible job writing her in the movie. She could have been a very good character. Her power to be able to phase through shit Is important, but you gotta be able to actually write. You can't write that character In there like properly.

Speaker 1:

But that goes back to what I was saying, to where they got these characters who have abilities that would be very convenient to the plot, which is why their involvement has to be nerfed. That's why I'm like what's the point of involving them if you can't write around them?

Speaker 2:

exactly that's all. And then the whole point. Then the whole point is especially, I want you to understand, like the dumbest moment, and this is probably one that you could probably be like well, you know she was a kid, so she wasn't really thinking like that. Plus, it was like, you know, there was so much going on. Yeah, that's the exact reason they told her ass to stay the fuck behind because it was a lot of shit going on. But no, she really want, badly wanted, to help, so like, okay, we're gonna go ahead and let you help. Your job is to help break the kid out.

Speaker 3:

Your job because and it was like oh yeah you can phase through shit.

Speaker 2:

You can go ahead and do this. Your job is to get that kid out. Go ahead and break him out. Cool, we're gonna break out the person who I touch and nerf their ability, and I'm gonna phase to phase them through the building. Let's just read, let's just rethink that shit, right there. Yeah, because it wasn't just her. That was her mission. They tasked her to go in and grab the kid whose ability is to cut off your motherfucking powers, and she is supposed to get him out. Oh yeah, with her ability.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, hold on. I like how, when she was trying to do that, to where she was like bathing through the walls and the clothes she got to the kid, the more I was like, ow, I was like, oh well, I must be close.

Speaker 2:

Just yeah, and I'm just sitting here like so what was the point? How was she the fuck supposed to get in that house? In what way? In what way? Absolute garbage ass plan Like was she the fuck supposed to get in that how? In what way? In what way? Absolute garbage ass plan, like just what the fuck bro? It was honestly one of those ones of like oh, if Scott's not here, we can't. If Scott's not here and Professor Xavier's not here, we just can't. We just can't. We don't know how to formulate a good ass plan, a good plan. Motherfucking, fuck that shit. There's a reason. Storm was second in command. Nigga, what the fuck bro? Yeah, storm is a great fucking tactician and it's like in both the show and in the fucking comics. Why you can't do that in the movie, why you got to make the black woman kind of dumb. What the fuck is up with that. That was some real shit, like how?

Speaker 1:

would you do that Well?

Speaker 2:

hold on Kogatsu Sorry.

Speaker 3:

I just don't understand. There's moments I get very.

Speaker 1:

Let me speed through the rest of this flop and then we'll just go ahead and say our final words and close out this part of the extreme review, all right? So, essentially, mystique gets interrogated. Uh, the fbi finds out that manito's face is in the woods and raise it, uh oh, but turns out it was multiple men that was just there as, uh, this, uh distraction, while manito and the brotherhood go to Alcatraz and kill off Jimmy, the mutant that has the geome that creates the cure, and they pretty much take the Brooklyn Bridge and kind of like redirect it towards Alcatraz and walk over there. And oh, charles, always loved the real bridges. I'm like, shut the fuck up, he cheated. It was cheesy in a funny way, but still shut the fuck up. Come on, bro, get the fuck on.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, they overwhelmed the military troops until the X-Men arrived in heroic fashion. During the fight, like you said, kitty Pryde was trying to save Jimmy from the juggernaut, and then Logan was distracted and Magneto long enough, where I like how Magneto's like, oh, you never learn, huh. And then Logan was like, naturally I do. And then that's when Beast shows up behind him, stabs him with multiple cured needles to nullify his powers and shit, and next thing, you know that's when. Oh well, now that Magneto's been neutralized, oh, we need to, um, finally put uh Jean Grey into the spotlight, because she was like reduced to like second command or like secret weapon when she was with Magneto. Up until that point it's like okay, now that magneto is out of the way, now gene gray can take the spotlight as far as like the big bad of this film. So phoenix awakens, destroys anyone within range of her powers. Logan with his, uh, regenerative powers. He's the only one that can like get close enough to stop phoenix, uh. And then when logan approached her, gene momentarily gained control and begs him to kill her. And then you know, mercy, kill. I love you, gene. And then you know he mourns her dead. No, no, dude.

Speaker 1:

Sometime later, mutant rights finally got obtained. Xavier's school is still operating. Storm becomes headmistress. The president appoints the Beast as ambassador to the United Nations. Rogue took the cure, rekindles her relationship with Iceman. Magneto is sitting at this chess board in san francisco. He y'all assume that, oh yeah, his power has been neutralized. But he tries to move a metal chess piece. It kind of wobbles slightly, so it kind of indicates that, oh well, it's not completely gone. And and then mid-post-credit scene. Whatever, moira McTaggart you might remember from X-Men First Class, she checks in on this comatose patient, gets startled when the patient greets her, with Xavier's voice kind of eluding towards oh well, xavier's not really gone either and that's the movie. Y'all got anything to add on to that, gentlemen?

Speaker 2:

Honestly. I don't have a lot to say, but I'm going to keep it very simple Talos, I want to ask you a question. Go ahead, in this movie, which X-Men, aside from Darth Vader, which X-Men was the most nerfed person in this whole movie? Feed this, we're going to get into that. Which X-Men was the most nerfed person in?

Speaker 3:

this whole movie, you mean out of all of them. Everybody. Yeah, that's true. Which one was the most, which one was the?

Speaker 2:

most nerfed.

Speaker 3:

First off, the most nerfed was Magneto. Magneto, by all fucking accounts, was very much so inert Because if you watched X-Men 97, ladies and gentlemen, y'all would know by now. Oh wait, hey, we can't kill this bitch. What you mean? You can't kill Magneto. Niggas sent no master Killed him. He's gone. No, he's not. Huh, yeah, him and Charles got a little thing.

Speaker 3:

There's a reason being. They made them after Malcolm X and Martin Luther. Their spirit never dies. They're indestructible. They just simply shift In the movies they were supposed to be made to where they could shift bodies, magneto, like ooh, ooh. When I tell you there's a lot of things, I mm. Right now I can't say what I want to say. And the reason I can't say what I want to say is because, see, it's gonna start Comic book. I can still up and I ain't got time for that. So I'ma say it like it is. Everybody across that damn board was nerfed, even Phoenix was fucking nerfed, because Phoenix, you know, wiped out everybody. Ooh, logan has regenerative power. Logan can get there. No, the fuck he can't, Because she could burn through Alamantium. Little fuck. But once again, I'm not saying nothing. I'm not here. Go ahead, kodatsu. I'm not saying nothing, I'm not here. Go ahead, kofi Tatsu. I'm going back on mute.

Speaker 2:

I had to bring it out, bro, I had to bring it out. Look, so I was talking with my brother on to this one, my eldest brother. So both my brothers are 80s babies, so they were very, very deep into comics, x-men being like our family thing. So for a long time Wolverine was like a favorite character of mine that I switched to Gambit, and mostly because I just fucking love Gambit and then once I understood more of his powers, he was my favorite, even definitely my favorite, into that aspect there and listen, I'm not gonna say too much, but I I'm not going to say too much, but I almost feel bad for Gamma and X-Men 97, only because Almost Nah, bro, that did my nigga dirty.

Speaker 1:

I mean no, no, no, hold on, hold on, hold on the only reason why I say almost Is because, hey, man, that is Magneto, though man.

Speaker 2:

Don't do fucking Damn. Plus, they did him dirty Cause. Fucking. Gambit's a motherfucker and no mega level mutant. Fuck all that shit. He's no mega level mutant nigga. He can touch the earth and if he felt like it, gamma is a motherfucking omega level mutant. Fuck all that shit. He's an omega level mutant nigga. He can touch the earth and if he felt like it, blow that bitch up if he wanted to.

Speaker 2:

Y'all Fuck around and find out. Nah, they always have to nerve him, anyway, but no one of the characters that my brother wound up talking to me about. He was very upset, especially because, in fact, like Tyler said, my brother said the same thing that you said that this movie was based on the show was based onto the show that was becoming popular and not on the comics, not on understanding of the storyline. One of the most nerfed characters in this entire movie nerfed so much that you're kind of trying to figure out what's the fucking point of adding this character to the motherfucking movie outside of Kitty Pryde is Angel. Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question, jb. What is Angel's mutant abilities?

Speaker 1:

Um, I know flight is one thing you know, obviously with the wings. But um, I'm trying to remember. I know he got more than no no hold on, so play is the only thing you got going on. So I'm like there's got to be a reason why Apocalypse keeps approaching this dude to become a horseman of the Apocalypse. That's all I'm saying. There gotta be something more to this guy, or maybe I'm overthinking it. The only thing he got going on is flight.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, in this movie, that's it. That is the only thing they wanted to give him. Oh, my mutabilities. I just have giant fucking angel wings. Oh my God, this nigga literally lives on his name. He is an actual angel flight, super fucking human strength. This man can bench, this man could literally I'm not gonna say on superman level, I'm not gonna say that, I'm not gonna say that but literally was like century, almost up there, almost up there. But understanding the fact that there is, like you said, there's a reason. Apocalypse wanted angel to be one of his four horsemen because he is that motherfucking powerful, literally is. But you would never guess that you watch this movie. You think the only mutant ability that he has is, oh, he has giant wings. I'm like, nah, there's more to it than that. You watch this movie, you think the only mutant ability that he has is, oh, he has giant Wings.

Speaker 1:

I'm like nah, there's more to it than that. That's why I'm like.

Speaker 2:

There was so much. There was so much that happened. This was one of those ones. Like when comic fans Watched the movie, they was like what the fuck were y'all doing? Y'all just have no. What the fuck were y'all doing. Y'all just have no idea what the hell you're doing, whatsoever, do you? And the answer's no, no, you have no clue, none whatsoever. You don't know what you're doing. You don't know at all what you're doing. The story you can't really, it's just all over the damn place. The characters nothing like characters. Just what in the world?

Speaker 1:

Honestly, there's nothing like characters. Just what in the world? Honestly, I want to say, even though a lot of these mutants Are pretty powerful, I don't know the power scale Between these mutants exactly. You know there's like Omega level mutants, alpha level mutants, blah, blah, blah. I know that part, but I'm just saying If you were to stack the X-Men With Magneto and the Brotherhood dudes and all that, hey man, don't ask me all that, like, I'm not going to have a strong answer. My whole point being is that, as far as the movies go, oddly enough, that's not even the worst offense to me. The worst offense. You already know what was the worst offense.

Speaker 2:

You know, remind me, there's a bunch of different ones.

Speaker 1:

I give you a hint X-Men First Class.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I thought you were talking about these three. Obviously, when we get to our next review, that's when we're going to be like oh so this is where the people writing this was just like fuck all y'all, we have no idea what we're writing and we're just going to release whatever the fuck we want to release, type shit. That's the next couple movies On a spiritual level.

Speaker 1:

That was the worst offense, Because I was like no fucking way, Ain't no fucking way.

Speaker 2:

So it's so goddamn much so, so much on like it helps, it helps.

Speaker 1:

That's all I got to say on X3. Y'all got anything y'all want to say before we close this, all this out.

Speaker 2:

Nah, I'm pretty good.

Speaker 1:

Alright, cool, cool, cool, alright. With that being said, that concludes the OG trilogy part of the X-Men Extreme Review. The next part will be the prequel quadrology. You know, first Class Days of Future, past, apocalypse and Dark Phoenix, I'm going to do mutants. I mean, unless, koki, I see you interested in doing new mutants with me, I'll be more than happy to have you on. I just thought, you know, I thought I was going to be the only one that's going to at least mention it.

Speaker 3:

I just thought, you know, I thought I was gonna be the only one that's gonna at least mention it so I hop on news because in all honesty, it was like, yeah, we don't talk about it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I have my gripes, I want to get out um, I think we'll save that for the tail end of the next part, yeah, and then after that part we're gonna do the wolverine movies and finally the deadpool movies, but for the time being we're just gonna go ahead and go into intermission. So, uh, stay tuned for more.

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